If it weren't for the strong Shaolin faction, many sects would have come to settle accounts long ago.

  Unexpectedly, with such a scandal, the Shaolin faction not only did not deal with the monk of the heart, but also let him lead the team to perform such a task.

  However, there are also discerning people who can see that the Shaolin faction is only doing this to stop losses.

  After all, Xinjian Divine Monk is a strong master in the Great Master Realm. If you kill him casually, it is a pity. It can be used to perform this dangerous mission and make up for it.

  If the monk of the heart can make a great contribution in this operation, it is enough to earn a lot of prestige and avoid death.

  To put it bluntly, the Shaolin sect is powerful, and it is strong to protect the heart and learn from the gods and monks, and other sects can only stare blankly.

  "Shaolin Xinjian, I have seen Master Zhang."

  The monk Xinjian walked up to the third floor and bowed to Zhang Wuji.

  Zhang Wuji hurriedly said, "The monk Xinjian is very polite, please take your seat."

  Xin Jian nodded slightly and sat next to Lu XiaoFeng.

  In order to facilitate the discussion, they all gathered in a private room.

  "Could it be that Master Xinjian is looking at the portrait of Lin Xian'er?"

  Lu XiaoFeng noticed the gaze of the monk Xinjian, and laughed and joked.

  "Cough cough..."

  Xin Jian blushed, and quickly explained, "I just caught a glimpse."

  "My fair lady, a gentleman is so arrogant, Lin Xian'er is indeed beyond what ordinary people can stop, otherwise she wouldn't be at the top of the [popularity list]..."

  Lu XiaoFeng seemed to be muttering to himself, explaining the origin of the [Popularity List] and the voting method.

  When the monk Xinjian heard the words, his heart moved, and he looked at the light screen with Lin Xian'er's portrait printed on it again, and murmured softly.

  This is exactly the act of voting for Lin Xian'er.

  "Haha, Master Xinjian really has a gentleman's heart that doesn't die."

  Just after Xinjian voted, she heard Lu XiaoFeng's laughter next to her.

  I don't know where, I was tricked by Lu Xiaofeng, and I immediately wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

  Seeing this scene, a group of gangsters were all surprised. They didn't expect Lin Xian'er's charm to be so great.

  To this day, it is still unforgettable by such a virtuous and respected monk as Xinjian.

  Thinking of Bai Xiaosheng who would have died for Lin Xian'er's life's notoriety, everyone couldn't help but yearn for Lin Xian'er even more, wishing they could see it with their own eyes.

  In just a short while, Lin Xian'er's votes rose by more than [-].

  Private room on the third floor.

  Hou Xibai shook his head and said, "Everyone laughs at Bai Xiaosheng, everyone is Bai Xiaosheng."


  At this moment, there was an astonishing fluctuation in the direction of the Great Song Portal.

  That is the breath of the strong, and it is extremely strong and fierce, which makes many people look at it curiously.

  "It's the Qiao Gang master and the Hong Gang master of the Beggar Gang!"

  "The two gang leaders are so loyal and willing to take a risk for the Daming Beggar Gang.. 0"

  "It's no wonder that the Great Song Beggar Gang is so powerful. With these two gang leaders leading it, which faction is the enemy other than the Shaolin faction?"

  "The rumors in the rivers and lakes, Nan Murong, Bei Qiaofeng, when I see them today, they really live up to their reputations."

  "I saw Bei Qiaofeng today. I don't know what Nan Murong looks like."


  There was a lot of discussion among the big players in the rivers and lakes, and many people admired Qiao Feng's righteousness and forthrightness.

  "Qiao Feng (Hong Qigong) of the Beggar Gang, I have seen the owner of Tianji."

  Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong strode forward, not going upstairs directly, but bowing in front of Baiyutai first.

  After Feng Chen nodded, he walked to the third floor.

  Zhang Wuji took the initiative to meet him and said, "Thank you, Gang Master Qiao and Gang Master Hong, for their willingness to help. On behalf of Daming Jianghu, I would like to express my thanks to the two Gang Masters."

  Qiao Feng waved his hand and said boldly: "Whatever Daming Jianghu or Dasong Jianghu, everyone is from the Central Plains, and they should support each other and fight against aliens."

  Hong Qigong also smiled and said, "I have heard for a long time that Cult Master Zhang is young and promising, and his righteousness is thin. When I see it today, it is even better than the rumors."

  After the introduction of the people,

  Qiao Feng said: "It's not too late, let's go now, right?"

  Linghu Chong on the side said: "Noon is coming, why don't you go after listening to the update of the [Sword God Ranking]. You can discuss the countermeasures first."

  "Sword God list update? That's fine, Qiao is also very interested in this."

  Qiao Feng said very proudly and sat down.

  Time passed quickly, and soon it was noon.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Sikong Zhaixing said excitedly: "The [Sword God Ranking] is finally going to be updated. I don't know if Brother Ximen will be on the list this time."

  Hua Manlou smiled and said, "Brother Ximen is destined to be on the list. Naturally, the later he appears, the better."

  Ximen Chuixue sat next to him, dressed in white, his eyes were cold, as if he didn't care about anything.

  But the corners of his eyes glanced at Keleo unconsciously, seeing that noon had arrived, his heart could not help shrinking slightly.

  Will his name appear this time?

  He hopes not.

  A group of high-ranking guests in the hall looked at Feng Chen on the white jade platform as if they were in a good mood.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen smiled slightly and said slowly:

  "The time has come, the [Sword God List] is updated."

  "[Sword God List] Fifth place, Xue Yiren."

  "[Sword God List] sixth place, Ximen Chuixue."

  Just as Feng Chen's voice fell.

  The six golden stone monuments located in the six dynasties all poured out a golden light, reaching the sky.

  On the fifth and sixth columns engraved with the [Sword God Ranking], there were two more names.

  Xue Yi people!

  Ximen blows snow!

  "What? Ximen Chuixue is only ranked sixth?"

  "No way, Ximen Chuixue is the sword god who is famous all over the Daming rivers and lakes, so he can only rank sixth?"

  "What is the origin of this Xue Yiren, why have I never heard of it?"

  "Me too, why is this Xue Yiren in front of Ximen Sword God?"

  "Young people today, you don't even know Xue Yiren, the famous owner of the Xue Family Village."

  "When Xue Yiren ran rampant in the rivers and lakes, Ximen Chuixue didn't know if he could use a sword."

  "Alas! A new generation has replaced the old. Xue Yiren Xue Jianshen has not walked the rivers and lakes for 1.2 years. It's normal to be unknown."

  "Back then, Xue Yiren had the reputation of being the number one sword god in Guanzhong."


  Inside the Tianji Building, countless gangsters were talking about it.

  Most of the present were young swordsmen, who grew up listening to the legendary experience of Ximen Chuixue, and greatly admired Ximen Chuixue.

  Unexpectedly, the number one sword god in his mind could only be ranked sixth in the [Sword God List].

  And this is just Daming's [Sword God List].

  The huge gap made them unacceptable, and they could only criticize Xue Yiren who were in line to meet in Ximen Chuixue.

  After all, this Xue Yiren can be said to be unknown in the arena.

  But soon these young people knew they were wrong.

  Xue Yiren is not a nameless person, but became famous too early, earlier than they were born.

  After the narration of some senior swordsmen, everyone knew how amazing Xue Yiren was back then.

  At the age of less than the weak crown, he even killed more than [-] famous swordsmen and titled the man in blood.

  After the weak crown, it was even more out of control, and the realm of kendo went a thousand miles, even if those famous kendos were defeated by him one by one.


  In the private room on the third floor, Ximen Chuixue clenched his fists tightly, making a sound of dislocating muscles and bones, but he didn't notice it at all.

  All his thoughts were concentrated on the newly updated [Sword God Ranking].

  Hua Manlou and Sikong Zhaixing on the side were so frightened that they didn't dare to shout.

  They can still understand Ximen Chuixue's mood.

  In addition to being obsessed with kendo, Ximen Chuixue also has an unparalleled arrogance.

  Especially in kendo, he never submits to anyone.

  In fact, since Ximen Chuixue became famous, he did not lose a single defeat, which made him famous, as if he had the power of the first sword god.

  However, the update of the [Sword God List] has poured cold water on him.

  [-]th on the Sword God List!

  This is a ranking he absolutely cannot accept. .

Chapter 102

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