"You don't want Longwangshu."

  "Concentrate on cultivating your "Longevity Technique"."

  Xu Ziling said with a chuckle.

  "Who would dislike such a thing as peerless magic?"

  "However, I think that our "Longevity Technique" is even more powerful. Maybe someone who can cultivate is immortal."

  Kou Zhong said whimsically.

  "Which is stronger, I'm afraid we can only know when the landlord of Tianji ranks the "Magic List"."

  Xu Ziling said slowly.

  Obviously, he also wanted to know in his heart, which of these three peerless divine arts is the most powerful.

  Another private room.

  Hua Wuque's eyes brightened.

  He studied under Lian Xing and learned "Hunyuan Zhenqi", and he knew how much Lianxing yearned for the last focus of "Hunyuan Zhenqi".

  Without the last center of gravity method 'empty wood burying flowers', "Hunyuan Zhenqi" will not be able to reach the perfect state.

  This is also an important factor for Lian Xing's failure to set foot on the pinnacle of martial arts.

  At this time, when I heard that the Liuren God dice contained the last focus of "Hunyuan Zhenqi", Hua Wuque's eyes also had a rare trace of heat.

  However, this didn't have any effect on his decision, just one more reason to kill Jiang Biehe.

  "No shortage, if you want to act, you have to do it as soon as possible."

  "I don't know how many people in the rivers and lakes coveted the Liuren Divine Die, and they will definitely kill Jiang Biehe like crazy."

  "These six dice of the gods contain the supreme mind of the two divine arts of the Huahua Palace, and they must not fall into the hands of outsiders."

  A middle-aged beautiful woman said anxiously, it was Hua Yuenu's sister, Hua Xingnu.

  She was very helpless. She didn't expect that the time when the Liuren Divine Die burst out was so coincidental.

  It happened to be when Palace Master Yaoyue and Palace Master Lianxing were not there.

  Even if one of the two of them was in Daming, they could easily take Jiang Biehe's life.

  At this time, he can only rely on Hua Wuque, who has not yet mastered martial arts.

  "I know what to do."

  Hua Wuque tightened the folding fan in his hand.

  Yihuagong has been studying art for more than [-] years, and he has cultivated a heart of ice.

  Even if he suddenly learned of his life experience and the whereabouts of Yihuagong's unique skills, it did not make him lose his calm.


  "Excuse me, the master of Tianji, how should the Liuren Divine Die be activated to obtain the peerless magic?"

  In the lobby on the first floor, a gangster said loudly.

  This can be said to express the voice of many people.

  The Six-Ren Divine Dice has been circulated in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years, but no one has been able to open it, and can only guard Baoshan.

  People naturally don't want that.

  For a time, everyone's eyes were focused on Feng Chen, and their eyes were full of heat.

  "The two mind tricks in the Liuren Divine Dice require different means to open."

  "Exchange Heavenly Secret Deduction [Liu Ren Shen Dice 'Moving Flowers and Connecting Trees' Mind Method to Open Ways] - worth 3000 Heavenly Secret Points."

  "Exchange Heavenly Secret Deduction [Liu Ren Shen Dice 'Empty Wood Burial Flower' Mind Method Opening Method] - worth 3000 Heavenly Secret Points."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said without the slightest emotion.


  Hearing Feng Chen's words, the smiles on the faces of all the gangsters suddenly froze.

  They almost forgot that Tianjilou was not profitable.

  This crucial information will definitely not be given away in vain.

  The 3000 Tianji points are enough to discourage countless high-profile customers.

  If you want to exchange the two divine arts and spiritual methods, you need [-] heavenly points, and no one in the whole world can get it.

· · 0 flowers · ·

  But the price is absolutely fair.

  Whether it's 'moving flowers to join trees' or 'burying flowers with empty wood', they are the top spiritual chapters.

  Once you get it, you can instantly soar to the sky!

  In contrast, as long as 3000 Tianji points are not outrageous.

  Private room on the third floor.

  "It takes 3000 Tianji points to get 'Transplanting Flowers and Joining Trees'?"

  Ren Wuxing's eyes widened, his expression a little uncomfortable.

  He had already planned to deal with Jiang Biehe.

  After all, Jiang Biehe's martial arts were far inferior to Liu Xi's, and it was easier to deal with.

  But the 3000 days of opportunity made him stay away.

  Even if you get the Six Ren Divine Die, and there is no way to open it, then what's the use.

  "Looks like I still have to kill Liu Xi."

  Let me mumble.


  On the White Jade Stage, Feng Chen ignored everyone's discussion and then commented:

  "Since then, Jiang Biehe has been used more and more by Liu Xi, and he was assigned by Liu Xi to look for Jianghu figures with pure yang and pure yin bodies."

  "Tie Abacus Meng Zhongliu, Crazy Bull Li Gao, Crazy Lion Tie Ruyun, Yuan Yang Zhenren, and Shen Xing Tai Bao Zhao Qianhe, five martial arts masters with pure Yang bodies, were successively arrested with poisonous tactics."

  "As for the two women with pure yin bodies, they are both daughters of the Murong family in Jiangbei."

  "The eldest daughter, Murong Shu, worshipped the Nanhai God Ni as her teacher and entered the palace as Concubine Shu."

  "The youngest daughter, Murong Xian, hasn't left the pavilion yet."

  "Jiang Biehe kidnapped Murong Shu and Murong Xian while Murong Shu went home to save relatives."

  "At this point, the five yang and the two yin are all gathered together, and it is only the day when the seven stars are in a row."


  After saying this, it was a solid subversion of Jiang Biehe's impression of a lot of gangsters.

  To say that Jiang Biehe is amazing,

  That is his insidious viciousness can break through everyone's imagination time and time again.

  "The mad lion is like a cloud? Isn't that the leader of the Jiangbei Wulin alliance?"

........ ......

  "Oh my God! Ten years ago, the iron alliance leader disappeared mysteriously. It turned out to be captured by Liu Xi."

  "How is this possible, Tie Ruyun's magic is unparalleled in the world, just because Jiang Biehe is his opponent?"

  "That's right, even if it was a sneak attack, Jiang Biehe's martial arts would be no match for the Iron Alliance Lord."

  "Could it be that Liu Xi made the shot himself?"

  A group of high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes talked a lot.

  Tie Ruyun has a very high reputation in the rivers and lakes. Ten years ago, he was the leader of the martial arts alliance in Jiangbei.

  Such a powerful existence was even caught by Liu Xi, which made everyone shudder.

  "Jiang Biehe alone is not Tie Ruyun's opponent."

  "But Liu Xi's layout for many years has not only controlled the court and factory guards, but also bought a large number of martial arts masters in the rivers and lakes."

  "In order to capture Tie Ruyun, Liu Xi dispatched ten of his strongest martial arts masters."

  "It's ironic, the strongest of the ten is Murong Wudi, the head of the Murong family in Jiangbei."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said with a light smile.


  After listening to Feng Chen's words, all the gangsters couldn't help taking a deep breath.

  "No wonder, no wonder even an unparalleled powerhouse like the Iron Alliance Lord is trapped in a cage. Liu Xi is so sinister."

  "Liu Xineng became the fourth in the [Black Hand List]. It really has a far-reaching layout. Even a decent hero like Murong Wudi has taken refuge in him."

  "Murong Wudi's strength is not under the Iron Alliance Leader, and with the other nine masters, it is very difficult for the Iron Alliance Leader to be unbeaten."

  "I didn't expect that Murong Wudi's generation of heroes turned out to be Liu Xi's lackey."

  "Even a decent and strong person like Murong Wudi can be recruited, which shows that Liu Xi has a deep layout in the arena."

  "The irony is that Liu Xi didn't take Murong Wudi seriously at all, but instead captured Murong Wudi's two daughters."

  "This Liu Xi and Jiang Biehe are too daring, and even the dignified concubine has been kidnapped."

  "What is the imperial concubine, now Liu Xi is already covering the sky with one hand."

  "If Murong Wudi knew that both of his daughters were captured by Liu Xi, what would his expression be?"

  "This makes the wicked get their own revenge for the wicked, and at this point, Murong Wudi is all to blame."


  Many people were talking about it, but unexpectedly they found another sinister villain, Murong Wudi.

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