
  With a contention, the sword energy surged into the sky!

  Nameless strikes first!

  The sword-intent confrontation just now made him understand the number of ways Fu Cailin's swordsmanship was.

  The sword is like chess, and he will never seize the first move, so he will attack first.

  Although it was the first time we met,

  Although it is only the first sword,

  But because of the collision of sword intents just now, Wuming had already fully understood the flaws in Fu Cailin's swordsmanship.

  This sword is a sure-kill sword.


  This is the second sword move of "Inexplicable Sword Technique".

  It is also the most treacherous move in the inexplicable swordsmanship. The sword path is erratic, making people inexplicable and incomprehensible.

  If it was said that Gai Nie's sword was mighty and mighty, it used power to overwhelm people.

  That nameless sword is the mystery of extreme change, and the creation is infinite.

  Fu Cailin's eyes flashed, trying to see through the change in this move.

  A fine layer of sweat appeared from his forehead, but he didn't notice it.

  This sword is not fast and not strong, but it has evolved the strange transformation to the extreme, as if it is repeated everywhere.

  Fu Cailin believes that his "Swordsmanship" has been exhausted and can block any sword move.

  But at this time, he found that this sword, he couldn't stop it.

  "Bang bang bang..."

  The sword light flew over, and Fu Cailin had to respond.

  The two sword lights collided in the void, and a fierce battle broke out.

  But in the blink of an eye, there have been more than [-] rounds of confrontation.

  "Master, come on!"

  Three sisters, Fu Junxi, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang stood in the audience and cheered for Fu Cailin excitedly.

  But he didn't know that at this time, Fu Cailin's heart was full of despair.

  This was undoubtedly his most embarrassing battle.

  Although the sword lights of the two were still intertwined, Fu Cailin knew very well that he had already lost.

  In his "Swordsmanship", you can see the changes after hundreds of strokes.

  Because of this, he has seen that after one hundred and seven strokes, he will be defeated.

  The strongest point of the nameless sword style 1.2 is that,

  Even if Fu Cailin calculated all his sword paths, he could not change the outcome of his defeat.

  The sword light flew by, and one hundred and seven moves passed by in an instant.

  Fu Cailin sighed and slanted his sword downward, showing a convincing expression.

  The nameless hero sword had already reached his throat.

  The whole place was silent.

  In the next instant, a deafening cheer erupted from all the big players.

  "Haha, we won, and our Central Plains won again!"

  "I knew that the power of the Central Plains Sword God is definitely not comparable to those of other ethnic groups."

  "This battle is so intense, I was so nervous that I thought Wuming Sword God would lose."

  "Fu Cailin is still powerful, and he was able to go through a hundred moves without being defeated under the nameless swordsman."

  "The two fought over a hundred moves, which shows that Fu Cailin's strength should not be underestimated."


  Private room on the third floor.

  Sikong Zhaixing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's dangerous, it's dangerous, this is the first time I've seen such a fierce swordsman confrontation."

  Next to Ximen Chuixue, his expression was indifferent. With his kendo realm, his understanding far surpassed that of ordinary people.

  He knew very well that Fu Cailin had already lost the moment Wuming made his sword.

  The two seem to be fighting hundreds of tricks, but in fact, it is an unnamed one-shot victory.

  It can be seen from this point that the nameless sword realm far surpasses Fu Cailin.

  "Tianjian is nameless, one day, I will defeat you."

  Ximen Chuixue's eyes lit up with fighting intent, and he regarded Wuming as a target to catch up.

  Another private room.

  Xue Yiren was also shocked by this battle.

  In his opinion, the nameless realm of kendo has transcended the category of 'sword' and has reached the realm of 'heaven'.

  Because of this, Fu Cailin had no power to fight back in front of him and was instantly killed.

  "There are so many sword gods in the world."

  Xue Yiren let out a sigh, and yearned for the realm of 'harmony between man and nature'.

  His kendo realm has fallen into a bottleneck.

  Only by breaking through to the realm of the unity of nature and man, with the help of the 'heaven and man induction' unique to the strong in the realm of heaven and man, can the sword realm go further. .

Chapter 112

  The battle of the pinnacle, the second game, ended with a nameless victory.

  On the peak battle stage, Wuming returned his sword into the sheath, clasped his fists in public and said, "Fortunately, I didn't lose my life."

  At the moment when the voice fell, he regained his unremarkable appearance again, and fell to the ground.

  Jian Chen hurried forward to meet him and said happily, "Congratulations to Master for his great victory, and show me the power of Heaven in the Central Plains."

  Wuming did not speak, glanced at Fu Cailin and shook his head.

  He knew that this battle would deal a major blow to Fu Cailin, so he felt ashamed.

  But he had to do this. If he released water to Fu Cailin, that would be the biggest insult.

  the other side,

  Fu Cailin, as Unnamed expected, looked lost.

  This defeat made him even more desperate than the previous one.

  Because Nameless is the one who beats him where he is most proud.


  Fu Junxiu, Fu Junyu, and Fu Junqiang greeted Fu Cailin, who came down from the summit, and their eyes were full of grief.

  After two consecutive battles, they were all defeated, and the monument of faith in their hearts had collapsed.

  The rest, only regret and indebtedness.

  If it wasn't for them, Fu Cailin would not have entered the Central Plains again and suffered repeated humiliations.

  "Silly girl, stop crying."

  "It is the great fortune of all swordsmen to be able to fight against such a tyrannical master of kendo."

  "Even if I die here, I will die for my teacher and rest my eyes."

  Fu Cailin said with a smile, showing the grand master's demeanor.

  After comforting the three apprentices, Fu Cailin did not leave as usual, but bowed to Baiyutai and said sincerely:

  "When you enter the Central Plains today, you will know that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky."

  "Fu was really sitting on the well and watching the sky before, falsely claiming to be a master."

  "The last battle will be forged in blood."

  "The so-called, Chao Wendao, Xi can die."

  "I hope that Zhongyuan can send a powerful sword god to fulfill Fu's long-cherished wish."

  After saying these words, Fu Cailin left.

  There was silence in the hall.

  Although Fu Cailin is of a different race, after these two battles, he has convinced many high-ranking players in both the world and the kendo.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Xue Yiren said solemnly: "Chao Wendao, Xi can be dead. In this third battle, Fu Cailin should have reported his will to win."

  "Fu Cailin has lost two games in a row, and his spirit has reached a perfect state. If he wins the third game, he will enter the realm of heaven and man."

  In another private room, Ximen Chuixue said coldly.

  Hearing the two Sword Gods commenting like this, all the gangsters showed a look of astonishment.

  Obviously, these two consecutive defeats have driven Fu Cailin's state of mind to a dead end, and he wants to fight to the death.

  Fu Cailin originally stood at the pinnacle of the Great Master Realm.

  If he wins, he will be put to death and then 20 lives, breaking through to the realm of the unity of man and nature in one fell swoop.

  If you lose the battle, your mood will collapse, and you will have no hope of breaking through half a point in this life.

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