Only a person who masters the power of heaven and earth can use it lightly.


  Zhu ignored the terrified expression of Dongfang 1.2 Fang Invincible, and dragged the Gangqi Mountain directly towards Dongfang Invincible's suppression.


  "I do not believe!"

  "I am undefeated in the East!"

  "Sunrise East, only I am undefeated!"

  Dongfang Invincible completely fell into madness, desperate to stimulate his inner strength, ten divine needles shot out at the same time.


  The two extremely powerful attacks collided, and the entire Blackwood Cliff shook, as if it were about to collapse.


  Covered by the thick smoke and dust, Dongfang Invincible let out a shrill scream, as if something terrible had happened.

  "The Marquis of Iron Courage, it turns out that the one who killed [-] top powerhouses on the banks of Taihu Lake was, yes..."

  East Invincible is almost a roaring cry.

  But that sentence was not finished in the end, and everything came to an abrupt end.

  I don't know how long it took, and countless smoke and dust dissipated.

  A group of gangsters stared at each other.

  I saw the top of the black wood cliff, and the Marquis of Iron Courage stood with his hands behind his back, and his aura was three points stronger than before.

  A pink shirt fell on a boulder on the top of the Blackwood Cliff.

  That is the undefeated clothes of the East,

  As for Dongfang Invincible himself, he has disappeared without a trace.

  In the hall, there was silence at first, followed by fierce discussions.

  "What is the last thing the Eastern Invincible will say?"

  "Is this the strength of a powerhouse in the realm of heaven and human beings? Dongfang Invincible, who stands at the pinnacle of martial arts, is not an opponent at all."

  "Oh my God! Where has the undefeated East gone? Has it been wiped out?"

  "Dongfang Invincible seems to have mentioned the battle of Taihu Lake back then?"

  "You don't care what the big devil says! It's definitely not a good word!"

  "The Marquis of Iron Courage is mighty! Another great harm to my Daming Rivers and Lakes!"

  "Haha, with the Marquis of Iron Courage in charge, my Daming Jianghu will be impregnable!"

  "I was still worried about the remaining four behind the scenes in the [Black Hand List], but now I'm not worried at all!"

  "That's right, as long as the Marquis of Iron Courage is there, anyone behind the scenes will be exterminated."

  "The Marquis of Iron Courage, unparalleled in loyalty and righteousness, is my hero of the Ming Dynasty and a role model in the world!"


Chapter 107

  Just when the Tianji Building was bustling with excitement.

  The Ming Dynasty, Heimuya.

  A war is in full swing.

  The [-] imperial imperial army and the hundreds of thousands of followers of the Sun Moon God sect fought together.

  However, as the Marquis of Iron Courage walked down the Blackwood Cliff, the Sun and Moon Divine Sect immediately showed a trend of defeat.

  Everyone knows,

  The Marquis of Iron Courage fought undefeated Dongfang at the top of the Blackwood Cliff.

  Between the two, only the winner can walk down the Blackwood Cliff alive.

  Obviously, the one who survived was ignored by Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage.

  The imperial army of the imperial court suddenly rose in momentum and fought even more bravely.

  On the other hand, the Sun Moon Divine Sect side was losing ground, and even failed to break into an army.

  Because these cultists were originally held hostage by the three corpse brain pills, they had to work for the Eastern Invincible.

  Now that Dongfang Invincible is dead, the Sun and Moon Divine Sect is about to change.

  Naturally, there is no need for them to go all out to be buried with Dongfang Invincible.

  "See God Marquis!"

  Duan Tianya and Shangguan Haitang were very excited when they saw the return of the Marquis of Tiedan.

  They didn't know that the Marquis of Iron Courage had entered the realm of heaven and man in the past few decades.

  In his heart, there are still many worries about the battle between the Marquis of Iron Courage and the undefeated Dongfang.

  At this time, the Marquis of Sword and Tiedan succeeded in killing the devil Dongfang Undefeated, and they were relieved.

  "Ming Jin, let's withdraw."

  The Marquis of Iron Courage looked at the broken battlefield and said lightly.

  Duan Tianya wondered: "Marquis of God, now that Dongfang is undefeated and slaughtered, the Sun Moon God Sect is in a state of panic, and it is precisely when it is annihilated in one fell swoop, why should you retreat immediately?"

  "These demons are all held hostage by the undefeated three corpse brain pills in the east, which is why they are against the imperial court."

  "Now that the Dongfang Invincibility has been executed, it is not necessary to consume the Royal Forest Army on these small fish and shrimp."

  "Jianghu has its own rules. Even if these demons are killed, there will be new ones."

  "The most important thing is that the foundation of our Hulong Villa is to deter the demons of the rivers and lakes."

  "If there is no magic way, our Hulong Villa will cease to exist."

  The Marquis of Iron Courage stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly.

  When Duan Tianya heard the words, he could only worship: "Shen Hou Yingming, I'll send orders now."

  "I'll go with you." Shangguan Haitang also said.

  Seeing the two of them leave, the solemn expression of the Marquis of Iron Courage suddenly changed, and a scorching look appeared in his eyes.

  Spreading out his palm, in his palm, there is a treasure box made of five-color divine jade.

  Zhu ignored it as if he was looking at the most precious treasure in the world, and carefully opened the lid of the box.

  He only felt a refreshing aroma blowing towards his face, making his whole soul feel washed.

  "Jiuqu Resurrection Pill, Ben Hou finally got it!!"

  Zhu ignored the joy that was pressing inside 20 and said.

  No one knows that Zhu ignored the rise of the army this time, and attacked the Sun Moon Divine Sect in a mighty way, just for this small medicine pill.

  Otherwise, with Dongfang's undefeated strength, he would not be in his eyes at all.

  With this elixir, even one of his two biggest ambitions has been realized.

  Now there is only one last ambition left.

  Looking at the army of the imperial forest all over the mountains and plains, Zhu Ignore's eyes showed a smug look.


  the other side,

  Ren Wuxing, Xue Yiren, Ren Yingying, and Lan Fenghuang were all relieved to see the imperial court retreat.

  "Everything is as expected by the owner of Tianji. Today is the death period of Dongfang's undefeated."

  "I just didn't expect that the person who killed him would be the Marquis of Iron Courage."

  "The means of the owner of the secret is really beyond what mortals like me can speculate."

  Blue Phoenix said with emotion.

  Ren Yingying said: "Fortunately, the Marquis of Iron Courage didn't kill them all, otherwise the centuries-old foundation of the Sun Moon God Sect would be destroyed in one fell swoop."


  "Don't think too much of that Zhu Ignore."

  "He's just raising his own weight."

  "If there is no such thing as our Sun Moon God Cult that everyone fears, his Dragon Protector Villa would be useless to the court."

  Ren Woxing said lightly, explaining in one sentence the reason why Zhu ignored the retreat.



  At this moment, two figures broke down from the black wood cliff, and in the blink of an eye they approached.

  "The left envoy of Guangming Xiang Wentian welcomes the return of the leader."

  "Shangguan Yun, the elder of the White Tiger Hall, welcomes the return of the leader."

  The two approached and bowed directly to Ren Wuxing, who was Ren Wuxing's cronies.

  Ren Woxing sighed: "Let's ignore the ceremony. Are all the old brothers in the teaching okay?"

  "Return to the sect master."

  "After Dongfang Invincible usurped the throne, he acted more and more domineeringly, and he often killed dissidents."

  "I can only wait for the old part to go dormant and wait for the leader to return."

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