The reputation of the Jiangbei Murong family was much higher than that of Jiang Biehe.

  The two Murongs in the south of the Yangtze River and the north of the Yangtze River are the top families of the Daming Rivers and Lakes, and they have been passed down for many generations.

  Murong from generation to generation is known for his righteousness and chivalry.

  Murong Wudi, the head of the Murong family of this generation, is also a well-known hero in the arena, and his righteousness is thin.

  Who would have thought that, like Jiang Biehe, he secretly became Liu Xi's lackey.

  Until this moment, everyone fully understood the horror of Liu Xi, the fourth place in the [Behind-the-Scenes Black Hand List].

  "Now I admit it, Liu Xi is indeed qualified to be ranked fourth on the [Behind the Scenes List]."

  "The depth of Liu Xi's layout and the viciousness of his concealment are not comparable to the East Invincible."

  "Chaotang, factory guards, rivers and lakes, Liu Xi has made so many layouts, just like Daming's behind-the-scenes emperor, he can only rank fourth? How scary are the top three?"

  "I remember that Liu Xi should have been ranked third in the [Black Hand List], but because of the Wudang Jinding battle, he dropped to fourth."

  "When I think of the Wudang Jinding battle that someone was behind the scenes and fueled the flames, I shudder. It's really terrifying."

  "I really hope that the owner of Tianji can announce the third place in the [Black Hand List] as soon as possible. If such a dangerous person continues to hide, the harm to me, Daming, is too great."

  "It's hard to imagine what kind of ruthless characters are in the top three of the [Black Hand List], it must be earth-shattering."


Chapter 111

  Inside the Tianji Building, the discussion was fierce.

  Listening to Feng Chen's description of Liu Xi's various layouts, everyone has completely fallen into the fear of Liu Xi.

  Such a vicious person with far-reaching layout and unparalleled martial arts makes the scalp of ordinary Jianghu high-rollers go numb just thinking about it.

  But the wealth is moving, and there are always daring people in this world.

  Liu Xi's challenge reward.

  The Liuren Divine Die in Jiang Biehe's hand.

  The attraction of these two things is too great, making countless people ignore the danger.

  Just at this moment, thousands of people have left through the Daming portal.

  "I'm sure that after today, the Daming Rivers and Lakes will be violent again."

  "Liu Xi has been in the rivers and lakes for so long. I don't know how many lackeys he has collected. This time, he must clean it up so as not to contaminate my Daming rivers and lakes."

  "No one dares to say it, but Jiang Biehe, the sinister villain, must die."

  "Every husband is innocent, but he is guilty of guilt. Jiang Biehe's secret possession of the six-ren god dice is the way to die."

  "The people from Yihuagong will definitely be the first to take action. It depends on whether Jiang Biehe can get the news in advance."

  "If only the two palace masters of Yihua Palace were here, Jiang Biehe would surely die."

  "I just want to know now, what will Murong Wudi's expression look like when he knows that his two daughters have been arrested?"

  "Haha, I am afraid that Murong Wudi doesn't know yet, and Liu Xi has also tricked him."


  Private room on the third floor.

  Hua Wuque said solemnly: "The two palace masters are not here, I will do this operation alone."

  "Are you alone? No, that's too dangerous." Hua Xingnu immediately refused.

  Hua Wuque said, "It's better for me to act by myself. Even if I face Shangjiang Biehe, I may not lose to him."

  "Then, well, pay more attention to safety, don't force it..."

  Hua Xingnu felt that what Hua Wuque said made sense, so he stopped stopping.

  The purpose of their trip to the Huagong Palace was not Liu Xi, but Jiang Biehe.

  Although Jiang Biehe is very sinister and sinister, he does not seem to be outstanding in martial arts.

  With Hua Wuque's strength, most of them can kill him.

  Another private room.

  "My concubine Shu, my concubine Shu was also caught by that dog thief Liu Xi!"

  Emperor Ming Zhu Houzhao muttered to himself, his face full of anger.

  Zhu Houzhao can accept Liu Xi's control of the cabinet, the control of the six ministries, the private establishment of factory guards, the Luozhi prison, and the sale of officials and titles.

  But he couldn't accept it, Liu Xi even dared to kidnap his imperial concubine.

  This is completely ignoring him as an emperor, and has already bullied him to the top of his head!

  "Your Majesty, rest your anger, it's not worth it to be angry with a guy like Liu Xi, who is angry with the wolf's ambition."

  Cao Zhengchun comforted by the side, but his heart was full of pride.

  This time it was really right, even he didn't know that Liu Xi had done so many vicious things behind his back.

  This is better, Liu Xi is definitely going to fall.

  The position of the director of the East Factory will definitely fall into his hands.

  "Cao Zhengchun, aren't you loyal to me?"

  "Go and kill Liu Xi, that dog thief now."

  "Rescue Concubine Shu to me."

  Zhu Houzhao said angrily.


  "Your Majesty, it's not that the old slave doesn't want to."

  "But the old slave's "Tiangang Boy Gong" has not yet been completed, and it is not the opponent of the evil thief Liu Xi."

  "It's not a big deal for the old slave to die. I'm afraid that after the old slave, no one will be loyal to His Majesty."

  Cao Zhengchun looked embarrassed and said with a bitter face.

  He doesn't want to face off with Liu Xi now, although his "Tiangang Boy's Art" is not inferior to Liu Xi.

  But he was too lazy to do it himself.

  In Cao Zhengchun's eyes, there is only one real opponent, and that is Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage.

  Liu Xi has never been in his eyes.

  "Humph! If you don't want to work for me, then I will find someone else."

  Zhu Houzhao was so angry that he walked directly to the railing and said loudly:

  "I am Zhu Houzhao, the son of tomorrow. Whoever kills Liu Xi and rescues Concubine Shu to me will be rewarded heavily."

  This sound was no trivial matter, and immediately made the hall silent.

  Countless eyes looked towards Zhu Hou one after another.

  Although the people in the rivers and lakes have always looked down on the imperial power, the court and the like.

  But after all, this is the Son of Heaven, the most honorable figure in the Ming Dynasty, and his identity is very small.

  "It's really Emperor Ming. Although he is dressed up in disguise, he can't hide the spirit of the emperor."

  "I didn't expect Minghuang to be in the Tianji Building."

  "That's great, I was worried that Liu Xigou jumping off the wall would be detrimental to His Majesty."

  "Humph! To make Liu Xi sit so big shows that this Emperor Ming is also extremely faint, how can he live."

  "It is said that a country cannot be without a ruler for a day. Although the emperor today is not wise enough, without him, the Ming Dynasty will only be more chaotic. In the end, it is the people who suffer."


  A group of gangsters started talking again.

  They didn't care about what Zhu Houzhao said was rewarding.

  The real masters in the arena, who do not care about the rewards of the imperial court.

  Those rewards are just a drop in the bucket compared to the challenge rewards of the [Black Hand List].

  If you really have the strength to kill Liu Xi, it is also for the reward of heaven.

  The same room on the third floor.

  Let me walk: "Yingying, have you thought of a countermeasure?"

  Ren Yingying said: "Don't worry, I have one more thing to figure out."

  After she finished speaking, she walked to the railing and said softly, "Master Tianji, I want to know where Liu Xi set up the Seven Stars Evil Law."

  As soon as these words came out, many high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes brightened their eyes and praised Ren Yingying for being smart.

  Liu Xi is now exposed, and the first thing that comes to his mind must be to improve his strength.

  He has been preparing for the seven-star evil method for more than ten years, and he will never give up easily.

  As long as you find out about this place, you can sit back and wait for Liu Xi to appear.

  "Exchange Heavenly Secret Deduction [Seven Stars Evil Law Arrangement Location] - worth 500 Heavenly Secret Points."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said flatly.

  "I want to exchange."

  Ren Yingying said without hesitation.

  She has a large amount of celestial points on her body, and these 500 celestial points are still affordable.

  "it is good."

  Feng Chen didn't talk nonsense, he directly crossed out the five hundred Tianji points on Ren Yingying's account, and then pointed out a point.

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