"The sky does not die, my Sun Moon God Sect, the leader finally got out of trouble."

  "As long as you raise your arm, countless old ministries will rush to respond!"

  Xiang Wentian said loudly.

  Ren Yingying was surprised when she heard the words.

  She thought that even if I went back, it would take a lot of effort to rectify the Sun Moon God Sect,

  But I didn't expect Ren Woxing to have so many dormant old departments.

  As long as these people stand up, the power of the Sun Moon God Cult will soon return to Ren Woxing's hands.

  After all, there is an antidote for the Three Corpse Brain Pill.

  Coupled with the fact that the East is unbeaten and dead, there will not be too many loyalists left.

  "it is good!"

  "You go down here."

  "Those undefeated wings in the East, those who are willing to surrender, can let go of the past."

  "If you are still obsessed with it, then kill it directly to avoid future troubles."

  Ren Ixing said arrogantly.

  "As ordered."

  Xiang Wentian and Shangguan Yun clasped their fists at the same time to lead their orders and ran away.

  "I wonder what Brother Xue's plans will be in the future?"

  "If we join the Sun Moon God Cult, we can all be on an equal footing."

  Ren Woxing looked at Xue Yiren and said.

  "I've only been a sword in my life, and I'm not interested in being a leader."

  "This is the matter, I plan to go to Tianjilou."

  "I heard that the 'Battle of the Peak' and even the confrontation of strong swordsmen were very exciting."

  "The old man has already missed one game, but I don't want to miss the second one."

  Xue Yiren said with a smile.

  "Sky Tower?"

  "In the past few days, Yingying has always read this secret building in my ear."

  "To say that this time I was able to get out of the sea of ​​misery and regain control of the Sun and Moon Divine Sect, it is all thanks to the master of Tianji."

  "Because of love and reason, the old man will also go to the Tianji Building to express his gratitude, and by the way, pay tribute to the immortal style of the Tianji landlord."

  Let me walk slowly.

  Ren Yingying said, "If Daddy goes, what will happen to the Sun Moon Divine Sect?"

  "The matter of the Sun Moon God Sect is left to the left to make them."

  "Your father, I have never been very familiar with these teaching affairs."

  "Even if you stay in the school, it won't help you much."

  Ren Wuxing said very openly.

  Xue Yiren said with a smile: "In that case, let's go to the Tianji Building together, we should be able to catch up with the peak battle."

  "Sister Lan, are you going?"

  Ren Yingying looked at Blue Phoenix.

  "Of course to go."

  "I have been in love with Tianjilou for a long time."

  "I have to see with my own eyes, why are those beauties on the list stronger than me."

  Blue Phoenix said very unconvinced.


  at the same time.

  Han Dynasty, Jizhou City, Zhonghua Pavilion.

  Wuming walked into the restaurant wearing a blue shirt as usual, found a seat on the second floor, and picked up his beloved erhu.

  As the so-called full blood pulls the erhu, the residual blood is everywhere.

  Wuming's spirit, energy, and spirit are now at their peak, which is just right for erhu.

  Unexpectedly, he just pulled it twice.

  A drinker sitting next to him called out, "Senior nameless, stop pretending, everyone knows that you are the martial arts myth of the year, and the Heavenly Sword is nameless."

  As soon as these words came out, the drinkers sitting around all looked over.

  Wuming was shocked and said in surprise: "How did you find out?"

  The drinker smiled and said, "I didn't find it. Someone bought your news from Tianji, and you were exposed by the landlord of Tianji."

  "The owner of the sky machine?"

  The surprise in Wuming's eyes was even stronger.

  At this moment, there was a sound of rushing footsteps outside the street, and there was a faint sound of swords mingling.

  "Unnamed Sword God, please bring out the sword for my Han Dynasty, and raise my Tianwei in the Central Plains!"

  "Unnamed Sword God, please bring out the sword for my Han Dynasty, and raise my Tianwei in the Central Plains!"

  "Unnamed Sword God, please bring out the sword for my Han Dynasty, and raise my Tianwei in the Central Plains!"


  The voices of countless swordsmen came from the street, which were deafening and shot straight into the sky.

  Wuming walked to the window and looked out, suddenly having a headache.

  He is not a person who likes to be in the limelight. Since the death of his beloved wife, he has the heart to retire from the world, and is really reluctant to make a sword.


  Looking at the tens of thousands of swordsmen gathered on the street, looking at their frenzied eyes.

  Nameless soft-hearted problems also followed.


  Jian Chen strode in with the hero sword in hand and said, "Master, the Central Plains are in trouble now, how can you stand by and watch, let's fight."

  Wuming sighed: "I'm afraid that after this battle, countless incidents will come to the door."

  Jian Chen said: "Master often says that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You let me pretend to be a heroic swordsman, and act as a chivalrous person. Why are you afraid of things?"

  "You kid..."

  Wuming was a little angry.

  Jian Chen continued: "Besides, you and Zhonghua Pavilion have both been exposed by the owner of Tianji, why don't you want to hide in another place?"


  Wuming showed hesitation, and it was not his original wish to hide.

  The most important thing is that if the owner of Tianji can expose him once, he can expose him a second time and a third time.

  He can't be on the loose all the time.

  Thinking of this, Wuming finally made up his mind, pushed open the window, and said loudly: "Thanks to the trust of everyone in the world, Wuming is willing to go to Tianjilou."

  When the swordsmen heard the words, they all showed ecstasy, and they all shouted: "If the nameless sword god makes a move, he will definitely defeat Fu Cailin and promote my heavenly power in the Central Plains!"

  Listening to the shouts of the crowd, Wuming looked towards the southeast, also showing a look of anticipation.

  He also wanted to see the legendary Heavenly Mystery Tower that could penetrate the Three Realms, know everything, and know everything.


  at the same time.

  The Great Song Dynasty, the Valley of Heartlessness, the atmosphere is tense.

  Countless iron palms help the disciples to drain the water around the entire valley.

  "Gongsun Zhi, don't let this gang leader get out!!"

  At the door, Qiu Qianren, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, was standing sideways, angered.

  After a while, Gongsun Zhi walked out of the courtyard quickly.

  The news of his valley is blocked, and he still does not know that he has been exposed by Tianjilou.

  Seeing Qiu Qianren and the other disciples of the Iron Palm Gang, although he panicked in his heart, he remained calm on the surface.

  "I don't know why Gang Master Qiu came to my Heartless Valley, why?"

  Gongsun Zhi asked cautiously.

  Qiu Qianren said angrily, "Gongsun Zhi, how dare you pretend to be confused with me, tell me, where is my sister imprisoned?"


  "I don't know what Gang Master Qiu means."

  Gongsun Zhi immediately began to pretend to be stupid, but his eyes were erratic.

  "Gongsun Zhi, you despicable and shameless villain."

  "Do you think you are doing it flawlessly?"

  "It's a pity that there is no airtight wall in the world."

  "What you did was exposed by the owner of Tianji."

  "My sister Qiu Qianchi sincerely married you, but was treated so cruelly by you."

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