"Consume 4000 Tianji points to exchange for a purple-gold dragon pattern coffin."

  "This coffin is a medium-grade magic weapon of heaven. After the corpse enters the museum, it cannot be opened by those who are not in the heaven and human realm."

  As Feng Chen's voice fell, a purple-golden coffin about ten feet long fell from the sky.

  The sound of 'Boom' hit Dongfang Invincible's side.

  The whole place was silent for a moment.

  The smile on Dongfang Invincible's face disappeared instantly.

  "What does the owner of Tianji mean?"

  A wave of anger rose from the undefeated body of the East.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen still said calmly:

  "Because your death is tomorrow, a good coffin should be the most suitable treasure for you."


  "This secret deduction is a free bonus.".

Chapter 100

  Heavenly Secret Tower, deathly silence.

  Everyone was shocked by Feng Chen's words.

  Dongfang's undefeated period of death is at dawn?

  This is horrible!

  Dongfang Invincible is an existence standing at the peak of Daming Jianghu Martial Arts?

  Not to mention, several people at the same level as her.

  The Shaolin monk Puxuan has not been out of retreat for many years, Wudang Zhenren Zhang was seriously injured, and the master of the Shenshui Palace, Jellyfish Yinji, could not protect herself.

  Everyone really can't think of who can kill Dongfang Unbeaten tomorrow.

  If others say this, everyone will only take it as a cruel word.

  But this is what the owner of Tianji said, so there is absolutely no joke.

  In the face of one fact after another, the authority of the Tianji Building has no-one to question.

  Because of this, Dongfang Invincible's face also became ugly.

  She looked away from the purple-gold dragon patterned coffin on the ground, shifted to Feng Chen, forced a smile and said, "Is the master of Tianji joking?"

  "What this landlord said, the sun and the moon are the evidence, the heaven and the earth learn from each other, and the gods, demons and gods listen to it."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said flatly, but those eyes seemed to contain electric light, reaching the undefeated heart of Dongfang.

  The moment the domineering Dongfang Invincible came into contact with this gaze, it was struck by lightning, and he took two steps back one after another, and all his domineering dissipated without a trace.


  Yang Lianting exclaimed from behind, it was the first time he had seen Dongfang Invincible lose his momentum.


  Dongfang Invincible raised his palm, preventing Yang Lianting from stepping forward to help, and said gloomily:

  "it is good!"

  "Then let's take a look at this seat. In one day, who can take the life of this seat."

  "I also ask the owner of Tianji to take a closer look. Even if God wants to accept me, I will change my life against the sky."

  "Yang Lianting, take the coffin and go!"

  Dongfang Invincible was very straightforward. After uttering some harsh words, he walked away.

  When the undefeated figure in the East disappeared, all the big players in the rivers and lakes dared to start talking.

  "Oh my God! I heard it right, the owner of Tianji actually said that Dongfang Invincible can't survive tomorrow?"

  "Give a coffin directly, the owner of Tianji is too cruel."

  "That is, the owner of Tianji, or someone else who dares to do this to Dongfang Invincible, I'm afraid he will be killed by Dongfang Invincible!"

  "What you said, no matter how strong the undefeated Dongfang is, is it worthy to compare with the master of Tianji? If you really dare to make a mistake, the master of Tianji can kill her with one look!"

  "That's right! The owner of Tianji is a fairy-like figure. Let alone Dongfang Invincible, he has not yet entered the realm of heaven and human. Even if he enters the realm of heaven and human, if he dares to challenge the landlord of Tianji, there is only one way to die."

  "It can only be said that Dongfang is still invincible and still knows how to advance and retreat. If you dare to mess around in Tianjilou, I'm afraid you won't have to wait until tomorrow."

  "But then again, the purple gold dragon pattern coffin is indeed a rare treasure. Maybe Dongfang Invincible will really be able to use it tomorrow."


  Just when everyone was talking, there was a sudden exclamation in the direction of the Great Song Portal.

  And it can be seen that the rivers and lakes near the portal have spread out to both sides on their own.

  Out of curiosity, countless people looked at the past.

  Looking at it at a glance, everyone couldn't help but have a look of shock.

  I saw that the one who came out of the portal was a young girl, with elegant eyebrows and snow-like skin, like a deserted white lotus, opening silently and silently in the water.

  Her appearance may not be as immortal as the concubine Xuan and Wei, but she has a unique charm of her own.

  She is like an elf bred by nature, with a spirit of mountains, rivers, sun and moon, that kind of pure and natural temperament, which is not possessed by any beauties.

  The most important thing is that everyone is very familiar with the appearance of this beauty, and it is Gongsun Lucai who only ranked tenth on the [Stunning List] yesterday.

  "I, I read it right, she is Gongsun Lucai?"

  "It's definitely not wrong. Among the six stunning beauties announced yesterday, my favorite is Gongsun Lvcai, and I will never forget it."

  "I didn't expect Gongsun Lvcai to come. I'm so lucky today."

  "The real person of Gongsun Lvcai is even more beautiful than the one displayed in the jade mirror. The tenth place in the Song Dynasty's [Stunning List] definitely deserves its name."

  "I remember when the landlord of Tianji commented that Gongsun Lucai treated people with kindness, single-mindedness, and a great tolerance.

  "I remember there is a sentence behind it, 'If you meet the person you like, even if you are a concubine, you will be willing to do it', and this sentence is the key point."

  "Important! Absolutely important! After being certified by the owner of Tianji, you can't go wrong."

  "I have decided that I will vote for Gongsun Lucai for the top ten beauties in the [Stunning List]."

  "Brothers, draw your swords, I'm going to fix this Gongsun Green Calyx."


  Seeing Gongsun Lvcai approaching step by step, everyone's discussion became more and more enthusiastic, and everyone showed a fascinated look.

  If there is no [Stunning List], although everyone will be amazed at the beauty of Gongsun Lucalyx, they will not be so crazy.

  But the [Stunning List] made Gongsun Lvcai completely popular, adding a halo to his body, making him even more eye-catching.

  This is the star effect.

  In reality, those stars can gain millions of fans just by being packaged by the company.

  And Fengchen's [Stunning List] certification is genuine, saying that Gongsun Lvcai "treats people with kindness and single-mindedness", then there will be no falsehood.

  With such a personality and such a beautiful face, who doesn't like it?

  Just this moment.

  In the Tianji Building, the light screen with the portrait of Gongsun Green Calyx flickered again and again.

  The number above jumped from [-] to [-], a huge increase of [-] votes!

  Gongsun Lvca, who was originally ranked fifth, also jumped directly to the second place, [-] more votes than the third Luna.

  These screens, which are engraved with portraits of stunning women, are called "Popular List" by a group of high-ranking customers.

  In fact, it was a wild list created by Feng Chen with his spiritual power. It included [-] beautiful women on the list, ranked according to their popularity.

  This so-called popularity naturally refers to the support of the guests of Tianjilou.

  According to the rules, each person has only ten popular votes, and each stunning beauty can only cast one vote.

  The reason why there are not many beauties on the list is because most of the high rollers are still on the sidelines.

  After all, this is only the tenth-ranked beauty in the [Stunning List], and the beauties in the back must be even more shocked, so there is no need to rush to vote.

  The inspiration for this wild list comes from the celebrity popularity list of the previous life.

  Although these lists are full of insider stories and unfairness, they can fill up the conversation.

  Facts have proved that this [popularity list] has been very successful.

  The Tianji Building is more lively than ever.

  The 'Tian Ji Yue Dan Ping', founded by Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, also saw a surge in sales due to the addition of the [Popularity List] column.

  To a certain extent, the [Popularity List] is more popular than the [Behind the Scenes List], the [Sword God List], and the [Stunning List].

  Because it changes in real time.

  Every day, even every minute, every second changes.

  More exciting than the official list.

  Especially when there are more stunning beauties announced on the [Stunning List], the competition on this [Popularity List] will become more intense and become the focus of countless people's attention.

  It is worth mentioning that.

  The stunning beauty who is currently at the top of the [Popularity List] is Lin Xian'er, and she has an unshakable [-] million support votes.

  After the popularity list came out, many people voted for Lin Xian'er without hesitation.

  Even if these people already know the true face of Lin Xian'er.

  Even if these people already knew about Lin Xian'er's actions.

  Feng Chen can only sigh with emotion about this, Yan Zhi is justice, as long as the villain looks good, the three views follow the five senses.

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