"So it is, it turns out that martial arts is such an existence in this world."

A moment later, after Hou Yuan's words were finished, Jiang Ran's face also showed a thoughtful look.

"Yes, yes, but the predecessors are different, the martial arts realm of the predecessors is definitely unprecedented!"

With a fawning smile, Hou Yuan looked at Jiang Ran in front of him, constantly patting the horse's butt.

But Jiang Ran ignored Hou Yuan, slowly raised his right hand, and hit Hou Yuan's neck directly with a hand knife.

The powerful force destroyed Hou Yuan's throat bone in just an instant.

Hou Yuan, whose blood kept coming out of his mouth, kept looking at Jiang Ran with vicious eyes before he died.

"I never promised not to kill you."

Jiang Ran glanced at Hou Yuan indifferently, then turned around and walked back in the direction of the town.

After slightly integrating the information given by Hou Yuan, Jiang Ran had a general understanding of the world he was in.

The place where Jiang Ran was located was a small town in the remote land of the Anfeng Imperial Kingdom in the Northern Region.

There is a sect called the Blood Cloud Sect around it, which is an evil cultivation sect.

And Hou Yuan fled from this sect because the secret method he was cultivating was stolen from the sect.

Hou Yuan, who was originally just a miscellaneous disciple, was also able to cultivate step by step to the foundation building period after having this technique.

Immortal cultivators are divided into the refining period, the foundation building period, the golden pill period, the yuan infancy period and so on.

In this region, the Golden Pill Period is the most powerful master, and the ancestor of the Blood Cloud Sect is the Golden Pill Period cultivator.

As for the Yuan infancy period, according to Hou Yuan's explanation, it was only available in the center of the Anfeng Imperial Kingdom.

Hou Yuan's cultivation was in the middle of foundation building, but it was not as good as Jiang Ran's one-punch enemy.

This is not that Hou Yuan is too weak, but Jiang Ran in the same realm is too strong.

The four realms of refining the body are the realms of the acquired martial artist, and the refining period and the foundation building period are all the realms of the acquired cultivator.

It is equivalent to if you compare, Jiang Ran is the peak of the day after tomorrow, and it can be said that it is the same as the foundation building in the realm.

For the appearance of this message, Jiang Ran still had some pressure in his heart.

Originally thought that his strength was already very strong, he was in the second life, which made Jiang Ran's confidence in his heart unconsciously enough.

"It seems that you will have to work harder in the next life."

Jiang Ran's eyes showed a glint of essence, and the excitement of this world was far beyond his expectations.

This world is indeed as Hou Yuan said, a world dominated by immortal paths.

Martial arts have been in decline in this world for thousands of years.

The current martial arts, except for those civilians who will cultivate to strengthen their bodies.

In addition to the cultivation of the miscellaneous servants in some sects, other immortal cultivators could not look at it at all.

There was simply no one who cultivated martial arts beyond the foundation building period.

This made Jiang Ran have some guesses about whether someone was deliberately suppressing the path of martial arts.

But these are not things that Jiang Ran can know for the time being.


After returning to Baiye Town, it was in the street where Jiang Ran lived.

Quite a few people have run out of their homes, most of them with lanterns.

Seeing that many floors and walls were damaged, everyone thought that a wild boar suddenly ran down the mountain.

But when they saw the bodies of several people of Qingyun Daoist, these simple civilians had some fear in their hearts.

Jiang Ran also glanced at it, and walked towards the house.

As soon as I opened the wooden door, I saw that the candle flame in my home was also lit.

And Ye Yu also ran out of the house.

He threw himself into Jiang Ran's arms, staring at Jiang Ran with a pitiful face, and the grievances in his eyes welled up with tears.

"Brother, where did you run?"

"It's so loud outside, and you're not at home..."

Ye Yu's tears continued to slide down from the corners of his eyes, and his eyes were full of worry for Jiang Ran.

She didn't dare to run out without permission, for fear that she wouldn't find herself when Jiang Ran returned.

But he was alone at home and very worried about Jiang Ran, and heard a different version from his next-door neighbor.

The lady on the left said that wild boars were running over the town.

The uncle on the right said that there were blood-sucking monsters coming in the town.

They all asked her to close the doors and windows and not open the door, which frightened Ye Yu a lot.

"Okay, don't worry."

"Just now you didn't wake up, I made a noise, I went out with a few uncles to take a look."

"Brother, I saw that you hadn't woken up at that time, so I didn't call you."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Jiang Ran patted Ye Yu's head in his arms and soothed him softly.

After all, it is her sister who depends on her life, and I think that there is another person who will worry about herself all the time.

Jiang Ran's heart had a warm current running by.

After saying that he had coaxed Ye Yu, Jiang Ran was not going out either.

Lying on his own bed, he fell asleep directly.

The next day, I still took my sister to the market as usual.

There are many sayings in the market, zombies, monsters, wild boars, mountain gods and the like are all taken out.

Some people even came up with so-called evidence, and Jiang Ran also shook his head silently for the mythical beliefs of these ignorant people.

Anyway, now the martial arts simulator still has a long cooldown.

It's good to take a break during this time, but even if it's a break.

Jiang Ran's cultivation did not fall, although he was now an acquired martial artist.

But Jiang Ran is still trying to find a way to break through the innate.

In the second life, he was already a great consummation of the Blood Refining Realm in his prime, equivalent to the peak of the acquired martial artist.

But in that world, the Blood Refining Realm was like a ceiling at the top.

No one knew how to break through, even some books, Jiang Ran rummaged through it, but could not find any possibility of breakthrough.

But Jiang Ran knew that it was impossible to break through.

From the day after tomorrow to the innate, this belongs to a chasm, if it is crossed.

Only then can we truly surpass the limits of human beings and truly enter the path of martial arts.

The scenery he sees now is just a frog at the bottom of the well.

There are also Jindan, Yuan Baby and so on after the foundation building period of the Immortal Road.

Then his martial path will inevitably have a broader cultivation realm.

Whoever said that martial arts will definitely lose to Immortal Dao.

Since they are all Tao, the starting point is the same, and who can reach the end point is uncertain.


Now, a month has passed.

The festival in the town has also ushered in a warm early spring from winter.

The warm sun in early spring is very comfortable, and Jiang Ran in the courtyard, leaning on the lounge chair to enjoy the spring sun.

They couldn't help but want to take a nap, what happened a month ago, the dried corpses of Qingyun Dao Chang and the others were also gone.

In the end, the government still figured out the reason, saying that it was killed by wild beasts in the mountains.

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