"Now that monk Wuhua and a group of Shaolin disciples have been taken captive to Mongolia, it is time for the Shaolin faction to show its real strength."

  "As for the beggar gang, the masters in the gang basically participated in the battle of Wudang Jinding with Nangongling."

  "But the Daming Beggar Gang and the Great Song Beggar Gang have always been on the same page. The former leader of the Great Song Beggar Gang, Qiao Gang, came to the Daming Beggar Gang to help clear up the civil strife."

  "If you inform the Great Song Beggar Gang, you will surely get their help."

  Lu XiaoFeng continued.

  Everyone was excited when they heard the words.

  If coupled with the power of the Shaolin faction and the Great Song Beggar Gang, the momentum of this alliance would be too terrifying.

  Originally, many people thought that it was too absurd to go to Mongolia to rescue the monk Wuhua and others, and it was impossible to achieve.

  But at this time, under Lu Xiaofeng's advice, a terrifying force was gathered.

  If this force can really unite together, it is not impossible to enter Mongolia.

  Before Lu XiaoFeng finished speaking, he continued, "A group of dragons cannot be without a leader. If you want to control such a huge force, you must have an alliance leader."

  Everyone nodded, this is also a very important thing.

  The major sects belong to different sects. Without a strong leader, it is difficult to coordinate the various forces.

  Linghu Chong said: "Master Zhang is a heroic and courageous leader. He can still put the righteousness first at this time. I deeply admire him. I would like to recommend Master Zhang as the leader of the alliance."

  "This is absolutely impossible."

  "This sect leader is too young to take on this important task."

  "It's better to let Shaolin monks or Da Song beggar gang leader Qiao be the leader."

  Zhang Wuji quickly declined.

  "Shaolin monk?"

  "I don't want to follow the orders of those bald monks."

  "Besides, this is a matter of my Ming Dynasty, how can I let a person from the Song Dynasty be the leader?"

  "Master Zhang Wudang Jinding was conferred a god in the first battle. His strength is obvious to all, and he was the first to know the news."

  "Counting all the heads of the sects, Master Zhang is the most suitable candidate, so don't refuse."

  Yaoyue said coldly, with the intention of making a direct decision.

  Zhang Wuji was still reluctant to accept it and said, "Then I will be in charge of alliance affairs first, and if there is a suitable candidate, I will hand over the rights."

  Lu XiaoFeng smiled and said, "As I see it, there is no more suitable person in the world than Cult Master Zhang."

  Zhang Wuji said, "I have heard for a long time that Young Master Lu is unparalleled in his intelligence. In this move, he also invited Young Master Lu to be the military advisor."

  "If Master Zhang invites you as the leader of the alliance, Lu Xiaofeng is willing to accept it."

  "If Cult Master Zhang invites you as the Ming Cult Cult Master, please forgive Lu Xiaofeng for not agreeing."

  "I, Lu Xiaofeng, have a very strange temper, and I don't get along with many people."

  Lu XiaoFeng said firmly.

  Pushed to this point, Zhang Wuji finally had no choice, he could only nod his head and said, "Since all of you from all corners of the world can trust this sect leader, then this sect leader will no longer refuse."

  "I have seen the ally."

  Lu Xiaofeng smiled and gave Zhang Wuji a salute.

  "Masters of all factions are in Mongolia and may encounter unexpected events at any time, and they must act as soon as possible."

  "First of all, according to what Lu Gongzi said, send someone to the Shaolin School, Shenshui Palace, and the Great Song Beggar Gang to spread the message."

  "In addition, please invite the Moon Palace Master and Linghu Sect Master to select the elite disciples of the Yihua Palace and the Wuyue Sword Sect, ready to go to Mongolia at any time."

  "As for the rest, we will make a decision when the Shaolin sends them to reply."

  Zhang Wuji took over the position of the leader of the alliance and immediately arranged it carefully.

  "As ordered."

  With Zhang Wuji giving orders, many people started to act.

  The three flag-holding messengers of the Ming Sect took Zhang Wuji's edict and went straight to the Shaolin School, the Shenshui Palace and the Great Song Beggar Gang.

  Yaoyue and Linghu Chong also sent their cronies back to the sect to select elite disciples who were going to be taken to Mongolia.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen couldn't help nodding slightly when he saw this scene.

  The protagonist is the protagonist, and even in the fusion world, the aura of the protagonist still exists.

  If Zhang Wuji, the protagonist of destiny, leads this rescue operation, the chances of success should be very high.

  the other side,

  The crowd of onlookers also made comments of admiration.

  Who would have thought that Zhang Wuji had already accumulated such a reputation in less than a month since his debut.

  Even characters like Yaoyue, Lu Xiaofeng, and Linghuchong were willing to make him the leader of the alliance.

  In the past hundred years, Daming Jianghu has never had such a legendary existence.

  Not to mention, if this rescue plan is successful, Zhang Wuji's fame will surely reach the peak of the sky.

  At this time, many people remembered the Tianji deduction once performed by the owner of Tianji.

  It is predicted that Zhang Wuji will become the most powerful leader of Mingjiao in all dynasties.

  It is predicted that Zhang Wuji will bring Mingjiao to new glory.

  Now, the first prophecy has been fulfilled.

  As for the second prophecy.

  As long as this rescue plan is successful, all schools and sects in Daming Jianghu will owe Mingjiao a favor, and it is impossible for Mingjiao to grow or not.

  "¨'The master of the secret is mighty!"

  Many people couldn't help but sigh, everything in the dark is in the calculations of the owner of the secret.

  This can't help but make everyone feel even more awe of Tianjilou.


  Time flies, and it's already late at night.

  The Ming Dynasty, the Shaolin School, and the Disciplinary School.

  A group of Shaolin monks lined up in two rows, each with a solemn look.


  "Xinjian, the owner of Tianji has exposed all your crimes."

  "In the face of irrefutable evidence, can you plead guilty?"

  Abbot Kong Wen stood in the main seat and shouted to a monk wearing a red cassock below.

  As soon as these words came out, the Shaolin monks on both sides showed extremely bad expressions to the Xinjian monk standing in the middle.

  Thanks to the owner of Tianji,

  Their Shaolin faction has become the focus of discussion among people in the arena.

  It's just that focus isn't a good thing.

  After the exposure of the owner of the secret, the truth of the plum blossom robbery case has been spread (Qian Lihao), and everyone knows the truth.

  The most sensational is naturally Lin Xian'er.

  No one would have thought that she was the plum blossom thief who made countless people grit their teeth with hatred.

  The dignified national goddess of the rivers and lakes fell into the abyss in one day and became a hell beauty that everyone feared.

  Those victims of the plum blossom robbery case immediately dispatched personnel to search for Lin Xian'er's whereabouts, intending to avenge the past.

  Unfortunately, when they arrived at Linhu Manor, Lin Xian'er had long since disappeared.

  In desperation, everyone could only target the puppets that Lin Xian'er had manipulated.

  Among them, the most famous is naturally the monk of the heart who occupies the first seat of the Shaolin Prajna Hall.

  A priest, the head of the Prajna Hall, admired by thousands of people, was actually held hostage by Lin Xian'er's beauty and did all kinds of evil things for Lin Xian'er.

  It sounds ridiculous, but it actually happened.

  While shocking, he never forgot to ridicule the Shaolin faction again.

  This also makes the Shaolin School's not-so-good reputation worse and worse.

  The monks of the Shaolin sect are all shameless people.

  How can you not be angry when you see your own scandal being spread all over the world?

  Of course, they are the most angry at the Tianjilou, and they made a fool of themselves several times because of the exposure of the Tianjilou.

  It can be said that it was exposed badly by Tianjilou.

  But Tianjilou has great powers and is far from being offended by the Shaolin faction.

  They can only take out the culprit, the heart and soul, the monk.

  "Return to the abbot, and convict the sinful heart."

  Standing under the steps, Xinjian said without a trace of resistance.

  "If you can sincerely confess your guilt, why did you do such a ridiculous thing in the first place?"

  Abbot Kong Wen asked in a heartache.

  He really couldn't figure it out.

  It's just that others are controlled by Lin Xian'er.

  You Xinjian is a monk, how can you be planted in such a thing!

  The monk Xinjian's eyes flickered, as if imagining Lin Xian'er's beautiful face, and said softly:

  "The abbot was never chosen by Na Lin Xian'er, so it's naturally incomprehensible."

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