I saw a ball of aura shot out from Feng Chen's fingertips, turned into a jade slip, and fell steadily in Ren Yingying's hands.

  Ren Yingying opened the jade slip and checked it out, and immediately showed a clear expression, and said, "Thank you, Lord Tianji."

  "Haha, it's easy to do things when there is a chance."

  Ren Wuxing smiled happily.

  A group of high-ranking players looked at the jade slip in Ren Yingying's hand with great enthusiasm. This is crucial information.

  Unfortunately, it is impossible for Ren Yingying to share.

  "Father, shall we go now?" Ren Yingying put away the jade slip and asked.

  "Not urgent."

  "The seven-star secret method can't be completed in a short time."

  "It's not too late for us to watch the 'Battle of the Peak' here before we act."

  Let me walk slowly.

  Ren Yingying nodded slightly, looked at Lan Fenghuang beside him, and said, "Sister Lan, can I trouble you with something."

  "Saint-nun can do whatever you want." Lan Fenghuang said cheerfully.

  "I want you to take my father's identity token to Heimuya."

  "Tell the ambassador to the left, and let him gather all the masters in the teaching and wait for the order."

  Ren Yingying said very calmly.

  Lan Phoenix smiled and said, "This is a trivial matter, leave it to me."

  Seeing Ren Yingying's arrangement, Xue Yiren couldn't help laughing: "With Yingying giving us advice, the chance of success in this trip should be very high."


  Just as everyone was chatting lively, the void suddenly made a burst of noise.

  I saw endless ripples swaying, and the jade pond of the jade pond rose into the sky, and the beautiful brilliance instantly enveloped the audience.

  "This, this is..."

  It was the first time for many high-ranking players in Jianghu to visit Tianjilou. When they saw this scene, they all showed shock.

  "This is the method of Tianjilou. It is really unpredictable and beyond the reach of extraordinary people."

  Lonely sighed.

  "What a powerful Tianjilou, this is simply an immortal method."

  Ren Woxing stared, looking at the jade pond of the jade pond that looked like a palace in the fairy palace, still couldn't believe it.

  "After the dance music, the 'Battle of the Peak' begins."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said slowly.

  Yang Yuhuan, Shang Xiufang, Shi Qingxuan and others are ready.

  When Feng Chen's voice fell, they all performed their wonderful light powers, swept across the sky, and set foot on the jade platform of the Jade Lake.

  Under the shadow of the immortal air on the jade platform, it seems that the real nine-day fairy has descended into the world, and it is extremely beautiful.

  Sitting on the third floor, Dugu Meng, Gongsun Lvca, Ren Yingying, Ji Ruxue, Lu Linxuan and other stunning beauties looked around.

  Looking at the beautiful figure on the jade platform of Yaochi, I couldn't help but look shocked, thinking that I was inferior.

  Soon, the dance music started.

  Yang Yuhuan and other Tang dancers sang and danced unexpectedly.

  I do not know how long it has been,

  The song is over.

  The people in the audience were still immersed in that mood, unable to leave for a long time, and they were unwilling to leave.

  "The dance performance is over."

  "The peak battle platform has opened."

  "The Battle of the Peak has officially begun!"

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen said word by word, and as far as his eyes could see, the appearance of Yaochi jade platform changed drastically.

  That dense immortal energy turned into a desert smoke and steamed up.

  It was more as if there were waves of thunderous drums of war, and thousands of troops and horses, symphony of gold and arms, came to fight.

  "The battle of the pinnacle has begun?"

  Only then did everyone break free from the wonderful fairyland and stared at the peak battle platform with wide eyes.

  Under the rendering of various artistic conceptions of thousands of miles of desert, surging wolf smoke, thunderous drums, and thousands of troops, their blood was mobilized.

  "What a peak battle!"

  "What a peak battle stage!"

  "Let the old man see his blood boil."

  "I wish I could play in person and fight for seven days and seven nights!"

  Ren Wuxing said with great excitement.

  Ren Yingying said angrily: "Father, don't be impatient, the battle of the peak has not yet begun."



  At this moment, the peak battle stage that has been completely closed, the two regiments are dazzling.

  As the light gradually disappeared, two human figures also appeared in front of everyone.

  The one on the left was tall and strange, and it was the familiar Fu Cailin.

  The person on the right was wearing a blue shirt, standing calmly, looking like a mortal.

  "Is this person Tianjian Wuming?"

  "Why does he look so unremarkable?"

  "I can't even sense the sharpness of a swordsman from him."

  "Don't talk about aggressiveness, why can't I even see his face clearly."

  "Who said that, he's not standing there, eh? I really can't see clearly."


  A group of gangsters talked a lot, and they all felt that the nameless was too different from their impression.

  Martial arts myth, Tianjian nameless!

  In the imagination of many high rollers,

  He should be the kind of invincible sword god who stands upright and has sword intent.

  Or it can give people a sense of the boundless and unfathomable.

  But it is not, Wuming is like a mortal, not at all inconspicuous.

  What is even more bizarre is that his face is clearly not covered, but no matter which angle it is located, it cannot be seen clearly.

  It was as if there was a layer of infuriating qi covering that face, making it impossible for people to peep.

  "What a nameless Tianjian, he really didn't die."

  Dugu's side showed a little bit of anger.

  If Wuming hadn't defeated Dugu Juggernaut in the form of a teenager, Dugu Juggernaut would not have been in seclusion forever.. 0

  From this point of view, there is some enmity between Wuming and Wushuangcheng.

  "Is this the nameless sword of the Han Dynasty?"

  Xue Yiren narrowed his eyes slightly, the swordsman's intuition made him feel that this person was very dangerous.

  There is also Ximen Chuixue in the private room next door.

  Since the last breakthrough, Ximen Chuixue's sword realm has surpassed that of Fan Qinghui, and he has regained his former self-confidence.

  Even after seeing Xue Yiren and feeling Xue Yiren's sword intent, Ximen Chuixue was not much moved, thinking that he had the power to fight.

  But when he saw that Tianjian was nameless, his invincible heart was shaken.

  Mingming, who is obviously ordinary and unremarkable, has not yet shot, giving people a kind of heavy pressure like a mountain.

  "This person, I am not an opponent."

  Ximen Chuixue has always been arrogant, but at this time he has to admit that before the battle, his mentality has already lost.

  At least for now, he still has a long way to go to catch up with Wuming.


  At this moment, a strong wave of sword intent came from the portal of Daqin.

  Countless gangsters looked around, all of them were shocked.

  I saw that the person who came was the Sword Saint Genie.

  He walked to the third floor step by step, he had already reserved a private room, and obviously he was here for this battle.

  Gai Nie did not want to miss the decisive battle between the two peak swordsmen.

  On the top stage,

  Neither Fu Cailin nor Wuming noticed the appearance of Genie.

  They only have each other in their eyes.

  Although their figures did not move, their sword intents had already collided in the void.

  From the moment they appeared on the top stage, the competition had already begun.

  In the battle of the strong, victory and defeat are in the blink of an eye.

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