"The Five Mountains Sword Sect has been founded for hundreds of years, how can it be destroyed in one fell swoop?"

  "Today's robbery is just Zuo Lengchan, a behind-the-scenes mastermind."

  "As long as he is killed, those ghosts and ghosts will naturally retreat."

  "However, once Zuo Lengchan dies, the Five Mountains Sword Sect is bound to have more disputes."

  "Chong'er, I want you to become the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains and completely end the disputes between the Five Sacred Mountains Sword Sect."

  Feng Qingyang said with his eyes like a torch.

  "Let me be the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains? This... juniors can't afford it. Even if a new leader is to be elected, my master, Yue Buqun, should be the leader."

  Linghu Chong shook his head repeatedly and refused.

  He knew very well Yue Buqun's obsession with the Five Sacred Mountains, and was not willing to fight at all.

  What's more, he himself is not the kind of person who is keen on rights.


  "Yue Buqun is already obsolete."

  "The old man once watched him practice swordsmanship, and that way is not the Huashan swordsmanship at all."

  "Instead, it's somewhat similar to the Lin family's "Swords of Evil Exorcism"."

  "There is no medicine to save the mind."

  Feng Qingyang let out a sigh.

  "Master has practiced the Evil Sword Manual?"

  Linghu Chong showed a look of surprise.

  He naturally knew the dangers of "Evil Evil Sword Manual", and even the Lin family himself did not want to practice it again, which showed its evil nature.

  "Chong'er, your current strength has surpassed Yue Buqun and Zuo Lengchan."

  "You are the only one who can save the Five Mountains Sword Sect."

  Feng Qingyang said word by word.


  Linghu Chong showed hesitation.

  He really didn't want to take on this important task, but he also understood that if he didn't stand up, the Five Mountains Sword Sect would fall apart and more people would die.

  After thinking for a moment, Linghu Chong finally made up his mind and said solemnly, "Junior understands."

  "Good! Good! You just understand!"

  Feng Qingyang laughed, revealing a look of relief.

  Linghu Chong glanced at the foot of the mountain, frowned and said, "At this time, I am afraid that there are already strong people from all walks of life rushing to Songshan."

  "You don't have to worry about this matter, the old man will block him alone."

  "In the long years, every day I am overwhelmed with guilt."

  "Huashan Sword Sect no longer exists, and I am still alive, this is a torment."

  "It would be a relief for me to die here."

  Feng Qingyang has an expression that sees through the vicissitudes of the world, jumps up, and directly flies off the cliff.

  At this moment, Feng Qingyang's aura was elevated to the extreme, entering the realm of the Sword God.

  At this moment, he is the sword god, he is the incarnation of 'sword'.

  Dugu's Nine Swords, a sword across the sky!

  The light blue sword light pierced through the sky, like ripples swaying on the surface of a lake, sweeping towards the powerhouses halfway up the mountain with lightning speed.


  Ximen Chuixue felt this powerful and pure sword intent, and immediately rushed in front of Lu Xiaofeng.

  The long sword slammed out of its sheath, and an aura that belonged to the sword god was washed away.


  The two sword lights collided fiercely, making an earth-shattering roar.

  Lu XiaoFeng, who had already rushed to the front, was only swept away by the aftermath of the collision, and he had the illusion of shifting his internal organs, and suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

  "Lu XiaoFeng, are you alright?"

  Hua Manloufei stepped forward and caught Lu Xiaofeng who was flying upside down, a look of surprise flashed on his face.

  Only the aftermath of the collision of sword energy is so powerful, how strong should this sword-wielding person be?

  "This person's swordsmanship is not under mine. More importantly, he has a will to die. I don't have a good chance of winning."

  Ximen Chuixue returned the sword to the sheath and said in a deep voice.

  A sword god with the belief of mortal death, the power of sword moves will be doubled.

  If Ximen Chuixue didn't want to work hard, the battle would fall into the next stage, and even if he won, it would be a disastrous victory.

  "When did the Five Mountains Sword Sect have such a powerful master?"

  Sikong Zhaixing said inexplicably.

  Lu XiaoFeng wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and sighed, "This is broken, this person wants to use his own life to drag down the experts from all walks of life, we can't get on."

  Ximen Chuixue nodded, he didn't want to fight with a sword god for the mere two hundred heavenly points.

  In the southeast direction, the group of Luo Net that was advancing suddenly stopped.

  Zhengang Jiannu, the first of the six sword slaves, took a step forward, and the Zhengang sword was unsheathed in his hand, drawing a sword light.


  This sword light came first, and slammed into the wind and clear sword light, causing a puff of smoke.

  "Oh? I didn't expect the Wuyue Sword Sect to have such a strong person."

  A look of surprise flashed across Zhao Gao's face, he pondered a little, and did not move on.

  He is not afraid of Feng Qingyang, but of Yuan Tiangang.

  Yuan Tiangang, the leader of the bad guys!

  This is a powerful enemy that he is not sure he can win.

  Being in a foreign land, he didn't want to deal with bad people prematurely.

  In the southwest direction, the bad guys also felt this strong sword intent and stopped.


  The sword intent was like a rainbow, instantly approaching.

  Yuan Tiangang remained motionless, with one hand behind his back and the other grabbing forward.


  A bang resounded everywhere.

  The terrifying sword light of Feng Qingyang was shattered by Yuan Tiangang with one hand.

  "Boss, there seems to be a stubborn problem with the Five Mountains Sword Sect, shall we continue to go up?"

  Shangguan Yunque, a lieutenant of the thirty-sixth school lieutenant, took a step forward and asked Yuan Tiangang.

  "Forget it this time."

  Yuan Tiangang made a hoarse voice.

  He also did not want to play against the snare organization.

  Not to mention the unfathomable Zhao Gao, the six swords in the hands of Liu Jiannu gave him a very dangerous feeling.

  In the northwest direction, the disciples of the World Association suddenly stopped under Nie Feng's gesture.

  Bu Jingyun was already flying into the air, and the sword light slashed down vertically, like a wolf smoke in the desert, instantly swallowing the wind and clear sword light.

  "This man's strength is very strong!"

  Nie Feng made a judgment.

  In the northeast direction, Duan Tianya's face was slightly startled, and the sword around his waist was instantly unsheathed.

  The gorgeous sword light pierced half of the sky, blocking the deadly sword as well.

  "Dare to ask your name taboo?"

  Duan Tianya let out a long roar, expressing everyone's heart.

  One person and one sword, blocking five powerful enemies, no matter who this person is, he will be famous all over the world.

  After a while, an old voice echoed inside and outside Songshan.

  "Old man, Huashan Sword Sect, the wind is clear and bright!".

Chapter 17

  Songshan, halfway up the mountain.

  The wind is clear, one person and one sword, standing against the wind.

  Fang Cai's sword swept through the sky, and at the same time confronted the five-way powerhouse. Although it failed to hurt anyone, it successfully stopped the five-way troops.

  "This old man is a shrewd person."

  At the foot of the mountain, Lu XiaoFeng sighed with emotion.

  Feng Qingyang's sword, in addition to declaring force, is more important to send a signal.

  Through the collision of the sword light, the aura of the powerhouses from all walks of life has been completely exposed.

  This is the purpose of Fengqingyang.

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