"Fu Cailin still wants to use this battle to break through to the realm of the unity of man and nature. Do you really think that I am invincible in the Central Plains?"


  The chatter of a group of gangsters shot straight into the sky, and everyone's face was filled with excitement.

  Dugu is too domineering.

  Although he may not be the most powerful, his sword intent is publicity and domineering, without the slightest restraint.

  Because he doesn't need to hide his clumsiness, and he doesn't want to hide his clumsiness, he just wants to be defeated!

  Like Jing Wuming's right-handed fast sword, Duan Tianya's phantom sword, never dared to appear in front of people.

  Because they are afraid of being known to others about their cards.

  But Dugu is not afraid of defeat!

  He is a strong man who truly stands on the top, so strong that he is as lonely as snow, so strong that he longs to have an opponent, so strong that he hopes to be defeated!

  "Dong dong dong..."

  As Dugu Qiufeng stepped up to the third floor step by step, the warriors in the hall on the first floor were relieved, and their hearts resumed beating.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen didn't pay much attention to the appearance of Dugu seeking defeat.

  After counting the time, Feng Chen pointed directly to the void.


  A huge explosion sounded, infinite ripples spread, and a jade pond in one side manifested.

  The splendid brilliance directly enveloped the audience, instantly eliminating the domineering sword intent of Dugu Qiuwei.



  Seeing the appearance of Jade Pool and Jade Terrace, all the high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes became excited and stared at each other.

  In the private room on the third floor, those who saw this scene for the first time, such as Jellyfish Yinji, Song Huang Zhao Kuangyin, and Dugu Qiubai, all showed shock.

  Such mighty power is like the arrival of a fairy, and it is by no means manpower!

  "After the dance music, the 'Battle of the Peak' begins."

  With Feng Chen's voice falling.

  Shi Qingxuan, Yang Yuhuan, Shang Xiufang, Nongyu and other women were already ready to perform light work immediately and flew up to the jade pond in an incomparably graceful posture.

  Under the shadow of the immortal air on the jade platform, the appearance of the four stunning beauties became more holy by three points.

  It seems that the real Yaochi beauty is going to perform on the fairy feast.

  "Oh my god! Isn't this the jade girl? When did she come?"

  "That's great, as soon as the girl Nongyu arrives, the piano sound of "Crossing the Tribulation Immortal Song" will also be perfect, and I will have a good ear today."

  "I don't know if there will be dance music in the next dynasty martial arts competition."

  "I hope there is! I'm not from the rivers and lakes, I just came here for the dance music performance."

  "Why do I feel that Fairy Shi and Shang's aura are much stronger than when they first came, is it my illusion?"

  "I also have this feeling. The monk Shi Xianzi and everyone are definitely above the master realm."

  "It's normal! Don't forget, the monk Shi Xianzi and everyone have always lived on the sixth floor of the Tianji Building."

  "Oh, if only I had the opportunity to stay on the sixth floor of Tianji Building for one night."

  "Stop dreaming, this kind of treatment can only be enjoyed by exiled fairies like Shi Xianzi and Shang everyone."

  "That's right, even Master Fanzhai and Queen Yin have only been there twice."

  "I really want to know, will there be some interaction with so many beautiful women every night?"

  "What interaction? Make it clearer."

  "Brothers, if you want to discuss this, I won't be sleepy."


  In the midst of this discussion,

  Dance music suddenly started.

  The whole place fell silent for a moment.

  Even people who are not interested in dance music themselves are infected by this fairy music and immersed in it.

  I do not know how long it has been,

  The song is over.

  Shi Qingxuan, who is holding a jade flute, and Shang Xiufang, who is dancing and singing, have beautiful eyes shining at the same time, and a fairy spirit burst out from the two of them.



  The two breaths, full of coveted aura, instantly overwhelmed the entire Tianji Building.

  A group of gangsters looked sideways, showing extremely surprised expressions.

  Because they are too familiar with this kind of Reiatsu.

  This is clearly a vision that only occurs when one breaks through to the Great Master Realm.

  With a fairy tune, Shi Qingxuan and Shang Xiufang broke through to the supreme master realm at the same time!

  Such a wonderful scene, even the famous people on the third floor showed surprise.

  Although from the Grandmaster Realm to the Grand Master Realm, this step is not particularly difficult.

  But you also need to concentrate and clear your mind and retreat for dozens of days before you can find an opportunity for breakthrough.

  If the aptitude is slightly lower, the elders need to be mentioned from the side, and the step by step guardian method can be successful.

  Like Shi Qingxuan and Shang Xiufang, it is unheard of to break through automatically in dance music.

  "Is this the magic of the sixth floor of the Tianji Building? In just a few days, Shi Qingxuan and Shang Xiufang broke through to the great master realm at the same time!"

  "I remember that when Shixianzi and monks first came to Tianjilou, at most they only cultivated at the early stage of the Grandmaster Realm. It's only been a few days."

  "It's no wonder that the sixth floor of the Tianji Building is so mysterious. Only the owner of the Tianji Building can invite you to stay. This effect is really powerful."

  "So far, apart from the monk Shi Qingxuan, no third person has been invited by the owner of Tianji."

  "With the beauty of the teacher and the girl, you can only stay on the sixth floor for one day, and you can see the preciousness of the sixth floor."

  "I don't know who will be the next person who can stay on the sixth floor of Tianji Building permanently after Fairy Shi and everyone."

  "I guess only the top three beauties on the stunning list can be so lucky."

  "If you let me stay on the sixth floor for one night, Tianjilou can do whatever he wants to me."

  "Beauty, why don't I invite you to stay on the fourth floor for one night, let's have a long talk."


  A group of rivers and lakes high-rollers once again discussed enthusiastically.

  Because of Shi Qingxuan and Shang Xiufang's breakthroughs, they had infinite awe and yearning for the sixth floor of Tianji Building.

  Especially those beauties who boasted that they still have a certain appearance, they took the initiative to ask Ying, wanting to stay on the sixth floor of Tianji Building.

  Even the stunning beauties such as Lu Linxuan, Ji Ruxue, Gongsun Lvca, and Dugu Meng in the private room on the third floor were looking at the Jade Terrace in Yaochi with envy.

  Breaking through the supreme master in the high-profile, light singing and dancing, which beautiful woman can refuse such a thing?

  But only Fan Qinghui, Zhu Yuyan, Huanxuan, and Shifeixuan who lived on the sixth floor of Tianji Building knew about it.

  The sixth floor of Tianji Building is magical, but the effect is not so strong.

  "The reason should be in "The Song of Crossing the Tribulation Immortal"."

  In the private room on the third floor, Fan Qinghui said sharply.

  "What the master said is very true."

  "This 'Transcending Tribulation Immortal Song' is not an ordinary movement."

  "Concubine Xuan can feel that there is a profound artistic conception in it, which is beyond the martial arts. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a peerless fairy method."

  The concubine said in agreement, a look of envy flashed in her eyes.

  "There are too many treasures in Tianjilou."

  "Just take out a little bit, it's enough to be worth half a lifetime of ascetic cultivation."

  "Although we have obtained the complete "Magic Dao Caprice" this time, we still need to further establish a good relationship with the owner of Tianji."

  "If I can get more gifts from the owner of the secret, my Cihang Jingzhai will definitely be able to create new glory."

  Fan Qinghui said with emotion.

  another room,

  Zhu Yuyan's eyes were like a mirror, and she said solemnly: "The "Song of the Tribulation Immortal" produced by Tianjilou is really amazing, but Shi Qingxuan and others have achieved great luck."

  Her expression was a little ugly.

  Shi Qingxuan, as the daughter of the evil king Shi Zhixuan, is not known to others, but she knows it very well.

  All along, she has been secretly competing with Shi Zhixuan.

  At present, Shi Qingxuan has won the favor of the owner of Tianji, and has obtained the almost fairy-like "Transcending the Tribulation Fairy Song".

  This made her not annoyed.

  "It would be great if she could know this song. Playing the "Song of the Tribulation Immortal" with the sound of the demons, it would be very powerful."

  On the side, the eyes of 婠婠 flowed, with a hint of longing.

  "The dance performance is over."

  "The peak battle platform has opened."

  "The Battle of the Peak has officially begun!"

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