
  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  Everyone is still discussing and expressing their opinions about the new beauty list.

  The so-called spring orchid and autumn chrysanthemum have their own advantages.

  Although Nongyu and Lin Xian'er have the highest number of support votes, there are also many supporters of other stunning beauties.

  In front of Bai Yutai, Feng Chen said calmly after listening to Shang Xiufang's request:

  "Since the copy of "Transcending the Tribulation Immortal Song" is given to you, you can control it as you please, and you don't need to come and ask me."

  "As for letting Nongyu perform on stage, the landlord can agree."

  Shang Xiufang was overjoyed when she heard the words, and said quickly, "Thank you, Lord Tianji, I will send an invitation to Miss Nongyu."

  Feng Chen smiled slightly, and was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed.

  "Has the war begun?"

  Feng Chen murmured and pointed to the void.

  In an instant, the void exploded, as if a whole world was projected onto it.

  The gangsters who were discussing below were all taken aback and looked up one after another.

  When they saw the projected scene clearly, everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

  I saw that in the projection was a black peak that penetrated into the sky. On the top of the peak, there were two peerless powerhouses.

  The two of them just made such a stop, giving people an invincible power of the gods and the mountains.

  As if nothing in the world could overwhelm them.

  "Oh my god! This is Heimuya, the main altar of the Sun Moon God Sect!"

  A person with discerning eyes shouted out the name of this black peak.

  But even without his words, everyone can guess that this is Heimuya.

  Because the peerless master standing on the left side is Dongfang Undefeated.

  As for the dignified middle-aged man on the right...

  "Hou Zhu, the God of Iron Courage, ignores it! This person is the owner of Hulong Villa, Hou Zhu, the God of Iron Courage!"

  "Zhu ignored the fact that he went to Heimuya himself? This is a big event."

  "Marquis of Iron Courage, recognized as the number one expert in the Ming court, he hasn't shot for decades, right?"

  "Yeah, since the suppression of the Peerless Great Demon Ancient Three Links, no one in the rivers and lakes has dared to challenge the gods."

  "The God of Iron Courage is really my Ming's Dinghaishenzhen. Back then, he suppressed the Peerless Great Demon Ancient Three Links, and now he has to suppress Dongfang Undefeated, the black hand behind the scenes."

  "Well said! If I hadn't been a brave god in Daming Jianghu, I would have been destroyed by the ancient three links decades ago."

  "Compared with the ancient three links, which are unforgivable and sinful, Dongfang Invincible is still three points behind. The Divine Marquis of Iron Courage personally took action.

  "That's right, being able to die in the hands of the Divine Marquis of Iron Courage is also an honor for Dongfang Undefeated."

  "It may be that I haven't made a move for too long, and the Marquis of Iron Courage is lonely. After all, there is no one who is the enemy of the Marquis of Iron Courage in this Ming Dynasty."

  "The Marquis of Iron Courage is mighty!"


  Seeing the iron man in the picture, all the big players in the rivers and lakes boiled and exclaimed.

  To say that the most despised person in the arena, it must be the court eagle dog.

  But the Marquis of Iron Courage is an exception.

  He is the only person in the entire Ming Dynasty who is respected by the rivers and lakes, loved by ordinary people, and used by the court.

  The reason is that, decades ago, he suppressed the peerless Great Mogu Three Links that almost destroyed the Daming Rivers and Lakes.

  At that time, the strength of the ancient three links was unstoppable, and the top masters of the major sects were almost slaughtered by him.

  If it weren't for that shocking battle, the current Daming Jianghu would probably have declined.

  Because of this, although many people in all corners of the world hate Hulong Villa, none of them would speak ill of the Marquis of Iron Courage.

  at this time,

  The two people in the picture moved.

  This is the real battle of the pinnacle, Dongfang Invincible's body is full of internal energy, and his hair is disheveled.

  Not only is there not a trace of feminine tenderness, but there is a strangeness that is neither yin nor yang.

  Ten dazzling silver needles were suspended in front of him, and each needle seemed to have the power to pierce the heavens and the earth.

  "Zhu ignores it, if you can block my ten needles, I will be considered a loser."

  Dongfang Invincible said sadly.

  Because he was pushing "Sunflower Collection" with all his strength, he couldn't even maintain the woman's voice, and his voice was full of gloom and coldness.

  Compared to the madness of Dongfang Invincible, Zhu ignored it but seemed very indifferent, with one hand behind his back, he said solemnly:

  "The East is unbeaten. Over the years, Daming Jianghu has been poisoned by you."

  "This marquis has been ordered by His Majesty to hold the iron coupons of the Danshu, to control the mountains and rivers of Daming, and I will not allow you, a person who harms the country and the people, to continue to survive.. 0"

  "Today is your day of death."

  The moment the voice fell, Zhu ignored the aura suddenly increased.

  The first day of the Great Master Realm!

  The second level of the Great Master Realm!


  The Seventh Heaven of the Great Master Realm!

  The Eighth Heaven of the Great Master Realm!

  The ninth heaven of the great master realm!

  Zhu's ignorant aura is still rising, the wind is blowing the clouds, and the whole world is about to change color.

  At this moment, his breath has surpassed the Eastern Invincible in its heyday, but it is still improving.

  Half-step heaven!

  The breath of Zhu's ignorance directly broke through the limit that countless great masters could not cross in their entire lives.


  His aura continued to improve, and in Dongfang Invincible's terrified eyes, he jumped from the half-step Heaven and Human Realm to the real Heaven and Man Realm.

  The world is shaking!

  Two energies shot out from his body.

  A surge rushed out of his head, straight into the sky.

  Another surge poured out from the soles of his feet and submerged into Jiuyuan.

  At this moment, he is like the only protagonist between heaven and earth, running through the three realms and six paths.

  "This, this is... the realm of the unity of heaven and man!"

  "Oh my God! Has the Marquis of Iron Courage broke through to this legendary realm?"

  "Heaven and man are one, the bridge of life and death runs through the heavens and the earth, and you can directly control the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth. The legend turned out to be true!"

  "How many supreme masters in the rivers and lakes can't even peep in their entire lives, and the Marquis of Iron Courage has already reached it."

  "The Marquis of Iron Courage stood at the pinnacle of Martial Dao decades ago, and has gone further over the years to enter the realm of the unity of man and nature!"

  "Today, I can see with my own eyes the legendary man in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and he will die without regret."

  "Invincible! No wonder the Marquis of Iron Courage can suppress the Peerless Great Demon Ancient Three Links. This is the strength of invincibility."

  "The Marquis of Iron Courage released all the cultivation bases so unscrupulously. It should be that Dongfang is invincible and will die, so he did not leave any backhands."

  "But the god of iron courage never imagined that the owner of Tianji had the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, and completely exposed him!"


  A group of high rollers are talking with excitement.

  Not only because of this earth-shattering battle, but also because they saw Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, ignoring his true strength.

  Among the rivers and lakes, the most taboo is to expose all the strength, because that often means death.

  Just like Jing Wuming's right-hand sword, it will never be used easily.

  The cultivation of the Heaven and Human Realm that Zhu ignored was obviously a huge secret, and he released it after he believed that he would kill Dongfang Undefeated.

  But how did he know that in this world, there are still gods like Tianji landlord.

  With a simple move, the scene of Heimuya was projected in the Tianji Building.

  The biggest secret of the Marquis of Iron Courage, his cultivation in the realm of heaven and man, was completely exposed in front of everyone.

  Heaven and Human Realm cultivation base!

  That is so many existences standing at the peak of martial arts in Daming Jianghu, and it is a realm that cannot be spied on for more than ten years.

  Everyone can almost imagine that this news will definitely shake the entire Daming rivers and lakes!

  Not only Daming Jianghu, but other Jianghus will also spread the name of Iron Man.

  This is the power of the strong man in the unity of heaven and man!

  "The East is undefeated!"

  "Today Ben Marquis will show you how insignificant you are in front of Ben Marquis."

  "Borrow [-] miles of mountains and rivers for one use!"

  Zhu ignored the roar of the sky and supported the heaven and earth with his palms.

  Such a large-scale move, even if the internal strength of a great master realm is taken away, it is difficult to display it.

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