Chapter 106


  "Blind your dog's eyes."

  "I don't even know Xue Yiren Xue Jianshen, who ranks fifth in the [Sword God List]."

  Ren Yingying said coldly.


  The four of them were even more afraid when they heard the words, but there was also a hint of doubt.

  There are only ten sword gods in the entire Ming Dynasty, and there are still four that have not been updated, so it is so easy for them to come across.

  Xue Yiren was already waiting impatiently, and frowned, "Do you still want to keep these virtuous nieces?"

  Ren Yingying said, "The four of them are all traitors. Even if I don't kill them, my father will not let them go."

  "Then you don't need to be here with the mother-in-law."

  Xue Yiren spoke lightly, and the blood-dropping sword held in his right hand clattered out of its sheath.

  Dan Qingsheng only felt a tinge of blood drifting past his eyes.

  When he came back to his senses again, but the sword and Xue Yiren were still standing there, the sword was still in its sheath.

  Dan Qingsheng suddenly felt a sense of anger being played with, and said sternly: "Pretend to be a fool..."

  Before he could say the word 'ghost', he stopped abruptly, with an incredible expression on his face.

  I saw that Huang Zhonggong, Heihezi, and Bald Penweng who were standing in the other three directions had already been cut off in the middle, and their bodies were broken into two pieces.



  Danqing was cold all over his body.

  He didn't even see how Xue Yiren made his sword.

  Is this the strength of the fifth strongest player in the [Sword God List]?

  "Take us to Ren Woxing and spare you not to die."

  Xue Yiren said lightly.

  These words fell in Dan Qingsheng's ears, but it was like a whisper of death, and he quickly said: "Okay, okay, okay, I'll take you to find the leader."

  The three of them walked towards the Meizhuang dungeon.

  After entering the dungeon, Ren Yingying saw that it was dark and smelly, and she couldn't help but get even more angry when she thought of her father being imprisoned again for more than ten years.

  "Jianshen Xue, this is where the leader Ren was imprisoned."

  Dan Qingsheng took a step forward and did not dare to go inside.

  Xue Yiren was bold and went straight in.

  I saw that in the dungeon, Ren Woxing's hands and feet, including the pipa bones, were all penetrated by purple gold and black iron, and he was extremely embarrassed.

  "Brother Ren, Xue is late."

  Xue Yiren raised his voice to drink, and the blood drop sword in his hand drew an astonishing sword light.

  In the next instant, all the black iron chains that bound Ren Wuxing's body were cut off.

  "Dan Qingsheng, what are you doing?"

  At this moment, Ren Yingying's scream suddenly came from outside.

  Xue Yiren's expression moved slightly, and before he could turn around, Ren Woxing had already rushed out, and a violent power swept the entire dungeon.

  When Xue Yiren walked out, I saw that Dan Qingsheng had been sucked into a pair of bones by Ren Woxing.

  "Dad, you are finally out of trouble."

  Ren Yingying, regardless of Ren Wexing's sloppy body, pounced directly,

  Xue Yiren didn't want to delay the father-daughter reminiscence, and quietly left the dungeon.

  An hour later, the Meizhuang Hall.

  Ren Wuxing has finished washing and changing.

  Even after being tortured for so many years, Ren Woxing is still in good spirits, his eyes are shining, and there is no sign of old age.

  "Congratulations to Brother Ren for getting out of trouble."

  Xue Yiren held his sword and said.

  Ren Wuxing said: "The specific process, Yingying has already told me, I will trouble Brother Xue this time."

  Both of them are bold people, they don't stick to these little details, they just look at each other and smile, and this is over.

  Xue Yiren said, "Brother Ren, what are you going to do next?"

  "Does that even need to be said?"

  "This dog thief, Dongfang Invincible, is in vain for my trust in him."

  "Now that I'm out of trouble, it's time to settle the account with him."

  Let me say arrogantly.

  "The various evil deeds of Dongfang Invincible have been exposed by the owner of Tianji, and everyone in the rivers and lakes has them and punished them."

  "We are acting rashly now, and it is very likely that others will use it, which is not good for our holy religion."

  "In my opinion, it's better to wait and see what happens and let others take the lead."

  Ren Yingying analyzed it very carefully.

  "Ha ha……"

  "I didn't expect you, Yingying, to be so capable, which is very comforting to my father."

  "Although it's not my style to hide my head and show my tail like this, I still know my own weight."

  "With my current strength, I'm probably not the undefeated opponent of the East."

  "During that time, first secretly accumulate strength and gather some old ministries."

  "Although I want to destroy the Eastern Invincible, the foundation of the Sun Moon God Sect cannot be damaged because of this."

  Ren Wuxing said loudly and arrogantly, obviously he is also a meticulous person who is both thick and thin.

  at this time,

  A woman wearing a colorful flower robe walked in quickly, and before anyone arrived, the fragrance of flowers on her body was already rushing in.

  Seeing Ren Woxing on the throne, the woman immediately bowed: "Lan Fenghuang, the leader of the Five Poison Sect, I have seen the leader Ren, congratulations to the leader Ren for getting out of the sea of ​​misery."

  Ren Yingying said: "Father, Master Lan is my good friend. Before coming here, I specially asked her to monitor the movements of Heimuya."

  After speaking, she looked at Lan Fenghuang again and said, "Sister Lan, you are here in person, but what happened to Heimuya?"

  "It's more than just movement, it's simply a major event."

  "The imperial court dispatched Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, to lead a [-]-strong imperial army to conquer Heimuya."

  "Dongfang Invincible seems to have learned the news ahead of time, and firstly summoned the members of the various altars."

  "At this time, the two sides are facing off at Heimuya, and the war is about to break out."

  Blue Phoenix said very seriously.

  In the Ming Rivers and Lakes, the power of the Sun and Moon Sect is already second to none, and there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers who can fight.

  The combatable soldiers here refer to the real core members of the cult, who learn the martial arts of the Sun and Moon God, and are willing to go through fire and water for the Sun and Moon God.

  For example, Mingjiao claims to have three million followers, but only tens of thousands of elite followers actually know martial arts.

  This is already a lot for the various factions in the rivers and lakes.

  But even if it is as strong as the Sun and Moon Divine Sect, it still looks very weak when it collides with the active army of the court.

  Ren Yingying stroked his hand and said, "Okay! This is that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and the undefeated period of the East is approaching."

  Ren Woxing squinted his eyes and said, "Iron Beast Zhu Ignore? Is that the one who defeated Gu Santong at the beginning?"


  "In those days, the ancient three links invited [-] top masters from the two realms to the right and the devil, and killed them all."

  "This move almost ruined the entire Daming river and lake, and was regarded as the number one devil in the world."

  "Fortunately, the Marquis of Iron Courage took action and captured him and killed him."

  "Even though Dongfang Invincible has a bad heart, it is still three points worse than the Great Mogu Three Links back then."

  "And in the past few decades, the skill of the God of Iron Courage has not been known to what extent."

  "It shouldn't be a problem to come to this trip to kill Dongfang Unbeaten."

  Blue Phoenix said confidently.

  Ren Yingying also nodded.

  The catastrophe caused by the ancient three links decades ago was far more terrifying than the Battle of Jinding in Wudang, and the Daming Rivers and Lakes almost declined because of it.

  It is precisely by virtue of his ability to kill the ancient three links that Zhu Ignore made his way up the sky and became a hot and powerful dignitary in the Ming Dynasty.

  This time the East was invincible and chaotic, Zhu ignored it and stood up again, but it was just a repeat of the old events.

  "Go, go to Blackwood Cliff now."

  "After Zhu ignores and kills Dongfang Invincible, the lackeys of Dongfang Invincible must panic."

  "This is a good time for me to take back the power in the church."

  Let me say decisively.

  Xue Yiren, Ren Yingying, and Lan Fenghuang also felt the same way, and they went to Heimuya together.

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