Even if she is placed among the beauties of the concubine Xuan, Wei, Shi Qingxuan, etc., there will be no abruptness in the slightest.

  What's even more amazing is that Lin Xian'er is like a gift specially made by the gods according to the mind of a man.

  Whether it's a movement, a stillness, a frown or a smile, she can perfectly capture the feeling that a man wants most.

  Even if she wears clothes that are so conservative that there is no trace of skin, she can still bring people infinite shock and impulse.

  This kind of flattery, without the slightest trace of intentional and artificial, is completely natural.

  Until this moment, everyone deeply understood why Lin Xian'er was regarded as the national goddess.

  Because of her whole body, and her behavior, there is no place where she is not a goddess.

........ ...... 0

  Anyone who sees her once, no matter from what angle, will be firmly attracted and will never forget it for a lifetime.

  But such a gorgeous and peerless beauty only ranks tenth in the [Stunning List]?

  Many people have a subconscious anger.

  But soon, they woke up.

  They remembered Feng Chen's comments.

  "Like hell beauty with two faces."

  "In front of everyone, he is kind and generous, gentle and pure, but in secret he is vicious, cruel, and has experienced vicissitudes."

  "Good at deceiving men, and satisfying the greed in the heart with jealousy and vendetta among men."

  The three comments completely extinguished everyone's illusions about Lin Xian'er.

  If others dared to judge Lin Xian'er like this, they would make the other party pay the price even if they tried their best.

  But this person is the owner of Tianji, which is completely different.

  Because Tianji landlord represents absolute fairness, objectivity and authority!

  "It's hard to imagine that a woman like Lin Xian'er would do evil things behind her back."

  "Yeah, this Lin Xian'er is like the incarnation of truth, kindness and beauty. How could there be another face behind her back?"

  "Master Tianji, are you sure you're not mistaken? I don't think Lin Xian'er is a villain."

  "If even a fairy like Lin Xian'er is evil, then I can't think of any good women in the world."

  "I beg the landlord of Tianji to tell me in detail what evil things Lin Xian'er has done, otherwise I will be unwilling."

  "That's right, what evil did Lin Xian'er do? She is so beautiful but can only be ranked tenth. Please let the owner of Tianji tell me."


  Although they didn't dare to question the authority of the owner of Tianji, the gangsters couldn't help but complain and express their inner thoughts.

  Because Lin Xian'er was really shocked.

  Even if it is placed with the other five peerless beauties, it can be selected at a glance.

  Because of this, even if Feng Chen commented on Lin Xian'er's character, these people were still reluctant to give up.

  This is what makes Lin Xian'er terrifying.

  Just look at her and you'll be poisoned by her.

  They don't even need Lin Xian'er to weave lies to deceive them, they will deceive themselves.

  Seeing this scene, Feng Chen couldn't help but sigh.

  He knew very well that it was a poison.

  It's not that these gangsters are not strong enough to resist, it's that strange women like Lin Xian'er are truly unique throughout the ages.

  "Every time the [Stunning List] will update six stunning beauties."

  "The host will choose one for a detailed review."

  "The tenth place in Daming's [Stunning List] is detailed in this issue, Lin Xian'er."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said slowly.

  He wants to completely shatter these people's illusions about Lin Xian'er.Ding.

Chapter 96

  "Detailed review?"

  In the hall, when a group of high-ranking guests heard Feng Chen's words, they were stunned for a moment, and then they all showed ecstasy.

  It's like the drowning man has grabbed the last straw.

  "Okay! Please comment on Tianji landlord in detail, otherwise I will not be reconciled."

  "I already fell in love with Lin Xian'er at first sight, and I don't believe she would do things that disgust me."

  "Please expose the secret master. I want to see what excessive things Lin Xian'er, a weak woman, can do."


  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen listened to the rhetoric of a group of high-ranking gangsters. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Do you know the plum blossom robbery that happened in Daming Jianghu many years ago?"

  "Plum Blossom Robbery?"

  Ahead of this case, Lu Xiaofeng in the private room on the third floor regained his energy and walked to the railing.

  "Could it be that the owner of the secret is talking about the plum blossom thief who has committed more than sixty crimes and stole countless scriptures?"

  "The Plum Blossom robbery case was a riot at that time, and many martial arts books of the martial arts were lost because of this. Of course everyone knows it."

  "I heard that the last murderer was caught in the Shaolin faction, what is it called 'Bai Xiaosheng'."

  "That's right, 'Bai Xiaosheng' did it!"

  "This person is extremely skilled in martial arts. If it wasn't for the Shaolin monk Xinjian, I'm afraid he would have gotten away with it."


  This case swept through half of the rivers and lakes back then, and many people knew about it, and there was a lot of discussion right away.

  But more people find it strange and don't know why the owner of Tianji asked this.

  What does the plum blossom robbery have to do with Lin Xian'er?

  Could it be that Lin Xian'er was a victim of the plum blossom robbery?

  This is very possible!

  Thinking of this, many high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes showed nervousness one after another.

  Back then, there were more than [-] cases of Meihua robbery, and most of the victims were well-known beauties.

  With Lin Xian'er's beauty and reputation, she would definitely be targeted by Plum Blossom Pirates.

  "Although Bai Xiaosheng's death is not wrong, the real mastermind behind the Meihua robbery is not him."

  Feng Chen said something indifferently, and immediately made the audience quiet.

  Isn't Bai Xiaosheng the mastermind behind the Meihua robbery?

  Could it be that they tried the wrong person in the trial with great fanfare back then?

  In the private room on the third floor, Lu Xiaofeng said in a loud voice, "Lord Tianji, I was at the scene of that case back then. Bai Xiaosheng was arrested and captured the stolen goods. He also confessed the crime himself. Could it be fake?"

  "Bai Xiao's life and death are not wrong, because he really did evil things."

  "But he's not the Plum Blossom Thief, just a puppet driven by the Plum Blossom Thief."

  The dust said slowly.

  Lu XiaoFeng became interested and asked, "Who is the Plum Blossom Pirate? It can't be Lin Xian'er, haha..."

  "Why can't it be Lin Xian'er?" Feng Chen asked back.


  Lu Xiaofeng got stuck, and it took a long time before she said, "Because Lin Xian'er is a woman, how can a woman be a plum blossom thief?"

  All the big players in the rivers and lakes also think it's absurd. Isn't this kind of thing obvious.

  Feng Chen still asked, "Why can't women be pirates of plum blossoms?"

  Lu XiaoFeng is really stunned now, do you want to explain to the landlord of Tianji from the physiological structure?

  But he is an extremely smart person after all, and soon the light flashed in his mind, and he grasped the key point.

  "The owner of Tianji just said that Bai Xiaosheng is a puppet driven by the plum blossom thief."

  "Could it be that the Plum Blossom Thief is not a person, but a gang?"

  "If that's the case, then a woman can indeed be a plum blossom thief."

  "When necessary, she can drive a man to do that for her, and then kill the man."

  "Because it's the plum blossom robbery case, everyone will exclude women first, so that the real mastermind will never be suspected."

  Lu XiaoFeng said while analyzing, and couldn't help but be surprised.

  Could it be that people in the whole arena were deceived back then?

  Deceived by this little trick?

  A group of gangsters were also stunned, they didn't expect to be able to do this.

  "Master Tianji, could it be that Lin Xian'er is really a plum blossom thief?"

  Hou Xibai couldn't help but ask.

  He was also poisoned, and he didn't believe that Lin Xian'er would have a snake-hearted side.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen didn't say anything, but raised his hand and pointed at the void.

  The layers of ripples swayed, turning into a huge jade mirror.

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