"Damn Tianjilou, if things didn't get to this point, I really don't want to have any contact with her..."

  Lin Xian'er murmured.

  As fierce as she was, when she thought of that person, she couldn't help shivering.


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  There was abnormal noise in the hall, and a group of heroes from all corners of the world were discussing.

  Or discuss the new Dongfang Unbeaten, who ranked fifth in the [Behind the Scenes List].

  Or discuss the beauty of Yaochi dance music.

  Or discuss the splendor of the peak battle.

  Or discuss the freshly released [Stunning List].

  In just one day, after the update of the [Black Hand List], Yaochi Dance Music, the Battle of the Peak, and the announcement of the [Stunning List], they provided them with countless topics.

  Right here, a disciple of Yijianmen wearing a snow-white warrior uniform walked to the White Jade Stage and said loudly:

  "I dare to ask the master of Tianji, have you decided on the candidates for the next battle? Can the 'peak battle' be held as scheduled in three days?"

  As soon as these words came out, all kinds of discussions in the hall suddenly stopped.

  It was only then that everyone remembered that the 'Battle of the Peak' had only completed the first game, and there were still two unfinished.

  And their candidates for the next two games have not yet been decided.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen said calmly, "You just need to come back to the Tianji Building in three days, and the battle platform will rise by then."

  "Okay, then we'll talk about it later."

  The disciples of Yijianmen knew that they were in a weak position, so they did not dare to ask more questions, and left immediately after getting the answer.

  But after this encounter, everyone has no intention of talking about other things.

  Three days have passed in a blink of an eye, and if no one can participate by then, it will be embarrassing.

  "Everyone, you've seen the results of today's battle. That Fu Cailin is just superficial, and there's no need to look for the top swordsman for him."

  "Indeed, that Fu Cailin seems to have a mediocre cultivation base, and was given a second by the swordsman Gai Nie."

  "I think with the swordsmanship of Senior Feng, you can completely beat him."


  There was a lot of discussion among the big players in the rivers and lakes, and many people turned their attention to Feng Qingyang.

  In the private room on the third floor, Feng Qingyang's eyes twitched and he smiled bitterly, "You must not underestimate Fu Cailin."

  "Today's 'Battle of the Peak' is by no means as simple as everyone sees it."

  "Although Sword Saint Gai Nie has only made one move, there are hundreds of changes in it."

  "Fu Cailin's defeat cannot be said to be too weak. It can only be said that Gai Nie is worthy of being the swordsman of Da Qin, and his swordsmanship has reached an extraordinary level."

  Others don't understand Fu Cailin's strength, but he is very clear.

  Fan Qinghui's shocking sword was still vivid in his mind.

  Even though he refined three sword heart grasses and gained a lot of diligence in kendo, he still wasn't sure to catch that sword.

  However, with the strength of Fan Qinghui, it could not stop Fu Cailin's seven successes, which shows how powerful Fu Cailin is.

  "Senior Feng, don't be too modest. With your strength, you can definitely defeat Fu Cailin."

  "That's right, Senior Feng is my Daming Sword God. I bet Fu Cailin can't make ten moves under his sword."

  "Senior Feng, there are only three days left until the next 'Battle of the Peak', so don't refuse."


  A group of big players in the rivers and lakes roared, and they just wanted to let Feng Qingyang play.

  "The love from all the fellows in the rivers and lakes, the old man has received it."

  "But the strength of this old man is very different from that of Fu Cailin. Even if he comes to power, he will never be able to defeat him."

  "However, this dispute is related to the reputation of the Central Plains, and the old man should also do his part."

  "Although the old man is not Fu Cailin's opponent."

  "But I know someone."

  "If he is willing to take action, there is a [-]% chance that he can defeat Fu Cailin."

  "It's just that this person has been retired for many years, and may not be willing to fight."

  "The old man can only try his best to invite."

  Feng Qingyang said slowly.

  Fan Qinghui hurriedly asked, "Who is this person?"

  Feng Qingyang said: "The old man's name, without permission, I dare not pass it on privately."

  When these words came out, everyone was a little shocked.

  With Feng Qingyang's strength and prestige, he actually called that person 'the old man' and was in awe, enough to see how terrifying this person's cultivation was.

  It's a pity that there is no guarantee that he will be able to play.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Yang Xiao looked at the discussion among the swordsmen below, and couldn't help but said, "I didn't expect that in my huge Central Plains, I couldn't find a swordsman who could compete with Fu Cailin. It's really sad."

  Zhou Dian said loudly: "It's a pity that the leader doesn't know how to use swordsmanship, otherwise, Fu Cailin can be cleaned up with three moves and two moves."

  As soon as these words came out, all the Ming Cult masters nodded in agreement.

  After the battle of Wudang Jinding, these unruly demon owls have been completely convinced by Zhang Wuji's strength.

  "You all look down on me too much."

  "Fu Cailin's swordsmanship has touched the realm of heaven and man, which is comparable to the profound meaning of Tai Chi of my great master."

  "With my current skill, it's far from enough."

  Zhang Wuji said very modestly.

  At this moment, Xin Ran, who was holding the flag of the Fire Banner in the Five Elements Flag, walked quickly into the private room and handed Zhang Wuji a note.

  Zhang Wuji took a quick glance, his face changed greatly, and he quickly distributed the note to everyone to watch.

  Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao and others were all shocked after reading it.

  "Unexpectedly, Fan Youshi 853 is still alive."

  Yang Xiao sighed lightly, after so many years, he had long thought that Fan Yao was dead.

  But what really shocked everyone was not that Fan Yao was still alive, but that he risked his life to pass back the contents of this note.


  "This matter is related to the safety of the entire Daming river and lake, and it cannot be decided by my Mingjiao family."

  "This leader has decided to make the contents of the note public, and everyone will work together to solve it."

  "What do you think?"

  Zhang Wuji said in a deep voice.

  The masters of the Ming sect looked at each other and said in unison, "It's all up to the sect master."

  With the support of everyone, Zhang Wuji no longer hesitated, got up and walked to the railing, and said loudly:


  "I have a major event here, which is related to the safety of the entire Daming Jianghu."

  "And please listen to me."

  Now Zhang Wuji can be regarded as a man of the day in Tianjilou.

  Seeing him speak like this, everyone stopped the discussion for face.

  "This sect master has just received a secret letter, which was sent by my Mingjiao disciple risking his life."

  "On the day of the Wudang Jinding battle, nearly [-]% of the disciples on both sides died in the battle, and the rest were all injured."

  "Afterwards, the two sides negotiated a peace, and the monk Wuhua, the head of the Nangong gang, and the master of the master, led the disciples of the sect to leave."

  "I would never have imagined that on the way back, all sects and factions were ambushed and all were taken captive to the Mengyuan Dynasty."

  "And the one who planned this huge conspiracy was Min Min Temur, the county master of the Mongolian country, whose name was Zhao Min in the Central Plains."

  "According to the secret letter that came, Zhao Min has gathered a large number of experts from different races, and there are several strong masters in the Great Master Realm."

  "In addition to many foreign masters, Zhao Min also mastered an extremely powerful poison called Tohxiang Ruanjinsan."

  "After taking this poison, all internal energy will disappear in an instant."

  "Therefore, the masters of all corners of the world who have been captured have no power at all, and they can only let Zhao Min go."

  Zhang Wuji's inner strength was long, and after he finished speaking in one breath, the echo was still shaking in the hall.


  "Trigger Mission: Slaughter Alien Race!"

  "Mission content: Rescue the Central Plains Jianghu masters who were kidnapped by Zhao Min, and kill a group of alien masters."



  "Completion reward: 10000 Tianji points, [Grandmaster Ranking] × 1, Tianjie top-grade knife manual "Abi Road Three Blades"".

Chapter 98

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen's expression changed slightly.

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