Private room on the third floor.

  Shi Feixuan couldn't help but look at Gongsun Lucai, secretly comparing herself with herself.

  Consciously wanting to be better than Gongsun Lucae in terms of appearance, he relaxed a little.

  Although she considers her appearance to be superior, Shi Fei Xuan also has to admit that Gongsun Lvca's natural and fresh breath from the inside out is very attractive, and she is by no means an ordinary beauty.

  Another private room.

  Hou Xibai looked at the changes in the 'popularity list' and couldn't help laughing: "Miss Gongsun didn't come in vain this time, she has gained so many votes all at once."

  "After all, seeing once is better than hearing once."

  "Even if the owner of Tianji uses a jade mirror to reflect the true faces of those beauties, it is far less than the feeling brought by hearing and seeing."

  "Presumably in the future, there will be many beautiful beauties on the list. In order to increase their popularity, they will take the initiative to go to Tianjilou to canvass votes."

  Lu XiaoFeng said with a smile.

  "And this good thing?" Hou Xibai's eyes lit up with excitement.

  "Although the owner of Tianji said that the ranking of the 'popularity list' has nothing to do with the ranking of the [Excellent List] overall list."

  "But the [Stunning List] is a comprehensive consideration of all aspects of data, and popularity is naturally one of them."

  "In order to squeeze into the [Stunning List] overall list, there should be many beautiful women who are willing to come here."

  Lu Xiaofeng expressed his own analysis.

  Hou Xibai nodded again and again: "Brother Lu's analysis is very good, it seems that he will be able to feast his eyes in the future."


  In the lobby on the first floor, Gongsun Lvcai walked to the Baiyutai in front of the eyes of the crowd.

  "Green calyx has seen the owner of Tianji."

  "I heard that the owner of Tianji has great magical powers, and Green Calyx wants to ask the owner of Tianji something."

  In front of the White Jade Stage, Gongsun Lvcai bowed slightly towards Feng Chen, and two clouds appeared on his pale cheeks.

  This was the first time she had left the Valley of Pity, and it was the first time she had spoken to a strange man, so she was not used to it.

  "Do you want to ask about your mother?"

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen seemed to have seen through Gongsun Lvcai's mind and said lightly.

  Gongsun Lvcai's eyes were like water, she nodded and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from the master of Tianji."

  "I have no memory of my mother since I was a child."

  "My father told me that my mother died when she gave birth to me."

  "But there is a feeling in the green calyx that the mother is still alive."

  "But no matter how much I asked my father about my mother, he wasn't sure and even reprimanded me for it."

  "I heard that the landlord of Tianji has great magical powers and knows everything about the world. The girl wants to ask the landlord of Tianji to tell the girl all the truth."


  Gongsun Lvca's intermittent voice, combined with the soft and pure voice, instantly captured the hearts of the audience.

  A pair of eyes, looking at Fengchen in unison.

  They also want to know what is the secret relationship between Gongsun Lvca's parents.

  So much so that Gongsun Lvca's father was so ruthless to his daughter.

  "Exchange Tianji deduction [Qiu Qianchi's information] - worth 600 Tianji points."

  Feng Chen said lightly.

  Although he is very sympathetic to Gongsun Lvca, the rules are the rules.

· · 0 flowers · ·

  "I want to exchange." Gongsun Lvcai said very firmly.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen nodded slightly, and neatly crossed out Gongsun Lucaly's 600 days of secret points, and then said slowly:

  "Your mother's name is Qiu Qianchi. She is the younger sister of Qiu Qianren, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, "Iron Palm Water Floating". She is proficient in "Iron Palm Gong" and many martial arts."

  "Twenty years ago, Qiu Qianchi ran away from home in a fit of anger because of a conflict with Qiu Qianren and married your father Gongsunzhi."

  "Qiu Qianchi's martial arts are excellent, and he often points out Gongsun Zhi's flaws in martial arts, and teaches Gongsun Zhi's "Iron Palm Gong" the unique skills."

  "However, Qiu Qianchi has a tyrannical personality and often beats and scolds Gongsun Zhi, and the two gradually become at odds with each other."

  "After a long time, Gongsun Zhi couldn't bear Qiu Qianchi's tyrannical temper, so he secretly had an affair with his maid Rou'er."

  "Gongsun Zhi originally planned to take Rou'er out of the Valley of Love and fly away, but he never wanted to be discovered by Qiu Qianchi."

  "Qiu Qianchi was so angry that he pushed Gongsun Zhi and Rou'er into the sea of ​​love flowers, making them both highly poisoned and asking them to live only one of them."

  "In order to survive, Gongsun Zhi could only kill his beloved Rou'er, which caused resentment in his heart."

  "Later, Gongsun Zhi attacked Qiu Qianchi when he was careless, seriously injuring Qiu Qianchi.

  "Gongsun Zhi thought that Qiu Qianchi, who was unable to move, would surely die."

  "I didn't expect that, although Qiu Qianchi was inconvenient to move, he still had internal strength and survived tenaciously by relying on the jujube tree in the cave."

  Hearing this, Gongsun Lvcai finally couldn't help it, and said with a crying voice: "So, my mother is really still alive?"

  Feng Chen sighed: "It is true that he is still alive, but over the past ten years, Qiu Qianchi's temperament has become very strange, and his appearance is even more ugly."



  The grievances Gongsun Lvca had accumulated for more than ten years finally broke out at this moment, and burst into tears.

  In the hall, a group of gangsters were also silent.

  The love-hate entanglement between Gongsun Zhi and Qiu Qianren really made them feel a little bad.

  "Alas! I have pity for Gongsun Luca, such a kind girl, to have such a vicious mother on the table. It's really unfair."

  "Xiongtai's words are bad! Qiu Qianchi is tyrannical, but that Gongsun Zhi has his heart in the front, and everyone who has such a heart will kill him."

  "That's right, that maid Rou'er knew that her master had a wife, so she still managed to steal the sun, and she would die."

  "Gongsun Zhi is going to be miserable now. Qiu Qianren is the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, and he has always acted ruthlessly. Knowing that his sister has suffered so much, he will never let Gongsun Zhi go."

  "Gongsun Zhi did make mistakes first, but they were all forced. Marrying a virtuous wife can really drive a man crazy. I have a deep understanding of this."

  "Brother, please tell your story."


  There was a lot of discussion among the gangsters, some blamed Gongsun Zhi, some thought that Qiu Qianchi was at fault first, and some thought that both sides were at fault.

  But more people are sympathetic to Gongsun Lvca's experience.

  Gongsun Zhi obviously took his anger at Qiu Qianchi to Gongsun Lvca, which is so innocent to the weak Gongsun Lvca.

  With sympathy, Gongsun Lvca's popularity also skyrocketed, and it quickly broke through the [-] mark.

  Completely consolidated the second position of the [Popularity List].

  "Miss Gongsun, the hatred between your parents has reached an irreconcilable level."

  "Between the two, there must be death, and you cannot stop it."

  "When the talent was played just now, the landlord has already seen your fate."

  "If you go back now, you will die by your father's sword."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said with a sigh.

  "What? Will Miss Gongsun die?"

  "Miss Gongsun, you must not go back. The deduction of the master of Tianji has never failed."

  "That's right, the landlord of Tianji represents absolute authority, so you can stay in Tianjilou."

  "The hatred between your father and your mother is too deep for you to resolve. Don't give your life in vain."


  A group of gangsters heard that Gongsun Lvcai was in danger of life, and they immediately persuaded them anxiously.

  There was a trace of confusion in Gongsun Lvcai's eyes.

  She is not afraid of death.

  But after listening to the secret deduction of the master of the secret, she really didn't know how to face her father who mutilated her mother, nor how to face her mother who pushed her father to a dead end step by step.

  "Lord Tianji, please tell me, what should I do?"

  Confused, Gongsun Lvca subconsciously asked Feng Chen for help.

  "Yellow-marked rooms on the fifth floor of Tianji Building, the daily price is 10 Tianji points."

  "With the secret points on your body, you can live here for three months."

  "As long as you are here, you will never be hurt."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said flatly.

  Although there was no emotion in these words, Gongsun Lvcai was moved to the extreme, and two lines of clear tears slowly flowed down.

  It was the first time in her life that she had heard someone say to her that she would never be hurt.

  For the first time, there was a hint of warmth in that empty heart since childhood.

  "I, I would like to live in the Tianji Building."

  Gongsun Lvca raised his head and said in a soft tone, two clouds of clouds appeared on his white cheeks again.

  Many onlookers were shocked when they saw this scene.

  This girl, wouldn't she be interested in the owner of Tianji?Ding.

Chapter 101

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