I don't know who shouted a word, which immediately caused a burst of noise, and the hall resumed its liveliness again.

  Shi Fei Xuan hung the long sword behind her back and said softly, "Concubine Xuan suddenly remembered something, and she has to leave for a while."

  After explaining to Feng Chen, Shi Fei Xuan left in a hurry with all the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai.

  Although she has just arrived at Tianjilou, she has already gained a lot.

  The first is about Feng Chen's strength, which completely exceeded Fan Qinghui's estimation. It was not something Cihang Jingzhai could offend, and he had to win over him with all his strength.

  Secondly, Fengchen compared the power of Cihang Jingzhai and Yingui School, which also contained a lot of important information, which must be reported to Fan Qinghui as soon as possible.

  The most important point is that she must ask Fan Qinghui about the origin of the "Cihang Sword Canon".

  "Cuckold, you have to go one step ahead."

  On the other side, Yan Yan let out a chuckle and followed the teacher and concubine Xuan.

  Like Shi Fei Xuan, she wanted to return to the sect to resume her life.

  Feng Chen has exposed Zhu Yuyan's layout, and will inevitably be targeted by Cihang Jingzhai, so he must come up with countermeasures in time.

  In addition, she will also tell Zhu Yuyan Feng Chen's comments on the Yingui School.

  In order to defeat Cihang Jingzhai, it is not enough to rely on the Yingui faction alone, it is necessary to integrate the two six factions of the Demon Sect.

  In addition to the concubine Xuan and Wei, there were also a large number of high-ranking guests in the hall on the first floor sneaking away.

  These people are the eyeliners sent by the major forces to Tianjilou.

  Now Tianjilou is the place where the world gathers, and every sect with some ability will send spies here.

  In fact, they did have a huge gain.

  This time is to go back to pass information.

  Feng Chen had a panoramic view of all this, and did not mean to stop it in the slightest.

  This is what he wants.

  I believe that within a day, his comparison of Cihang Jingzhai and Yingui School will spread throughout the six dynasties.

  This will be of great benefit for him to build the [Power List] in the future.

  Thinking of this, the smile on Feng Chen's face grew even stronger.

  "That, the owner of Tianji..."

  In the private room on the third floor, Hou Xibai seemed to be hesitant to speak.

  Feng Chen said, "If Young Master Hou has something to say, you can say it directly."

  "Then I'll just say it."

  "Xi Xianzi and Wei Wei have already left. I'm afraid they won't be back before tonight. Can they refund my room fee?"

  "It really doesn't work, it's okay to postpone it for a day."

  Hou Xibai said with a blushing old face.

  He also didn't want to care about it, but this was two million taels of silver, and he really didn't care about his face.

  "Sorry, all the items in Tianji Building, once sold, will not be returned."

  Feng Chen unceremoniously refused.


  Want to get the money back in his pocket?


  Ming Dynasty, Songshan School, front hall.

  I saw that in the wide square, there were crowds of people, and countless people gathered together.

  It looks like they are in a group, but in fact they are divided into four teams according to their clothes.

  It was in response to the Five Mountains Sword Order that the Hengshan School, Huashan School, Hengshan School, and Taishan School came.

  "Thank you all the brothers for coming to the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance."

  "We, the Five Mountains Sword Sect, were originally one body, with the same spirit, but recently we have been slandered by that day's Jilou."

  "The specific content, presumably you already know."

  "It is said that many forces have been bewitched by the machine building that day, and they want to be detrimental to the leader."

  "At this time, our Five Mountains Sword Sect should work together to overcome the difficulties."

  "Is it true that the heads of you said?"

  Ding Mian, the deputy head of the Songshan faction, stood on the high platform and said impassively.

  But in exchange, it was the cold eyes of the disciples of the Four Mountains.

  "Ding Mian, you Songshan faction have done all kinds of evil things in order to merge the Five Mountains!"

  "There is still the face to hold a Five Sacred Sacred Alliance meeting?"

  "Could it be that you are treating our factions as fools?"

  A voice, containing infinite inner strength, resounded throughout the audience, and it was the head of the Hengshan faction.

  Ding Mian frowned and said, "Didn't I just say that those are the slanderous words of the owner of Tianji?"

  "Slanderous words?"

  "Fei Bin and Lu Bai, in the name of collaborating with the Sun Moon God Sect elder Qu Yang, destroy Liu Zhengfeng's entire family!"

  "Everyone knows about this, is it still fake?"

  Mo Da remembered the death of his junior brother, and his face became even more angry.

  Ding Mian said: "This matter is indeed done by my Songshan faction, but it is also for the reputation of the Wuyue Sword faction. Do you dare to say that Liu Zhengfeng didn't make friends with Quyang?"


  Mo Da was at a loss for words, and really didn't know how to explain it.

  "Humph! What's the explanation for this Laudno?"

  At this moment, a figure flew out from the Huashan camp and smashed to the ground.

  It is the second disciple of Yue Buqun, the head of Huashan Mountain.

  I saw Yue Buqun striding out and said coldly:

  "According to the owner of Tianji, Yue has caught the undercover Laodenuo, and Laudenuo has also confessed to Zuo Lengchan's conspiracy. What else do you have to say?"

  Seeing Laudno lying on the ground, Ding Mian finally changed his face.

  That's the only thing he can't justify.


  At the same time, at the foot of Songshan Mountain.

  In the southeast direction, Zhao Gao took the six swordsmen of the net to climb up step by step.

  It seems that the pace is slow, but each step will move tens of meters, and in the blink of an eye, it will come to the middle of the mountain.

  In the southwest direction, Yuan Tiangang also took the bad guy to the top of the mountain.

  In the northwest direction, under the leadership of Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, the disciples of the Underworld Association strode upward, dust and sand flying.

  In the northeast direction, a man with sword eyebrows and star eyes is holding a sword upwards and walking steadily.

  There is a gold waist badge hanging from his waist with the word '天' written on it.

  It's the No. [-] spy in Tianzi of Hulong Villa, Duan Tianya!

  On the other side, Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou, and Sikong Zhaixing finally arrived.

  Looking at the high Songshan Mountain, Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said, "Brother Hua, you will see the sun again after today."

  Beside him, there was a man in white clothes like snow, exuding an extremely cold sword intent, it was Ximen Chuixue.

  In order to invite Ximen Chuixue, Lu Xiaofeng took a lot of effort and shaved off both of her beards.

  The four eyebrows have become two, which shows the great cost.

  Hua Manlou turned his head slightly and said solemnly, "I'm afraid this trip will not be so smooth. I sensed several breaths, none of which are under Brother Ximen."

  "Then see who can take the lead!"

  Lu XiaoFeng said with a smile, running his body technique and rushing forward, followed by the others. .

Chapter 16

  The Ming Dynasty, the Songshan School, and the cliffs in the back mountain.

  Linghu Chong looked at the white-haired old man in front of him and respectfully said, "Senior Feng, why did you call this junior here?"

  The white-haired old man turned around.Showing a very resolute face, it is Huashan Jianzong Fengqingyang.

  As the Su Lao of the Huashan School, Feng Qingyang should be famous all over the world, but for various reasons, he is not known to the outside world.

  Even now, there are no more than ten people in the entire Ming Dynasty who know of Feng Qingyang's existence.

  "Chong'er, what do you think of today's situation?"

  Feng Qingyang said slowly.

  "The situation today?"

  Linghu Chong frowned and said earnestly, "Junior thinks that today is the critical moment for the life and death of my Wuyue Sword Sect."

  "Then what are you going to do?" Feng Qingyang continued.

  "The younger generation believes that after today, the Five Mountains Sword Sect will definitely fall apart."

  "The younger generation has limited strength, and all they can do is try their best to protect the Huashan faction and the Hengshan faction."

  Linghu Chong smiled bitterly.

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