In the hall of the Tianji Building, the noise of discussions shook the sky.

  Although Feng Chen was only three of the six beautiful beauties who commented on the six countries, he still caused an uproar.

  "What? Did I hear it right? The Moon God's Yin-Yang Magic is ranked third?"

  "I didn't expect that there is another person in the Yin and Yang family who is stronger than the Moon God besides His Excellency the East Emperor."

  "It turns out that You Ruo is the daughter of Xiongba, the leader of the World Association, and she is indeed a thousand-gold daughter."

  "The poor girl Youruo has a stunning appearance in the world, but she can only live in a small building in the middle of the lake."

  "Xiongba is also for Miss Youruo, after all, the world will go to war everywhere, and there are too many enemies."

  "The owner of Tianji will even predict the fate of the stunning beauty list? This is too preferential treatment."

  "Youruo's fate is a lot of misfortunes, it really is such a poor life since ancient times."

  "Dongming's little princess Shan Wanjing is actually the granddaughter of the Queen of Yin, doesn't that mean that Mrs. Shan Meixian of Dongming is the daughter of the Queen of Yin?"


  The three stunning beauty list, although the same tenth place, but each has its own merits.

  Some of the news that was exposed shocked many of the high rollers present.

  For example, Luna's Onmyo Technique only ranks third in the Onmyoji family.

  Not to mention these outsiders, even inside the Yin Yang family, few people know about it.

  If it is spread out, it will definitely cause a turmoil in the hundreds of families of Da Qin.

  Another example is You Ruo, the daughter of the world will help the master and domineering.

  Although this is not an important secret, it is enough to make many people talk about it.

  But these two together, and Shan Wanjing's life experience is more shocking to everyone.

  The dignified queen of the first person in the Demon Sect actually has a daughter?

  And this daughter is also the famous Mrs. Dongming!

  Although the Dongming faction was not the top power in the Great Sui Dynasty, it was one of the richest powers.

  In particular, the Dongming faction has many workshops that forge weapons, and can produce hundreds of thousands of weapons and armors every year. I don't know how many major forces are jealous.

  If Shan Wanjing hadn't been on the list and exposed the matter, I'm afraid that the relationship between Mrs. Dongming and the Queen of Yin would never have been known for a lifetime.

  Private room on the third floor.

  She sat up straight, turned her head to look, but saw that Zhu Yuyan's place was empty.

  As smart as she is, she immediately understood the reason for Zhu Yuyan's strange behavior just now, and couldn't help giggling.

  Another private room.

  Hou Xibai was also a little surprised, apparently ignorant of this secret.

  At the same time, in his heart, he also admired the methods of the owner of Tianji more and more.

  If there is any regret, it is not being able to witness the peerless beauties among these boudoirs.

  As if feeling his regret.

  On the white jade stage, after Feng Chen commented on the three stunning beauties, he did not introduce any further, but raised his hand and pointed to the void.

  next moment.

  The entire void seemed to be boiling, with layers of ripples swaying.

  In the end, it turned out three huge and boundless jade mirrors.

  And what is reflected in the mirror is a beautiful woman who can turn all living beings upside down.

  The noisy discussions in the hall disappeared instantly after the jade mirrors came out.

  The three women in the jade mirror are clearly the three stunning beauties who have just been reviewed.

  In the jade mirror on the left, the moon god is alone, looking up at the sky slightly, as if observing the stars.

  The half-blooming moon was just embedded in the night sky where her face was facing, making her already mysterious figure even more holy.

  In the jade mirror in the middle, a petite beauty sat alone in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

  The beautiful eyes that looked at the birds were full of envy.

  Seems to envy those birds can go anywhere freely.

  In the jade mirror on the right, Shan Wanjing was standing on the deck of a building ship. Although she was dressed as a woman, she was full of heroic spirit.

  Two rows of sword attendants with silver swords stood behind her, looking extremely heroic.

  Three stunning beauties belonging to different dynasties appeared in front of everyone with their magnificent images.

  Such a bizarre sight made many newcomers exclaimed in exclamation, shouting for the immortals to come.

  Even those who are very familiar with Tianjilou are very excited at this time.

  Although Feng Chen had previously exposed the picture of Yang Guang's murder in public, it shocked everyone through the future.

  But today is to show the demeanor of a peerless beauty, which is even more pleasing to the eye.

  "The sense of mystery and intimidation of the Moon God is too strong, and people dare not look at it directly. According to the evaluation criteria of the [Stunning List], it is indeed difficult to rank high."

  "I didn't expect Miss Youruo to be so beautiful, and she is completely different from the gang leader of Xiongba. Such a peerless beauty can only be hidden in the deep boudoir, which is really regrettable."

  "Brothers, do you want to form a group to go to the world to propose a marriage? If it happens, it will soar into the sky."

  "Going to the world to propose marriage? Brother, I admire your courage, please go all the way."

  "Looking at it closely, Shan Wanjing is indeed somewhat similar to Queen Yin, but unfortunately she is slightly inferior to Queen Yin."


  There was a lot of discussion among the big players in the rivers and lakes.

  After seeing the faces of these beauties intuitively, many people who questioned the list immediately quieted down.

  Whether it is You Ruo or Shan Wanjing, they are all beautiful beauties in the world.

  Moreover, one of the two is the pearl of the world's gang leader, and the other is the little princess of the Dongming School of the Fujia Dasui.

  This identity bonus is also great.

  Taken together, it does have the strength to occupy a place in the [Stunning List].

  But what's even more exciting is that.

  Since she can see the looks of these stunning beauties of the Three Kingdoms, doesn't it mean that Lin Xian'er will also leave the country?

  That beauty, who was regarded as the goddess of the nation by all the big players in the Ming Dynasty, really made people in other dynasties curious.

  On the White Jade Stage, Feng Chen didn't stop for long, and soon began to comment again.

  "Ji Ruxue is the tenth place in the Great Tang [Stunning List]."

  "Reason for the list: The world is stunning, the temperament is high and cold, the love is single-minded, and the fate is tragic."

  "My parents died when I was young, and I was adopted as a maid by the Empress Huanyinfang, and she won the trust of the Empress."

  "Although he is not rude to men, if he meets the person he likes, he will do everything he can with all his heart."

  "Fate has taken special care of her, and her life encounters are like waves and clouds, or they are nine days high, or they are crushed into dust."


  "The tenth place in the Great Song [Stunning List], Gongsun Green Calyx."

  "Reason for the list: She has the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese, Miss Qianjin, gentle temperament, single-mindedness in love, and many fates."

  "The daughter of Sun Zhi, the lord of Heartless Valley, and Qiu Qianchi, the iron palm lotus flower, have endured the pain of separation from their parents since childhood."

  "Treat people with kindness, single-mindedness with affection, and have a great tolerance for heart. If you meet someone you like, even if you are a concubine, you will be willing."

  "However, the fate is bumpy, it is destined that the parents will be separated, the family will be destroyed, and the life will be miserable and helpless."


  "The tenth place in Daming's [Stunning List], Lin Xian'er."

  "Reason for listing: It has the appearance of national beauty and heavenly fragrance, has a changeable temperament, is more charming and unparalleled, and takes the fruits of its own karma."

  "Like hell beauty with two faces."

  "In front of everyone, he is kind and generous, gentle and pure, but in secret he is vicious, cruel, and has experienced vicissitudes."

  "Good at deceiving men, and satisfying the greed in the heart with jealousy and vendetta among men."

  "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, half a life for evil, half a life dashing, and half a life to repay the karma, and the misery ends."


  As Feng Chen's comment fell, three jade mirrors appeared again in the void.

  A beautiful woman with peerless elegance, as if jumping out of the picture scroll, stretched her limbs in the jade mirror, showing her stunning beauty.

  In the first jade mirror, Ji Ruxue was running through the jungle in a black suit, as if she was on a mission.

  That beautiful face is like an iceberg without the slightest emotion, but there is an indescribable beauty in the look of it.

  In the second jade mirror, Gongsun Lvcai stood in a sea of ​​flowers, and the beautiful scenery around her completely became a foil in front of her.

  But she was clearly in this elegant landscape, but there was always a trace of sadness deep in her eyes, which lingered.

· · 0 flowers · ·

  The two peerless beauties have their own strengths, and they are not inferior to the previous three peerless beauties.

  In particular, Gongsun Lvca's face with a touch of sadness added a third of her beauty.

  No matter who sees it, they can't help but have a desire to protect.

  But all this could not stop everyone from turning their heads to look at the last jade mirror.

  Under the long-awaited, Lin Xian'er's figure finally appeared on the screen.

  For the first time, everyone saw what is called a 'national beauty and heavenly fragrance'-level face.

  Whether it is facial features or temperament, they are all perfect.

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