That naturally revealed sword intent was like a beacon, telling everyone that he was the sword god Xie Xiaofeng.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Xue Yiren, Ximen Chuixue, and Feng Qingyang, the three Daming Sword Gods, all looked over, their eyes full of fighting intent.

  Xie Xiaofeng is the sword god ranked above them.

  If they can successfully challenge, not only can they get a ranking upgrade, but they can also get two heavenly rewards, soaring into the sky.


  Just a glance, their hearts trembled suddenly.

  That is the suppression from the sword intent, has nothing to do with the cultivation base, has nothing to do with the kendo attainment, it is purely the sword intent that comes with the swordsman.

  It was not until this moment that they truly understood what the landlord of Tianji gave to Xie Xiaofeng—he was a born sword god.

  But the so-called swordsman is to rise to the challenge.

  Xie Xiaofeng's coercion not only did not make Ximen Chuixue and Xue Yiren back down, but aroused their stronger fighting spirit.

  The heart of the sword god was already burning.

  "Oh my God! Is this Xie Xiaofeng? It really looks very powerful."

  "As the owner of Tianji said, Xie Xiaofeng is a natural sword god, and people can recognize it at a glance."

  "Xie Xiaofeng, who has lost the heart of the sword god, is still so powerful, it is hard to imagine how strong he must be when he regains the heart of the sword god."

  "I just heard that Xie Xiaofeng returned to Divine Sword Villa yesterday, but I didn't expect to come to Tianjilou today."

  "Ye Gucheng, who is ranked below Xie Xiaofeng, has the strength to kill a half-step heavenly man, so what kind of strength should Xie Xiaofeng be?"

  "Haha, maybe Xie Xiaofeng is not convinced and wants to compete with Yan Shisan, who is ranked above him."

  "Will Yan Shisan and Xie Xiaofeng fight? Why do I think Xie Xiaofeng will win?"


  A group of high-profile guests in the rivers and lakes talked a lot, and watched Xie Xiaofeng step by step towards Baiyutai with hot eyes.

  "Xie Xiaofeng of Divine Sword Villa, see the owner of Tianji."

  Xie Xiaofeng stood under the white jade platform, bowed slightly, and his eyes were very complicated.

  If it wasn't for the owner of the secret, he should still be a 'useless Aji' now.

  Living in a thatched hut with the doll's family and spending a lifetime in obscurity.

  And now he has changed back to the third young master of Divine Sword Villa, who is dressed in brocade clothes and jade food.

  The doll family also became rich because of him.

  He even left Kuhai Town and moved into a large manor in the state capital.

  Xie Xiaofeng couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

  "Lord Tianji, I want to exchange a Tianling Pill."

  Xie Xiaofeng said slowly.

  His current cultivation is at the peak of the half-step heaven and man, and he is only one step away from the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

  As long as his sword god heart is restored, his swordsmanship can reach perfection.

  When the time comes to open the gate of heaven with swordsmanship, it will be easy to break through to the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

  Compared with other people, this method is countless times easier.

  But Xie Xiaofeng knew his own situation, and it was difficult for him to unravel the knot in his heart.

  Therefore, he does not expect to open the gate of heaven with a sword, but wants to break through through internal force just like everyone else.

  Xie Xiaofeng's voice was not loud, but because of the attention of the audience, everyone could hear it clearly.

  Heavenly Pill!

  Xie Xiaofeng actually wanted to exchange the legendary Heavenly Spirit Pill that could help break through the unity of heaven and man!

  All the big players in the rivers and lakes couldn't help but show their envious eyes.

  Heavenly Spirit Pill, this is the divine pill they all dreamed of getting.

  But it is a distant dream.

  If you want to get it, you can only kill the mastermind of Liu Xi's level.

  However, Xie Xiaofeng can directly exchange the Heavenly Spirit Pill with the reward of the third place in the [Sword God List].

  Originally, the talent was no match for Xie Xiaofeng, and now the resources are no match.

  How are you chasing this?

  Many swordsmen couldn't help but show a look of despair.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen raised his hand and flicked, and a huge screen of light immediately appeared in the void.

  This magical power suddenly surprised Xie Xiaofeng and Xie Wangsun.

  Manifesting a 'light curtain' out of thin air?

  Such means are definitely beyond the scope of Martial Dao, but Immortal Dao, Divine Dao!

  It was also the first time for the onlookers to see such an exchange light curtain.

  But they have seen too many immortal methods of the Tianji landlord, and they have long stopped treating Tianji landlord as a mortal.

  So just 'Yeah', and it's not surprising.

  Xie Xiaofeng is a Sword God after all, so he quickly adjusted his mentality and looked at the light screen.

  [Exchange low-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill (increase the chance of breaking through the Heavenly Human Realm by 6000%) - worth [-] Heavenly Secret Points]

  [Exchange the mid-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill (increase the chance of breaking through the Heaven and Human Realm by 12000%) - worth [-] Heavenly Secret Points]

  [Exchange high-grade Tianling Pill (increase the probability of breaking through the realm of heaven and earth by 18000%) - worth [-] Tianji points]

  [Exchange the best Heavenly Spirit Pill (increase 24000% chance of breaking through the Heavenly Human Realm) - worth [-] Heavenly Secret Points]

  [Exchange the super-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill (increase 30000% chance of breaking through the Heavenly Human Realm) - worth [-] Heavenly Secret Points]

  [Exchange the Perfect Heavenly Spirit Pill (increase 36000% chance of breaking through the Heavenly Human Realm) - worth [-] Heavenly Secret Points]


  The light screen is very large, and the entire Tianji Building is clearly visible.

  Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the efficacy and exchange value of the Heavenly Spirit Pill.

  That's how they know.

  The top-grade Tianling Pill does not increase the probability of breakthrough by [-]% on the basis of the high-grade Tianling Pill, but directly increases it by [-]%.

  In other words.

  Even if you don't have any accumulation.

  As long as you practice to improve the peak of the Great Master Realm.

  Then take a top-quality Tianling Pill.

  There is a half probability of breaking through directly to the realm of unity between man and nature.

  If you take the super-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill, this chance can be increased to [-]%.

  If you take the Perfect Heavenly Spirit Pill, you can even increase the chance to 0%, almost [-]%.. [-]

  The effect of this medicine is so powerful that it makes people crazy!

  However, when they saw the price behind, everyone woke up instantly.

  Except for the low-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill, which is relatively close to the people, the rest of the grades require tens of thousands of Heavenly Secret Points, and the value is sky-high.

  Counting the entire Central Plains, I am afraid that few people can exchange it.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Xue Yiren's eyes flashed.

  He is one of the few people in the Central Plains who can be exchanged.

  With the fifth place in the [Sword God List], he won the reward of 6000 Tianji points,

  And killing Liu Xi, the mastermind behind the scenes, gave him 10000 Tianji points and a middle-grade Tianling Pill.

  In other words, he now has a full 16000 Heavenly Secret Points and a mid-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill.

  Originally, Xue Yiren planned to take this middle grade Tianling Pill first.

  If you fail to break through, you can exchange the second Heavenly Spirit Pill through Heavenly Secret Points.

  But looking at the price list in front of him, he came up with another plan.

  "Master Xie, I have something to discuss with you."

  Xue Yiren's faint words instantly attracted everyone's attention.

  Xie Wangsun's eyes narrowed, and he immediately approached Xie Xiaofeng to inform him of Xue Yiren's identity.

  Xie Xiaofeng nodded slightly and said, "Senior Xue, what advice do you have?"

  "You should have a reward of 8000 Tianji points on the list, right?"

  "These Heavenly Secret Points can only be exchanged for one low-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill."

  "I have a middle-grade Tianling Pill here, I can sell it to you at a discount of 8000 Tianji points."

  "Would you like to buy it?"

  Xue Yiren said loudly.

  As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused the audience to be shocked.

  Mid-grade Tianling Pill, that can only be exchanged for 12000 Tianji points, is Xue Yiren stupid?

  Xie Xiaofeng naturally had no reason to refuse, nodded and said, "Yes."

  Xue Yiren didn't talk nonsense either, and directly threw the jade box containing the mid-grade Tianling Pill to Xie Xiaofeng.

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