Just when the sky was in full swing in the Tianji Building.

  The Tang Dynasty, the main rudder of the Huanyin Square, in the most mysterious Huanyin Hall.

  Across the layers of curtains, a beautiful woman with peerless elegance and splendor was wearing a high-fork cheongsam, half lying on the phoenix seat, showing majesty in her laziness, and said lightly: "Come here, go and bring Ji Ruxue. ."

  "As ordered."

  The two Huanyinfang disciples withdrew in response.

  Soon, Ji Ruxue was brought up and respectfully said, "Ji Ruxue sees the Empress."

  Behind the curtain is the leader of the Huanyinfang, the Empress.

  I saw the Empress said without a hint of incense: "Ji Ruxue, you have been cultivating in the Huanyin Workshop for more than ten years, but your cultivation has always been stuck at the peak of the Houtian Realm. Do you know why?"

  Ji Ruxue's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "I don't know."

  That's what makes her weird.

  Huanyinfang is one of the top forces in the Tang Dynasty, and the female emperor is a figure who stands at the peak of the martial arts of the Tang Dynasty.

  And she obtained the magic "Magic Sound Art" from the Huanyinfang Town School passed down by the Empress, but she has not been able to break through the Innate Realm for more than ten years.

  This matter hit her deeply, thinking that she had no talent in martial arts, and even cultivating the top internal skills was meaningless.

  The Empress seemed to see through her thoughts and said, "You are not low in aptitude. On the contrary, you have a mysterious body, which is an excellent talent for cultivation."


  It was the first time that Ji Ruxue knew about this, and her eyes widened.

  "Your physique is hidden deep, and even the Emperor didn't find it."

  "Afterwards, your "Phantom Sound Technique" continued to improve, and the profound yin qi in your body accumulated more and more. It was too late to change the yin attribute exercises for you."

  "For so many years, this emperor has been looking for a way to crack the mysterious yin in your body."

  "Just in the last few days, this emperor found it."

  Across the heavy curtains, the female emperor said calmly.

  Ji Ruxue hurriedly said, "Please make it clear to the Empress."

  "Mysterious Yin Qi fears masculinity the most."

  "If you take a fire ganoderma lucidum, you can neutralize the mysterious yin in your body and convert it into pure energy."

  "In this way, not only can you release your martial arts talent, but you can also absorb that pure energy and greatly improve your cultivation."

  The queen said slowly.

  "Fire Lingzhi? Then wait for the treasure, where to find it?"

  Ji Ruxue's bright eyes dimmed just now.

  The Empress said: "Huo Lingzhi is indeed a rare treasure in the world, but it happened that a plant appeared recently, in Yuzhou City."

  "Yuzhou City? It seems to be the territory of the Xuanming Sect..."

  Ji Ruxue frowned and said.


  "Our Huanyinfang and Xuanming Sect have always been at odds. If we send disciples there, conflicts will inevitably arise."

  "This emperor originally planned to let you go alone. After all, the people of Xuanming Sect probably don't know you."

  "But now there is a better way."

  There seemed to be a hint of joy in the Empress's tone.

  Ji Ruxue asked curiously, "What can I do?"

  "Didn't Tianjilou announce the [Stunning List] yesterday?"

  "This emperor has read the 'Tian Ji Yue Dan Review', and your name is ranked tenth in the Tang Dynasty [Stunning List]."

  "In addition to the dust avoidance bracelet, there is also a reward of 1500 Tianji points."

  "With these secret points, it shouldn't be a problem to exchange a Fire Lingzhi."

  The queen said with a smile.

  Ji Ruxue showed a look of joy, and said, "Thank you for the guidance of the Empress, my subordinate is worried about how to use these secret points."

  The Empress said: "This time you are going to the Tianji Building, and this Emperor has another task for you."

  "What mission?" Ji Ruxue asked curiously.

  "You should know that my Tang Dynasty was originally passed down from the Li family, and was later stolen by the current sage."

  "But the Li Tang clan, everyone's heart is in favor of the Li family's imperial power, and intends to support the first emperor and the descendants to inherit the great power."

  "Recently, there have been rumors that a prince named Li Xingyun is living abroad."

  "Tianjilou is the place where the world's news gathers, maybe something related to Li Xingyun will break out at some point."

  "This time, you go to the Tianji Building, and you will stay there permanently to inquire about the emperor's news."

  "Especially the news related to Li Xingyun must be reported to this emperor immediately."

  The queen said very seriously.

  Ji Ruxue nodded in understanding, and asked tentatively, "Does the Empress want to help Li Xingyun, or get rid of Li Xingyun?"

  "That's not the question you should be asking."

  The queen said indifferently.

  "My subordinates are wrong."

  Ji Ruxue quickly admitted her mistake.

  "Well, it's getting late, let's go."

  The Empress said lightly, and with a flick of her palm, an invisible qi gushed out, and directly pushed Ji Ruxue out of the hall.


  Ji Ruxue murmured, then turned and walked outside the Huanyinfang.


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  Gongsun Lvca had already gone to the private room on the third floor under the leadership of Yue Lingshan.

  This private room was given to her by Feng Chen.

  Compared to the secret spot required for accommodation, a little silver in the private room is nothing at all.

  According to the gold absorption speed of Tianjilou, now Fengchen is not bad enough not to say that he is rich enough to be an enemy of the country.

  In the hall, there were still bursts of discussions.

  The appearance of Gongsun Lvcai, the beauty of the [Stunning List], has caused a lot of discussion.

  Especially the tragic life experience of Gongsun Lvcai made many people sympathize.

  There were even many people who had already left the Tianji Building and were going to tip off Qiu Qianren, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang.

  There are even some good deeds. From the performance of Gongsun Lvca just now, it is inferred that Gongsun Lvca has a love for the owner of Tianji.

  And cites a very strong piece of evidence.

  That is Gongsun Lvcai, who was in the private room on the third floor. His eyes were staring at Baiyutai, his eyes were full of ripples.

  Such a result has left many gangsters heartbroken.

  After all, Gongsun Lvcai has the attributes of perseverance, and once there is an object of love, it will never change.

  For this reason, they can only comfort themselves, there are many beautiful women, and they still have a chance.


  At this moment, a Buddha's trumpet sounded at the Daming teleportation array.

  Immediately afterwards, a large number of Shaolin disciples filed in, and there were hundreds of them.

  This number is not surprising, but all these Shaolin disciples exude a strong pure yang breath.

  Even the person with the worst cultivation base has a late stage of the Innate Realm.

  There are more than a dozen masters in the master realm.

  In particular, a middle-aged monk at the head, wearing a red cassock, with a majestic complexion, exudes the atmosphere of a great master.

  "Oh my god! This is the foundation of the Shaolin School. It's too deep. It has sent so many masters and masters of the innate realm at one time."

  "This is the Shaolin faction. The thousand-year-old heritage is not a joke. The hidden strength is too terrifying."

  "In this way, the Wudang School can be as famous as the Shaolin School, but the Shaolin School is deliberately hiding its clumsiness."

  "Hundreds of late-stage Xiantian realm powerhouses and more than a dozen master masters and eminent monks, it seems that the Shaolin faction must rescue God Monk Wuhua and others."

  "That's inevitable. The godly monk Wuhua has the reputation of being the best of both Buddhism and Zen. He is the first person in the younger generation of the Shaolin School. He must be trained as an abbot. How can he die in Mongolia."

  "The Shaolin monk walking in the front looks familiar to me, as if he is a monk with a heart."

  "That's right, it's the monk of the heart, and the Shaolin faction didn't deal with him?"


  A group of high-profile guests in the rivers and lakes talked a lot, feeling the strength of the Shaolin school.

  There are many famous sects, and there are not so many masters and late-stage masters in the entire sect, but the Shaolin sect can take them out casually.

  This made everyone look at the strength of the Shaolin school a little higher, and they were full of awe.

  But the most surprising thing is that.

  The Shaolin monk who led the team to Mongolia this time turned out to be the controversial monk of the heart.

  After the plum blossom robbery case was exposed by the owner of Tianji, Lin Xian'er naturally became the wanted target of many sects, but the actions of the monk Xinjian also made many people despise.

  The dignified Shaolin monk is held hostage by a weak woman with her beauty, and steals the secret books of various sects as a plum blossom thief.

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