
  Shi Qingxuan, Shang Xiufang, and others had already stepped down from the stage at an unknown time.

  As Feng Chen's voice fell, Yaochi Yutai suddenly changed its appearance.

  That dense immortal energy turned into a desert smoke and steamed up.

  It was more as if there were waves of thunderous drums of war, and thousands of troops and horses, symphony of gold and arms, came to fight.

  "The Battle of the Peak has begun!"

  A group of big players in the rivers and lakes came back to their senses and stared at the peak battle stage with wide eyes.

  Thousands of miles of desert, surging wolf smoke, thunderous drums, thousands of troops...

  No matter how many times they have experienced it, this mood still makes their blood boil.

  Only then did someone realize that Fu Cailin had arrived.

  Seeing the rise of the peak battle platform, Fu Cailin directly volleyed across the sky and boarded the peak battle platform with an extremely free and easy attitude.

  There is no harm without comparison.

  Although Fu Cailin lost two games in a row before, a swordsman with a little cultivation can see that Fu Cailin is very strong in swordsmanship.

  But after the impact of Dugu Qiufeng just now, the swordsmen no longer felt that Fu Cailin had the slightest bit of a strong man.

  No one even paid attention to his coming to power.

  All eyes are on Dugu Qiufeng.

  Under everyone's attention, Dugu Qiufeng slowly got up.

  This action alone made him extremely domineering, causing the atmosphere in the audience to suddenly congeal.


  No one could see Dugu's quest for defeat, but when he lifted his footsteps, he appeared directly on the peak battle stage.

  This superb body technique surprised everyone again, and immediately there was a thunderous cheer.

  Just after the two stood firm, beacon fires ignited on all sides of the peak platform, forming a closed space directly.

  The battle for the pinnacle has already begun.

  Fu Cailin looked at Dugu begging for defeat on the opposite side, and a fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

  As early as a few days ago, he knew that his opponent today was Dugu Qiufeng.

  "Wow! It's embarrassing to be lonely if you ask for a rival in your life!"

  But Fu Cailin did not take this comment from the owner of Tianji in his heart.

  The world is huge, and a mountain is taller than a mountain. Who dares to call it invincible?Which one is undefeated?

  In his view, Dugu's pursuit of defeat is just sitting there watching the sky.

  But at this moment, he knew that he was wrong.

  Dugu Qiufeng definitely has the strength of 'but seek a defeat'.

· · 0 flowers · ·

  This condensed and almost substantive sword intent made Fu Cailin timid before he even fought.

  After all, Fu Cailin was a grandmaster of a generation, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

  Jing, Qi, and God all adjusted to their peaks in an instant.

  Chao heard that, Xi can die.

  With this almost mortal determination, Fu Cailin's aura became stronger and stronger, exceeding the limit of the great master's peak.

  The crowd of onlookers exclaimed in surprise, shocked by Fu Cailin's aura.

  Could it be that he is going to break through?

  But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Fu Cailin has no sign of a breakthrough.

  This is to gather the energy and spirit of his whole body to make a breakthrough.

  If you win, you can use this sharp sword to open the gate of heaven and advance to the legendary realm of unity between heaven and man.

  If the battle is defeated, the spiritual energy will completely dissipate. Even if the cultivation base is still there, there will be no possibility of breakthrough in this life.

  This method is not available to every great master.

  Only a peak powerhouse like Fu Cailin who has accumulated countless years in the Great Master Realm can be used by chance.

  "Please enlighten Sword God Dugu!"

  Fu Cailin said with a sword in front of him and said solemnly.

  There was no more human emotion in his eyes, and the world was like a chessboard in his eyes.

  At this time, even if it is a sword from heaven and man, he is sure to catch it.


  Dugu seeks defeat has seen the end.

  The man on the opposite side was destined to be unable to surprise him.

  But since he has already stood on the top battle stage, he must fight to the end.

  While thinking about it, Dugu Qiufeng's right hand has already grasped the hilt of the Qingfeng iron sword.

  This is the sword he used in front of his weak crown.

  "I don't have a weaker sword than this."

  Dugu Qiufei looked into Fu Cailin's eyes and said slowly.

  At the same time as his voice fell, the Qingfeng iron sword slammed out of its sheath, and with an indomitable spirit, he brazenly killed Fu Cailin.



  This sentence is very vividly reflected in the sword of Dugu seeking defeat.

  Different from the dignified and upright King Dao sword of Gai Nie before, the sword of Dugu Qiufeng was as fast as lightning.

  Everyone only felt a flash of electricity.

  In the next instant, Fu Cailin flew upside down like a broken kite.

  At the peak platform, the smoke of the wolf rose, forming an invisible wall of air, blocking Fu Cailin's backward flight.

  But the blood spilled in front of his heart has already poured over the entire peak battle stage.

  From the beginning to the end, there was only a moment of lightning and flint, and it was approaching the extreme.

  Fu Cailin didn't even have time to use his sword.

  This is the shocking sword of Dugu seeking defeat.

  Like a fairy, like a devil, like a god!

  The whole place was silent.

  In the next instant, a deafening cheer erupted from all the big players.

  "Haha, we won, and our Central Plains won again!"

  "Three wars are prosperous, this is the power of the Central Plains Sword God!"

  "The mere Goguryeo barbarians, do you now know the gap with me in the Central Plains?"

  "I knew that the power of the Central Plains Sword God is definitely not comparable to those of other ethnic groups."

  "Dugu Qiufeng is too powerful, this sword is countless times faster than Jing Wuming's right-hand fast sword!"

  "There are five epee realms in Dugu Qiufeng, and the Qingfeng Iron Sword is only his weakest first epee realm!"

  "I don't know if there is anyone in this world who can make Dugu Qiu defeat use the supreme sword state of 'no sword is better than a sword'."

  "Alas! Although this battle was wonderful, I didn't learn anything. The realm gap is too big."

  "Fu Cailin's breath just now approached half a step of heaven, but he was instantly killed by a sword. Could it be that Dugu Qiufeng has been promoted to the realm of heaven?"

  "First it was the ancestor of Sunflower, and now there is a Dugu seeking defeat. There are so many people in the Heaven and Human Realm in the Song Dynasty."



  "Complete the mission: The Peak Showdown."

  "Rewards are being distributed..."

  "Congratulations to the host for getting 10000 Heavenly Secret Points."

  "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the best swordsmanship of the heavenly order "One Sword Gone in the World""

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen couldn't help but smile when he listened to the system's beep.

  This task is finally complete.

  Although "One Sword Separates the World", the top-ranked swordsmanship of the heavens, is not very useful to him.

  But the 10000 Sky Points are a good thing, and he can exchange for a new leaderboard.

  Just when Feng Chen was about to withdraw from the peak battle stage, he suddenly seemed to have a premonition and stopped.


  At this moment, a very evil aura came from the portal of the Great Sui.

  "What? Is the battle of the pinnacle over?"

  This man was holding a long box in his hand, and when he saw Fu Cailin on the battle platform vomited blood and fell to the ground, he couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

  Everyone is still immersed in the shocking sword of Dugu Qiufeng.

  Hearing this cry, they immediately looked over,

  "You bird tired, is that you?"

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