More people recognize it at a glance.

  The ugly old woman before was the top powerhouse of the Xuanming Sect, Madam Meng!

  Madam Meng turned out to be a peerless beauty!

  This discovery immediately stunned countless people.

  Soon, Shi Yao, who combines beauty, power, and strength in one person, captured the hearts of countless gangsters.

  [Popularity List] As soon as Shi Yao's name appeared on the list, the popularity votes began to soar.

  But in a quarter of an hour, it broke the million mark.

  [-] million people!

  One and a half million people!

  [-] million popular!

  [-] million popular!

  In the end, Shi Yao's popularity was locked at [-] million, directly occupying the second place on the [Popularity List].

  The original second place Lin Xian'er dropped again and became the third.

  Many people can't help but be amazed when they see this scene.

  Unexpectedly, Shi Yao, who was so shocked, could not even threaten the No. [-] throne of Nongyu's [Popularity List].

  This also makes many people curious.

  How long can Nongyu occupy the top of the [Popularity List]. .

Chapter 129

  In the Tianji Building, the voices were full of people, and countless gangsters were talking enthusiastically.

  This update of the [Stunning List] is very exciting, and every beauty on the list has an excellent charm.

  Although the group of gangsters did not know much about it, they were numerous and powerful, and they quickly identified all the characters in the six-sided jade mirror.

  The three most talked about are,

  The eighth place in Daming's [Stunning List], Sun Xiuqing, a direct disciple of the head of the Emei Sect, Mie Shitai, was sitting in the Tianji Building at this time.

  The eighth place in Da Song's [Stunning List], Mu Wanqing, is that mysterious beauty with a veil.

  [Stunning List] Since the update, she is still the first stunning beauty on the list who has not shown her appearance.

  The eighth place in Datang's [Stunning List], Shi Yao, whose body is actually Meng Po, the top powerhouse of the Great Tang Xuanming Sect, has transformed into a beautiful woman, which is amazing.

  At this time, all the big players in the rivers and lakes can't wait to listen to the comments of the owner of Tianji.

  On the White Jade Stage, Feng Chen didn't give a shit and said straight;

  "Next, the host will comment on the stunning beauties in the six countries as usual."

  "The eighth place in Daming's [Stunning List], Sun Xiuqing."

  "With a beautiful face, icy muscles and jade bones, and a blue heart, the sword god Ximen Chuixue fell in love at first sight."

  "He is the direct disciple of Shitai Shitai, the head of the Emei sect, with extraordinary talent and a strong competitor for the next generation head."

  "The reward for being on the list: 4000 Tianji points, and a low-grade beauty pill."


  When Feng Chen's words were finished, all the gangsters showed their dumbfounded expressions.

  Ximen Chuixue, that cold like ice cube, actually fell in love with Sun Xiuqing at first sight?

  This made all the big players in the arena almost drop their jaws, and they all looked towards Ximen Chuixue in the private room on the third floor.

  Even Lu Xiaofeng, who was an old friend of Ximen Chuixue, widened his eyes at this time, looking at Ximen Chuixue with an unbelievable expression.

  Do icebergs melt too?

  If it wasn't for the owner of Tianji, Lu Xiaofeng definitely wouldn't believe it.

  But since it was said by the owner of Tianji, there would never be any falsehood.

  For a while, Lu XiaoFeng's expression was very rich, and was about to say something, but was stopped by Ximen Chuixue's cold eyes.

  "If you dare to say a word, I will kill you."

  Ximen Chuixue said sternly with killing intent.

  This was the first time in his life that he showed such a strong murderous aura.

  If he didn't know that he would never be able to beat him, he would even have the heart to kill the owner of Tianji.

  What is social death, this is social death!And still die in public!

  Feeling the eyes looking at him, Ximen Chuixue felt that his whole body was about to burn.

  Especially when he could clearly feel it.

  Among the many eyes looking at him, one belonged to Sun Xiuqing.

  This made it even more difficult for Ximen Chuixue, who had never been exposed to this way.

  If you give him a ground seam now, he will definitely get in without hesitation.

  It's exactly as the owner of Tianji said!

  Lu Xiaofeng is a veteran of this, and from Ximen Chuixue's expression, he can tell at a glance that this old friend is really tempted.


  Lu Xiaofeng turned 877 to look at Sun Xiuqing in another private room.

  I saw Sun Xiuqing also looking towards this side, but there was not the slightest affection in those eyes, only a touch of curiosity and surprise.

  "King Xiang is intentional, but the goddess is ruthless."

  Lu XiaoFeng sighed secretly, lamenting that Ximen Chuixue's love affair ended before it even started.

  "Oh my god! I didn't expect Sword God Ximen to be emotional. I thought he was only a sword in this life."

  "Even the most heroic and invincible characters will bow for the sake of beauty. The so-called gentle town, the hero mound, is like this."

  "Sword God Ximen's vision is really extraordinary. The woman he likes is listed in the [Stunning List], and he does not fall into the name of his sword god."

  "No wonder I always see Ximen Chuixue secretly looking at the private room of the Emei School. It turned out to be looking at his future wife."

  "Why do I think that Sun Xiuqing may not be interested in Ximen Sword God?"

  "Ximen Chuixue does have extraordinary swordsmanship, but I don't think he can play. He is far inferior to his friend Lu Xiaofeng when it comes to dealing with women."

  "I didn't expect Ximen Chuixue to be my rival in love. How can I draw my sword?"


  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen ignored everyone's discussion and continued:

  "The eighth place in the Great Song [Stunning List], Mu Wanqing."

  "The appearance is absolutely beautiful, like a new moon, flowers and trees pile up snow, and a pair of eyes are as bright as lacquer, showing tenderness in the flow."

  "She is the daughter of Duan Zhengchun, the king of Dali Town, and Qin Hongmian, the 'Xura Saber', who lives alone in Dali."

  "Because she is not involved in world affairs, she is innocent like a blank sheet of paper, love or hate, liking or hatred, is clear in her world."

  "I was ordered by Qin Hongmian to assassinate Duan Zhengchun's other lover, Li Qingluo. After the failure, Li Qingluo sent someone to hunt him down."

  "I also made an oath: the first man who sees her face, if she doesn't marry, he must commit suicide, or kill this man."

  "The reward for being on the list: 4000 Tianji points, and a low-grade beauty pill."


  As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

  "What? Who is she going to marry who sees her so beautiful? Is there such a good thing?"

  "Brothers, not much to say, see you in Dali."

  "This Mu Wanqing is actually the illegitimate daughter of Duan Zhengchun, the king of the South of Dali Town. This person is really hateful. What's more hateful is that I want to replace him."

  "Mu Wanqing is so beautiful, presumably her mother Qin Hongmian is also a beautiful person. Duan Zhengchun is really cheap."

  "First is Gan Baobao, then Qin Hongmian, and another Li Qingluo, plus Princess Dao Baifeng, how much debt does Duan Zhengchun have?"

  "Duan Zhengchun is really a role model for my generation, a winner in life."

  "Humph! I hate this irresponsible man the most. If I see Duan Zhengchun, I will kill him."

  "Why did this Zhengchun make so many beauties fall in love with him? I'm not convinced!"


  A crowd of high-rollers excited commentators.

  Or Jingyan Mu Wanqing's peerless appearance

  Or sigh Mu Wanqing's poor life.

  Or (cabc) is to feel the simplicity of Mu Wan's pure heart,

  Or envy the winner of Duan Zhengchun's life.

  Or scolding Duan Zhengchun for his irresponsible crimes.

  Or that Duan Zhengchun can get the hearts and minds of so many beautiful women.

  There were even many activists who left Tianjilou on the spot and rushed to Xiang Dali, intending to try their luck with Mu Wanqing.

  If she were lucky enough to take off Mu Wanqing's veil, it would be a waste of a beauty.

  "The eighth place in the Datang [Stunning List], Shi Yao."

  "The appearance is absolutely beautiful, she has the appearance of sinking fish and geese, she loves purple, and her eyes are full of charm."

  "This is Tianyou Xing, the captain of Tianyou Xing, who is the thirty-six Tiangang captains of the bad people of the Tang Dynasty. He was undercover in Xuanming Sect by Yuan Tiangang's order."

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