"Master! Master don't want it! "

Qingyun naturally knew what Hou Yuan planned to do, and shouted loudly.

I hope that he, the master, can raise his noble hand and spare him.

Over the years, he has exchanged countless human lives for Hou Yuan with strong qi and blood to survive, and he has also obtained the cultivation of the refining period.

But it's just that he sees the threshold of the immortal path, and he doesn't want to die yet.

"A bunch of waste, you can't touch the Immortal Dao if you are left."

"It's better to be a teacher!"

Hou Yuan was already iron-hearted to absorb the qi and blood of his disciples.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and without hesitation, the bodies of Qingyun several people began to tremble continuously.

The originally plump and round skin was like a deflated leather ball, and suddenly only a layer of bone was left connected to the skin.

The eyes of several people were also full of fear and unwillingness.

But so what, this is an era when the strong are honored and the immortal path is king.

In Hou Yuan's eyes, the weak can only be used as fertilizer for the strong, nourishing these strong people and allowing them to get closer to the Immortal Dao.

Ignoring the wails of several people before they died, Hou Yuan's face showed a look of enjoyment.

And his skin also became full again with the continuous loss of qi and blood of several people.

Even a lot younger than before, this evil art couldn't help but frown even when Jiang Ran looked at it.

"It's you next, after the old man sucks you dry."

"I'm sucking the whole town dry, so that the old man's cultivation..."


An eerie smile appeared on Hou Yuan's face, that seeping smile.

In the place where it is dark at this moment, it is particularly terrifying.

But the expression on Jiang Ran's face remained unchanged at all.

"It's just some crooked ways."

"The qi and blood in your body will continue to drain, which means that these are not obtained by your own cultivation."

Jiang Ran sneered, and his qi and blood were not weaker than this bloody soul.

Even if the blood soul in the sky was added together, Jiang Ran only had contempt in his heart.

His own cultivation is actually cultivated.

After spending two lifetimes, how could he be afraid of this evil devil in front of him.

"Hmph, sharp-toothed brat!"

"The path of immortality, the strong are respected!"

Hou Yuan hated others the most for saying that he was a crooked way, and his hands constantly emitted bloody dark light.

The blood souls in the sky began to swoop down towards Jiang Ran.

That hateful gaze seemed to be about to devour Jiang Ran's flesh and blood with this heavenly blood soul.


Jiang Ran shouted loudly, and his right foot stomped on the ground.

In an instant, the entire ground shook for a while, and the entire street seemed to collapse a little.

After this loud drink, a trace of fear began to spread in Hou Yuan's pupils.

Behind Jiang Ran, a blood-colored violent bear that was as tall as eight zhang rose up.

The wanton roar exuded endless anger.

The blood soul in the sky actually began to be uncontrolled by Hou Yuan.


Jiang Ran also suddenly moved, and his figure crossed out with one step.

Above the ground, spiderweb-like cracks spread out in all directions, and countless gravel dust drifted in the air.

Before it fell, Jiang Ran narrowed the distance between the two of them by more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

A punch is thrown, with endless ferocity, like a punch of a violent bear.

Just by watching this punch swing, Hou Yuan's face was full of fear.

He could clearly see that this punch was getting closer and closer to him, but Hou Yuan couldn't avoid it.

It is impossible to avoid it, although it can be seen.

But he couldn't move all over, as if he was directly shocked by this fierce aura.


Hou Yuan's abdomen fiercely caught Jiang Ran's punch, and in an instant, Hou Yuan felt that he was full of qi and blood that he had won hard.

It was as if after receiving a heavy blow, it began to scatter continuously.

Countless blood qi that was not controlled by himself continued to rush around, and blood continued to spit out from Hou Yuan's mouth.

And his body flew towards the open space in the back alley as if he had been hit by a truck.

It smashed a stone wall before it could stop.

Many people heard the movement outside, and they all started to come out with lanterns to investigate.

Jiang Ran also knew that soon this place would be surrounded by villagers who were doing good things.

A stride came to Hou Yuan, and Hou Yuan thought that Jiang Ran was going to give himself the final blow to understand himself.

His face turned pale with fright, and he didn't wait for the words of mercy to come out.

He felt that his collar was lifted by Jiang Ran and quickly left the place.

After a few moments, I went to the woods outside the town.


Hou Yuan was thrown to the ground by Jiang Ran, and the bones that were about to fall apart were already clattering continuously at this time.

"Senior, spare your life, it's a small one who can't see Tarzan!"

"Please read that it is not easy for the villain to cultivate, let the villain go, you can do whatever you want the villain!"

Thrown on the ground by Jiang Ran, Hou Yuan immediately knelt on the ground and frantically kowtowed in the direction of Jiang Ran.

Even if there was blood on his forehead, he did not dare to stop.

"I also like what you said earlier."

"The path of immortality, the strong are respected."

The corners of Jiang Ran's mouth raised slightly, looking at Hou Yuan in front of him, the contempt on his face did not weaken in the slightest.

"Yes, yes, seniors like it."

A smile appeared on Hou Yuan's ugly face, catering to Jiang Ran.

But this smile is uglier than crying.

"I have some questions for you."

"You just said that the martial arts of this world are not good, and the immortal path is respected, right?"

"I have been practicing with my master in the countryside for many years, so I don't know much about this."

"Tell me well, if you lie to me, then you know."

A cold glint flashed in Jiang Ran's eyes, and his qi and blood burst out again.

That booming sound was the sound of qi and blood flowing wildly in the body.

Hou Yuan didn't have to try to know how much power the young man in front of him had.

Just now, this young man was obviously merciful to his subordinates, otherwise Hou Yuan knew that if the other party tried his best, he would not be able to bear a punch at all.

Thinking of this, a chill appeared in Hou Yuan's spine.

When did a warrior become so powerful?

But Hou Yuan didn't dare to think about it, and finally had a chance to live.

He couldn't waste it, and immediately began to say everything he knew and heard in front of Jiang Ran.

Including where the location of this area belongs, and what sects are nearby.

Knowing everything is endless, Hou Yuan's explanation can be described as very detailed.

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