From this point of view, Tianjilou did indeed have a great debt to the Yingui School. .

Chapter 14

  "The master of Tianji has a wonderful plan, and the concubine Xuan admires it."

  Shi Fei Xuan also stood up and bowed to Feng Chen Yingying.

  Although Feng Chen, who was ranked in disguise this time, found a problem for the Yingui School, Feng Chen's talent and knowledge completely convinced Shi Fei Xuan.

  Even the dusty heart was a little loose at this time.

  "Who is the owner of Tianji?"

  At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the hall on the first floor.

  I saw hundreds of warriors in soap-colored armor lined up, exuding a strong killing spirit.

  "Is this costume a disciple of the Songshan School?"

  Some people from the Ming Dynasty recognized the origin of this dress, and their identity was broken at a glance.

  "That's right, in the town of Jiuqujianzhong in Xiasong Mountain, in the name of the head, I came here to visit the owner of Tianji!"

  A man with a long sword appeared more and more, and said sharply.

  "Meeting? Is there such a meeting? Could it be that your Songshan faction are all barbarians? You don't even know how to worship first and then soldiers?"

  Hou Xibai stood up, shook the folding fan lightly, and said with great dissatisfaction.

  "Humph! Stop talking nonsense, I just ask who is the owner of Tianji?"

  Zhong Zhen said coldly.

  The big Yin Yang Shou Lehou, who was standing next to him, had to be more cautious. He took a slight step back and raised his hand.

  Seeing his movements fall, the hundreds of Songshan Sect disciples opened their robes at the same time, revealing giant crossbows made of fine steel.

  Seeing these giant crossbows, the gangsters in the hall on the first floor suddenly became restless and retreated to both sides.

  "My God! This is the air-breaking crossbow developed by the Ming Dynasty!"

  "It is said that this qi-breaking crossbow can penetrate even the qi shield of the master realm powerhouse, and the end is very powerful!"

  "Isn't the air-breaking crossbow designed for Jinyiwei? Where did the Songshan faction get so much?"

  "This is a big killer! Jin Yiwei has destroyed how many sects with this air-breaking crossbow."

  "Hundreds of air-breaking crossbows open their bows at the same time, I am afraid that even the masters of the great master realm have to retreat."

  "It's no wonder that Zuo Lengchan dares to come to the door knowing that the master of Tianji has an amazing cultivation base, and he has this support."


  There was a lot of discussion in the hall, and those who thought that the Songshan faction was courting death did not dare to speak at this time.

  The threat of hundreds of air-breaking crossbows is simply too great.

  Grandmasters might be able to dodge, but they can't.

  Even Hou Xibai was taken aback and took a half step back unconsciously.

  Although he has the "Illusory Demon Movement Technique" taught by the Evil King Shi Zhixuan, he cannot guarantee that he will be able to retreat under the greeting of so many air-breaking crossbows.

  Seeing the panicked reaction of everyone, Zhong Zhen's sneer became even stronger, and he immediately looked at Feng Chen on the white jade platform.

  "If I guessed correctly, you are the owner of Tianji, right?"

  Zhong Zhen said sadly.


  Feng Chen responded, glanced at the giant crossbows, and sighed: "Zuo Lengchan does have the appearance of a generation of heroes, but unfortunately, without the luck of the protagonist, he can only become a clown jumping beam after all."

  "Bold! When death is imminent, you dare to be disrespectful to the Sect Master!"

  Zhong Zhen scolded sharply.

  Lehou, who was on the side, worried about the change, and said directly: "Stop talking nonsense, Master Tianji, today is your death date... let go of the arrow!"







  The sound of breaking through the sky resounded through the sky.

  The disciples of the Songshan faction were clearly well-trained, and in an instant they raised their giant crossbows, and the one-meter-long iron arrows rushed towards Feng Chen like a curtain of rain.


  "Master Tianji, be careful."

  The sound of concern sounded from all directions, and a breath of air rose.

  But Feng Chen's expression was as calm as ever, and he said slowly until those arrow clusters flew in front of him:

  "The pearl of rice grains also shines?"

  The moment the words fell, Feng Chen raised his right hand and made a move in the direction of Zhong Zhen and the others.

  In the next instant, the qi-breaking arrows flying in mid-air, together with Zhong Zhen, Lehou, and hundreds of Songshan Sect disciples, all dissipated without a trace, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

  It was as if they had never appeared before.




  All the words are not enough to describe the mood of the people present.

  This is hundreds of elite disciples of the Songshan faction!

  It even includes two famous masters, Jiuqujian Zhongzhen and Dayinyang Hand Lehou.

  It didn't even have the slightest resistance to it, and it just vanished into ashes.

  After killing the great master and turning ten carts of silver, Feng Chen's strength once again exceeded everyone's imagination.

  In the private room on the third floor.

  The jade feet are three feet off the ground, her long hair flutters, and a strange force field surrounds her, which is the forbidden secret technique 'Heavenly Magic Force Field' recorded in "The Great Law of Heaven".

  Shi Feixuan stood on the railing, the long sword originally hanging on her back had appeared in her hand, her right hand was holding the hilt, and the sword's edge had been unsheathed three inches.

  Hou Xibai's body was almost equal to the two, his figure had already appeared in the air, and a pale blue immortal mark appeared behind him, which looked very mysterious.

  The three of them were already ready to go from the appearance of the disciples of the Songshan faction.

  When Lehou opened his mouth to shoot arrows, the three of them shot at the same time tacitly.

  Intended to block the fatal blow for the dust.

  But all these actions were stopped because of Feng Chen's amazing performance.


  Hou Xibai's phantom movement was very delicate. When his body was about to fall, he suddenly turned around and returned to the private room on the third floor.

  The immortal mark that had already formed on the back gradually faded away.

  But his heart was still turbulent.


  so horrible!

  He had already looked up to Feng Chen as high as possible, believing that Feng Chen was the legendary powerhouse in the supernatural realm.

  But now this scene has subverted his guess, and can only be replaced by the word 'unfathomable'.


  She let out a long sigh and dissipated the celestial magic field.

  This is a forbidden secret technique, and every time it is used, it consumes a lot of her spirit and cannot be used easily.

  But at this time, she didn't care about taking care of her, she just stared blankly at the place where the disciples of Songshan were standing, and whispered softly: "Master Tianji, a real god."


  The concubine returned the sword and sheathed it, looking at the light and calm Fengchen on the Baiyutai, and said softly: "The martial arts of the master of Tianji, the concubine Xuan admires, and is regarded as a land fairy."

  As soon as the words 'land gods' came out, everyone in the audience instantly lit up.

  They were suffering from not knowing how powerful Feng Chen was, and the 'land gods' mentioned by Shi Feixuan was perfectly in line with their imagination.

  That's right, it's a land fairy!

  At this moment, everyone felt a sense of awe towards Feng Chen as if they had seen a fairy. .

Chapter 15

  Inside the Sky Tower.

  Feng Chen sat alone on the white jade platform, as if he had just done a trivial thing, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry, everyone, as long as you are in the Tianji Building, you are absolutely safe."

  "The master of the secret is mighty!"

  "The master of the secret is mighty!"

  "The master of the secret is mighty!"

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