"Meng Po is now the Xuanming Sect. She has won the trust of the Underworld Emperor and has a high position in the Xuanming Sect."

  "The reward for being on the list: 4000 Tianji points, and a low-grade beauty pill."


  "Da Sui's [Stunning List] No. [-], Li Xiuning."

  "Beautiful appearance, valiant and valiant, only with courage and courage, and women are not allowed to be men."

  "She is the third daughter of Li Yuan, the head of the Li clan in Taiyuan, one of the four clans in the Great Sui Dynasty."

  "I once gathered the heroes of Guanzhong, launched Sizhu to raise troops, and formed the 'Department of Women' Army."

  "The luck is deep, and it has the fate of a princess."

  "The reward for being on the list: 4000 Tianji points, and a low-grade beauty pill."


  "The eighth place in the Dahan [Stunning List], practice Chixue."

  "Beautiful appearance, temperament like iceberg snow lotus, cold-blooded and ruthless, and extremely competitive."

  "Currently the number one expert of the Sea Shark Palace, the confidant of He Lianba, the head of the Sea Shark Palace, is very loyal to He Lianba."

  "Although it is ruthless and cold-blooded, if you meet someone you love, you can do anything, even throw your life away."

  "The reward for being on the list: 4000 Tianji points, and a low-grade beauty pill."


  "The eighth place in Daqin's [Stunning List], Duanmurong."

  "The appearance is beautiful, beautiful and refined, cold as frost, but in fact it is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, like rigid but soft."

  "Heirs from hundreds of families of traditional Chinese medicine, living in the beautiful Jinghu Medical Village. He is young but highly skilled in medicine, and is known as the 'Jinghu Medical Fairy'."

  "Now he is one of the leaders of the Mo family, and he is also a disciple of the Mo family together with Princess Gaoyue of the Yan Kingdom, and he takes care of him in every possible way."

  "The reward for being on the list: 4000 Tianji points, and a low-grade beauty pill."


  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen reported all the remaining four stunning beauties in one breath.

  Sure enough, there were bursts of discussion in the hall.

  "Oh my God! Shi Yao is actually one of the thirty-six Tiangang captains of the bad guy, working as an undercover agent in the Xuanming Sect."

  "It's no wonder that Shi Yao wanted to disguise himself, but it was a bad person who was placed undercover in the Xuanming Sect. If this matter is known to the Underworld Emperor, there will be a war between the two sides!"

  "Bad people are indeed one of the strongest forces in the Tang Dynasty, and they have already placed undercover agents at the top of the Xuanming Sect."

  "What? Madam Meng turned out to be an undercover agent of the Xuanming Sect by a bad person? I have to go back immediately and inform the Underworld about it."

  "Li Xiuning has a princess destiny? Could it be that the Li clan in Taiyuan is expected to become a royal family?"

  "Da Sui is now in danger, and the world is about to be in chaos. The Li clan occupies a dangerous place in Guanzhong, and maybe he can really compete in the Central Plains!"

  "Lian Chixue is known as the beauty of the iceberg. I didn't expect that she is also a very affectionate person. I don't know who can win her heart."

  "I've heard of the name Duanmu Rong, who is very famous in the Jinghu area and has treated many people."

  "The Mo family actually took in Princess Yan? It's so daring! Qin Shihuang is afraid that he will be angered by thunder again."


  Private room on the third floor.

  Yang Guang frowned and said solemnly, "Li Xiuning has a 'princess' destiny? Could it be that the Li clan has the heart to rebel?"

  He was suspicious at first, but when he heard that Li Xiuning had a princess fate, he immediately thought of rebellion.

  Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling secretly complained.

  Although they didn't know Li Xiuning, they had a very good relationship with Li Shimin, and naturally they didn't want to see Li Clan being suspected because of this.

  I saw Kou Zhong rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, I know what's going on!"

  "What's the matter?" Yang Guang asked immediately.

  "This shows that you will accept Li Xiuning as your righteous daughter in the future, so Li Xiuning will become a princess."

  Kou Zhong said urgently and wisely.

  "That's right, Li Xiuning didn't allow men, and the 'Department of Women' formed to suppress many rebel forces."

  "Maybe it's because of the great contribution that you made in the future, you were especially kind and accepted as a righteous daughter."

  Xu Ziling quickly agreed.

  Yang Guang pondered for a while, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, then Li Shimin is by my side, forgive him and Li clan dare not rebel."


  at the same time.

  The Great Sui Dynasty, the main altar of Xuanming Sect.

  In the dark and dark palace, Meng Po is explaining the task to Black and White Impermanence.

  At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in her mind.


  "The eighth place in the Datang [Stunning List], Shi Yao."

  "Confirm your identity and issue a secret reward."

  "You got 4000 Sky Points."

  "You got a low-grade beauty pill."


  Rao, Shi Yao's city mansion, was also startled when he heard this voice, and suddenly looked around.

  "Master Meng, what are you looking at?"

  Bai Wuchang asked cautiously.


  Shi Yao never expected to be on the [Stunning List], but said calmly on the surface: "It's nothing, you go down first."

  "Subordinates retire."

  Although Black and White Impermanence realized that something was wrong with Madam Meng, she did not dare to disobey the order, so she could only obediently retreat.

  Seeing the backs of the two disappear, Shi Yao's face suddenly sank.

  "The owner of Tianji really has unpredictable powers, and even I, who has been transformed into this state, have not been able to escape his discernment."

  "It seems that my true identity must have been known to him."

  "This Xuanming Sect should not stay for a long time, and must leave immediately."

  Thinking of this, Shi Yao no longer hesitated, and directly used his identity to escape from the Xuanming Sect.

  After I don't know how long it took, Shi Yao came to a valley and bowed to the stone wall: "My subordinates see the commander, I have something important to report."

  "what's up?"

  From the stone wall, a hoarse voice came from the bad handsome Yuan Tiangang.

  "Reporting to the commander, I just received the voice transmission from Tianjilou, the [Stunning List] was updated, and I ranked eighth."

  "According to the practice of Tianjilou, all the stunning beauties on the list will be reviewed."

  "I can't hide my identity anymore, so I came here to ask the commander for instructions."

  Shi Yao said respectfully.

  "I see."

  "Since it involves Tianjilou, this commander can't cover it up for you."

  "You will return to your original face and stay with the bad guys."

  Yuan Tiangang in the stone wall spoke slowly after a brief silence.

  "As ordered."

  "It's nothing, the subordinates will retire first."

  Shi Yao immediately replied, then turned around and walked out.

  Just as she turned around, a dazzling brilliance erupted from her whole body.

  The originally hunched figure gradually stood upright, and the whole body was wrapped in black charcoal.

  By the time she walked to the transfer place, all the black charcoal on her body had been cracked, revealing a face that was absolutely beautiful.

  "Lord Tianji, thank you for letting me get rid of my undercover fate."

  Shi Yao said softly, with a hint of joy in his eyes.


  On the other side, the Song Dynasty, Dali.

  In a secluded small courtyard, Mu Wanqing was practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard.


  "The eighth place in the Great Song [Stunning List], Mu Wanqing."

  "Confirm your identity and issue a secret reward."

  "You got 4000 Sky Points."

  "You got a low-grade beauty pill."



  Mu Wanqing's sword light suddenly stopped, and she quickly moved her footsteps close to the wall, and looked around vigilantly.

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