Of course, they are just those innate strong people with ordinary strength.

If it is to fight with the top innate strong, then Jiang Ran still does not dare, and he still has to count how many pounds he has.

I know that I am not a gifted person, but I have more time than anyone else.

Only with more experience and experience than anyone else can Jiang Ran climb to the ceiling of the world's combat power step by step.

Three months later, it's the winter solstice.

Goose-feathered snow continued to fall in this capital, and even the Wugong Palace was dyed snow-white.

After a few days, Jiang Ran will be able to go back.

The six years in this martial palace really made Jiang Ran understand this world better.

Whether it is the relationship between the empire and the family, or the intrigue between the family to fight for territory.

It all means that as long as you are a family, you cannot be left alone in this world.

Powerful and capable people will never avoid trouble because they will not be afraid of trouble.

"Before you go back, it's time to go and complete an agreement."

Jiang Ran slowly stood up and pushed open the door of his small courtyard.

Against the snowflakes, I walked in the direction of the mountain of regret.

"Look, that's Bai Jia Bai Xiao."

"Don't mess with him, this guy is a bad lord."

"Yes, there are no longer a few people who have been scrapped over the years."

"It looks like you want to go to the mountain of repentance, why don't you regret the mountain?"

"Didn't he just come out of the mountain of repentance?"

Jiang Ran's appearance made many people begin to discuss each other.

As a stormy figure after Hongluan left, Jiang Ran also used his ruthless means to make everyone in this martial palace remember him.

At this time, I went to repent of the mountain precisely because of that extraterrestrial boulder.

Came to the periphery of Penitential Mountain, stuffed some money for the guard, and Jiang Ran entered smoothly.

Behind him were many disciples of the family, all of whom planned to watch the excitement.

I thought that Jiang Ran might be going to the mountain to find trouble with someone who was locked up.

He gave some money like Jiang Ran and entered the mountain of repentance.

Originally intended as a place of confinement, it has now become a place for tourism.

Even those guards were very speechless, and if someone opened their heads, they couldn't prevent these young masters from entering.

He waited until Jiang Ran walked to the mountain of repentance before stopping in front of the huge rock outside the sky.

"What is he going to do? Repentance? "

Everyone who was following behind stopped and looked at Jiang Ran's back with a puzzled expression.

Some people also showed a look of disappointment, originally thinking that there was a lively thing to watch.


Jiang Ran didn't care about the thoughts of the group of people behind him, and he was full of anger and blood.


A roar of qi and blood continued to appear, bursting out like thunder in this ice and snow.

The children of the family who were watching the excitement around were also shocked by this sudden burst of sound.

Looking up slightly, he saw that Jiang Ran, who had successfully faced the boulder for only a few steps, actually began to retreat.

He retreated to a distance of about twenty meters from the boulder outside that day before stopping.

Just when everyone was curious about what Jiang Ran wanted to do, Jiang Ran actually began to speed up and run.

A trace of red light flashed in the palm, wrapping the palm and arm like a mark.

Like blood-colored lines, it is particularly conspicuous in this white snow.

A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and I saw a vacuum in the snow.

The ground in the middle of the snow suddenly cracked, and Jiang Ran's body shot out like a cannonball.

The snow ground was dragged out of a ravine, revealing its original appearance.


Jiang Ran suddenly clenched his fist and swung it out.

That blood-colored pattern began to condense on Jiang Ran's fist, fluctuating the qi and blood in Jiang Ran's body.

With this explosion, Jiang Ran's strength instantly increased.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they saw with their own eyes that Jiang Ran's punch bombarded the boulder outside the sky like this.


A loud noise continued to sound in this mountain of repentance.

The smoke and dust accompanied by the snow, dancing in the mountain of repentance, and Jiang Ran's figure was also covered by the heavy snow brought by the wind.

Like a snowstorm, these children of the family who watched the excitement could not even open their eyes.

I don't know how long has passed, but I feel that there is no wind and snow on my face.

Many children of the family began to slowly open their eyes.


Everyone gasped, and the heavy snow in the sky didn't know when it stopped.

All the people looked at the huge stone outside the sky, their expressions were dull, and the look of disbelief in their eyes was constantly condensing.

In front of their eyes, Jiang Ran's figure had long disappeared.

All that remained was a pile of rubble, scattered all around.

When this huge movement was discovered by the guards outside the mountain, they immediately ran over.

Seeing dozens of children of the family, their mouths were wide open, and they couldn't believe how they looked at the huge stone outside that day.

Their faces gradually showed surprise.

This is an extraterrestrial boulder, although it doesn't have a great effect.

But the victory is in the solidity, the last man who split the boulder outside the sky.

It was also split by the Dugu Sword that was called the Sword Saint by the previous imperial power decades ago.

But now, they were shattered by someone about their age.

"A madman, a madman with a strong cultivation and a crazy personality."

Everyone's evaluation of Jiang Ran is the same.

What you see with your own eyes is not false, and hearsay is not true.

But if you see it, you can experience the scene that seems to be extinct just now.

Everyone's hearts were convinced, and they were completely convinced of Jiang Ran's strength.

Among them, the future will be the central ruler of each family.

They all already have one more thought in their minds.

Bai family, if you can't mess with it, don't mess with it!


After about a month, Jiang Ran drove the carriage back to the White Emperor City.

This is the time it has been six years since he returned from the Martial Palace and returned to the Bai family.

Entering the White Emperor City, it was already spring.

The streets are filled with civilians who come out to buy, as well as street corner vendors who constantly shout and sell.

After seeing the carriage with the Bai family logo, these people consciously gave way to a road.

The Bai family's reputation in the White Emperor City is very good, whether it is famine or man-made disasters, the Bai family will pay money to help the people of the White Emperor City, according to Bai Zhan's words, the center of the White Emperor City is these ordinary people.

Without them, the Bai family would just be an empty city.

Gradually, the carriage also arrived at the door of the Bai family, and after getting down from the carriage, Jiang Ran's face became unnatural.

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