I didn't expect that the system would trigger the mission at this time, and the mission reward was so generous.

  10000 Tianji points, [Great Master List] × 1, the best sword score "Abi Road Three Swords"...

  This reward is not inferior even to the reward of the 'Battle of the Peak'.

  After all, "Three Swords of Abi Dao" is also an extremely terrifying knife score, and it can be said to have its own merits from "A Sword in the World".

  And for this task, there is one more [Grandmaster Ranking], which is a priceless treasure!

  However, the difficulty of this task is far beyond the 'Battle of the Peak'.

  If Feng Chen guessed correctly, Monk Wuhua and the others should have taken them to the imperial capital of Mongolia.

  There is the most heavily guarded place in Mongolia, and it is definitely a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

  But he didn't need to take the lead in this matter.

  The people who were robbed this time were the heads of the sects in Daming Jianghu, and the most anxious should be other sects.

  After all, the Daming Rivers and Lakes are a whole, and they will never sit back and watch Mongolia be so humiliated. It is bound to counterattack in the past.

  He only needs to help at a critical moment, and it is enough to complete this task.

  Thinking of this, Feng Chen's mentality calmed down, and he planned to watch the play in peace first.

  In the hall, Yaque was silent.

  Everyone was still immersed in Zhang Wuji's revelations and did not react.

  After a long time, someone exclaimed: "Master Zhang, is this true?"

  This exclamation made everyone wake up one after another, and looked at Zhang Wuji in unison.

  Zhang Wuji said, "The source of this secret letter is very reliable, and it is absolutely impossible to make mistakes."

  "It's not that we don't believe you, but it's a matter of great importance. Will the disciples of the Ming sect who spread the letter have been turned against?"

  Concerned inquiries were made.

  Many people nodded in agreement, it was truly amazing.

  Even if everyone is injured, there are tens of thousands of monks in Wuhua's party, including many sect leaders and elders, and countless masters.

  Such a force was plundered silently by the Mongolian country.

  Speaking out, it is like a fantasy.

  "Other Mingjiao believers may have this possibility, but this person will definitely not."

  "Because he is the right envoy of the Ming Cult, Fan Yao!"

  "Back then, when all the masters of Mingjiao ran away, Fan Youshi went to Mongolia incognito."

  "Because Fan Youshi is very aware of Mongolia's ambitions, and in order to prevent it in advance, he is willing to take risks and approach the top leaders of Mongolia."

  "This information was delivered by him risking his life."

  In order to gain trust, Zhang Wuji didn't care so much, and directly exposed Fan Yao's identity.

  "Fan Yao, the right envoy of the light? It's actually him?"

  "It's no wonder that after the Ming Cult split, there is no trace of Fan Youshi in Jianghu."

  "What a good envoy Fan You, really foresight, I admire him."

  "If it's a secret letter from Fan Youshi, it must be taken seriously."


  All the big players in the rivers and lakes talked a lot, and they all changed their attitudes.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Lu XiaoFeng stepped out of the crowd and said loudly, "I dare to ask Sect Master Zhang, what sects can you say on the letterhead, which sects have been kidnapped?"

  "Almost all the sects who retreated from Wudang Mountain."

  "At that time, the major sects suffered heavy losses, and they had no intention of forming an alliance again."

  "So they all went down the mountain separately and acted independently."

  "I'm afraid that Zhao Min grasped this point and broke down all the sects."

  Zhang Wuji analyzed it carefully.

  Many Jianghu high rollers showed their approval.

  If it is broken individually, but it is really possible.

  After all, the enemy is clear and we are dark, and we have to calculate with our hearts without intentions. In addition, everyone in the major sects is injured.

  Lu Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "Could it be that even the jellyfish Yinji, the lord of the Shenshui Palace, was kidnapped?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

  That's right!

  At that time, there was a jellyfish Yinji in the Wudang Alliance.

  Could it be that this strong man who stood at the peak of Daming Martial Dao was also killed?

  "The jellyfish Yinji had a decisive battle with my great master that day, and both sides were seriously injured."

  "And the jellyfish Yinji's injury is even more serious by three points."

  "Fan Youshi's secret letter did not describe in detail how the jellyfish Yinji was captured."

  "It's just that three mysterious Mongolian masters took action and jointly subdued the jellyfish Yinji."

  Zhang Wuji was shocked by the words.

  In the lobby on the first floor, many high rollers stood up in shock.

  They never imagined that the jellyfish Yinji was actually taken away, which was a huge event.

  "how can that be?"

  "Jellyfish Yinji's cultivation base has reached the half-step heaven and human level."

  "Unless the real Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses take action, who can kidnap her silently?"

  "Could it be that there are such strong men under Zhao Min?"

  In the private room on the third floor, Lian Xing said in shock.

  As the top powerhouse in Daming Jianghu, she has personally experienced the strength of the jellyfish Yinji.

  That terrifying coercion is by no means comparable to an ordinary great master, and it is possible to step into the realm of heaven and man at almost any time.

  "You can rest assured that the three mysterious masters have absolutely no realm of heaven and man."

  "If there is such a realm, there is no need to be so secretive."

  "And according to the secret letter, those three people are not Zhao Min's subordinates either."

  "On the contrary, Zhao Min respects the three of them very much."

  "I think it should be a master guardian of the Mongolian royal family."

  Zhang Wuji explained patiently.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen nodded slightly.

  This is as he expected.

  The experts on the Mongolian side never stopped killing the few people on the list.

  The reason is very simple. It is impossible for these people to subdue such a powerful man as the jellyfish Yinji.

  In the hall, the atmosphere was solemn.

  Everyone realized the seriousness of the problem.

  Even strong men like Jellyfish Yinji were taken away, which shows the strength of the Mongolian side.

  Not to mention, the jellyfish Yinji and the monk Wuhua have been brought to the territory of Mongolia, and it is even more inconvenient for them to rescue them.

  "This sect leader believes that no matter how powerful Zhao Min's subordinates are, we must unite as a fellow of the Daming Rivers and Lakes."

  "If you want to rescue the trapped sects, I can't rely on Mingjiao alone. I also ask you to help."

  Zhang Wuji made a generous speech and bowed to the crowd.

  All the gangsters were shocked by Zhang Wuji's righteousness.

  Who would have thought that after the death of Wuhua God Monk, Shue Shitai and others, the first person to stand up to rescue was Mingjiao Zhuang Wuji.

  They had just experienced a bloody battle, with countless casualties.

  For a time, everyone was infected by Zhang Wuji's benevolence and righteousness.

  The Lord of Yihua Palace, Yaoyue, said first: "This matter is related to my reputation in Daming Jianghu. The rescue operation is bound to be carried out. I am willing to contribute to Yihua Palace."

  Linghu Chong also stood up and said, "My Wuyue Sword Sect is also participating in the war, and we cannot let other dynasties underestimate us."

  The successive statements of Mingjiao, Yihuagong, and Wuyuejianpao made the blood of all the gangsters boil, and they all threatened to help.

  "If you want to form an alliance, don't forget the Shenshui Palace."

  "In the battle of Wudang Jinding, only the jellyfish Yinji participated in the battle in Shenshui Palace."

  "You can send your cronies to Shenshui Palace to pass a letter to inform you of this."

  "If you know that the jellyfish Yinji has been caught, Shenshui Palace will definitely attack with all its strength, which will be a great help."

  Lu XiaoFeng shook his head and said.

  These words reminded everyone.

  Shenshui Palace, as the top power in Daming Jianghu, is comparable to Shaolin and Wudang.

  If the disciples of Shenshui Palace join, the momentum of the alliance will immediately rise.

  Moreover, the jellyfish Yinji, who is the palace owner, has been arrested. The disciples of Shenshui Palace will not only contribute, but will also be the most desperate force.

  "There are also the Shaolin School and the Beggar Gang."

  "When we attacked Wu, Shaolin didn't send too many people."

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