Those who came out to greet Jiang Ran in front of him were not only his mother Lin Yaqin and his father Bai Zhan, but also relatives of Jiang Ran's vein.

There was also a person that Jiang Ran had not thought of, Red Plover.

"Well, isn't it a surprise."

"I didn't expect my sister to come over."

Hong Luan laughed a little proudly, and at this moment she was holding Lin Yaqin's wrist.

As if he was showing off with Jiang Ran, he seemed very happy to see Jiang Ran's unexpected look.

"Dad, mom, I'm back."

Just like in the Martial Palace, Jiang Ran did not speak to Hongluan for the first time.

Instead, he said hello to Bai Zhan and Lin Yaqin.

Bai Zhan grabbed Jiang Ran's palm, and a flash of essence flashed in his eyes.

"Thousand Refining Hand's Third Layer Blood Refining Dacheng?"

Bai Zhan exclaimed, and the joy on his face was not concealed in the slightest.

He laughed with some relief, and at the same time, a hint of loneliness soon appeared in his eyes.

"Well, it just became a big striking not long ago."

"Why are you here, though."

Jiang Ran nodded with a smile, and then looked at the red plover.

Anyway, no matter what the reason was, he always felt that this red bird must have sneaked out.

"This kid is really very good."

"Son, you have to cherish it."

Lin Yaqin patted the back of Hongluan's hand and smiled with satisfaction.

At the same time, he also led the red plover a few steps forward, and stretched out his hand to brush Jiang Ran's scattered hair.

Six years have not left many traces of years on the woman's face, and her beauty is still the same.

On the contrary, Bai Zhan is much older, and even his qi and blood are not even as good as before.

"Daddy, I'm a little tired in the carriage."

"If there is anything to talk about, we are talking about it at night."

Jiang Ran patted the back of Lin Yaqin's hand, and after saying with a smile, he pulled the red plover into the Bai family.

Since Lin Yaqin and Bai Zhan both know the name of the red plover, then according to the character of the red plover, they must have reported themselves.

"Sir, the child has grown up."

"I've become a beautiful teenager, it's time to talk about marriage."

"The two of them are quite a good match."

Lin Yaqin looked at the back of the two leaving, and her face was also full of a gratifying smile.

As a mother, of course, you want to see your children every day.

I haven't seen Jiang Ran for six years, and I have always relied on family letters to satisfy this feeling.

"Hopefully, this girl's identity is not simple."

"It's better not to have this idea in the future."

Bai Zhan shook his head, Lin Yaqin, who was a woman and a Taoist family, might not know.

But as the head of the Bai family, how could he not know what kind of behemoth the Hong family was.

Although the red and white two were once family friends, the two parties were quite powerful at that time, and they were the same high-grade families.

But now it's different, and the huge identity gap between the two sides is there.

Even if the two are happy, how can it be easy to successfully win a marriage contract.


On the other side, Jiang Ran had already pulled the red plover back to his room.

Although she didn't come back for six years, Lin Yaqin still cleaned the courtyard.

Sitting on the table, Jiang Ran poured a cup of tea and drank it himself.

"Hey, you're not happy at all when you see me coming, are you?"

"So I'm leaving?"

Hongluan looked at Jiang Ran, who did not speak for half a ring, pretended to be angry and stood up and walked to the door.

But the words came out, but he didn't put his foot out the door.

"Don't pretend, let's talk about why you ran away from home and came to White Emperor City."

Jiang Ran shook his head with a smile, obviously he had already pondered the nature of the red plover.

"It's not interesting, it's eaten to death by you at any time."

Hongluan sat down with a look of displeasure and poured himself a cup of hot tea.

After taking a few sips, he began to slowly explain the reason why he came to this White Emperor City.

It turned out that since he returned to the Hong family, he had already begun to be searched by his father for the young master of various families.

But those who are looking for are all people who must come to their Hong family to be their sons-in-law.

How could there be a few outstanding beings, or collateral disciples.

Or some unfavored family children, in the eyes of the red plover, they are a group of waste.

In the back, the Chu family, who is also a high-grade family, came to work three months ago to ask for a relative.

This son of the Chu family, Chu Wei, was also one of the suitors of the red plover in the martial palace, but he was three years older than the red plover.

Therefore, when Jiang Ran entered the Martial Palace, he had never seen this Chu Wei.

It is rumored that this Chu family is a set of physical exercises, which is known in the outside world as King Kong is not bad.

Chu Wei is also a genius, and he persuaded his family for a long time before the people of his family were willing to let him be the son-in-law of the Hong family.

When the head of the Hong family, Hong Juan, saw this, it was a happy thing for everyone.

It just so happened that Hongluan also disliked some of the other family children who were too wasteful.

This Chu Wei is a talent, his cultivation is profound, and he is twenty-one years old this year, and he is only one step away from the innate realm.

But Hongluan only said that he didn't like it, and he didn't see this Chu Wei side for half a month.

As a result, Chu Wei forced his way into the small courtyard of the red luan, only to find that the red plover only left a letter and ran away from home.

As a result, the faces of the two sides could not get by, and the specific things after that Hongluan did not know.

"I don't know what to say hello, it's a big deal to break that guy's hand."

"No, it's done."

Jiang Ran shook his head helplessly, and said a little indifferently.

As soon as he said this, he immediately attracted the approval of the red plover.

"yes, why didn't I think of that."

"No, isn't this way my Hong family will offend his Chu family to death?"

After a while, the red bird reacted and found that something seemed to be wrong, and asked Jiang Ran rhetorically.

This is not in the Martial Palace, it is a small fight in the Martial Palace, and if something happens in the Red Family, it is a contradiction between the two families.

The red plover still distinguishes between the important and the other.

"Then you can let my Bai family offend his Chu family to death?"

Jiang Ran glanced at the red plover and said complainingly.

Although the Chu family is far away from here, the Hong family may have discovered the location of the red plover long ago.

It's just that the Bai family didn't say it directly.

"You don't like me saying this, didn't you say that you want the eight-door palanquin to marry me back?"

"Why, as soon as I left in the Martial Palace, you found a new look."

Hongluan stood up, stuck his waist in, and looked at Jiang Ran angrily.

But this angry look only lasted for a few seconds, and then it turned into a grievance.

There was even a little tear in those big eyes.

"I seem to have just said that I won't be a son-in-law, let's plug the door upside down."

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