"The owner of the sky machine."

  "In addition to Xie Xiaofeng's 8000 celestial points, I now have 24000 celestial points."

  "Please exchange me for a top-quality Heavenly Spirit Pill."

  Xue Yiren said in a deep voice.

  "it is good."

  On the White Jade Stage, Feng Chen neatly deducted 24000 Heavenly Secret Points and pointed it out at the same time.

  Countless spiritual lights shot out, turned into a jade box, and fell into Xue Yiren's hands.

  The ultimate heavenly elixir!

  In an instant, millions of pairs of hot eyes looked over.

  This is a divine pill that can increase the chance of breaking through the Heaven and Human Realm by [-]%.

  With Xue Yiren's background, he has at least a [-]-[-]% chance of breaking through.

  That is to say, if Xue Yiren takes this top-quality Heavenly Spirit Pill, he can almost [-]% be promoted to the Heavenly Human Realm!

  "Congratulations to Brother Xue, the promotion to the realm of the unity of heaven and man is just around the corner."

  Ren Wuxing bowed his hands to congratulate him, his eyes full of envy.

  The unity of man and nature is a legendary realm, and people in all corners of the world yearn for it.

  The other big players in the rivers and lakes also quickly understood the intention of Xue Yiren's move.

  Without Xie Xiaofeng's 8000 Heavenly Secret Points, he could only exchange at most one mid-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill.

  In addition to the one he owns, that is, two middle-grade Heavenly Spirit Pills.

  Its efficacy and a top-grade Heavenly Spirit Pill is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

  Such a transaction has benefited both Xue Yi and Xie Xiaofeng, greatly increasing the chance of breakthrough.

  "Oh my god! If Xue Yiren breaks through to the realm of heaven and man, wouldn't he be able to challenge Ye Gucheng above him?"

  "The owner of Tianji commented that Ye Gucheng's 'Flying Immortal' can kill half a step of heaven and man, but if he faces the real power of heaven and man, he is afraid that he will be powerless."

  "In this way, if Xie Xiaofeng breaks through to the realm of heaven and man, will he also have the power to fight against Yan Shisan?"

  "It's possible, it's very possible! From the peak of the Great Master Realm to the Heaven and Human Realm, that is a qualitative leap, and the strength will be greatly improved by 1.2."


  A group of gangsters began to discuss excitedly again.

  At this moment, Feng Chen said:

  "Next, the landlord will comment on the newly promoted Sword God List Sword God as usual."

  As soon as these words came out, the hall was suddenly silent, everyone held their breaths and looked at Feng Chen with piercing eyes.

  "[Sword God List] No. [-], Longevity Sword God Bai Yujing."

  "The Baiyujing in the sky, the fifth floor and the twelve cities, the immortals caress the top of my head and bears longevity."

  "Bai Yujing, known as the 'Sword God of Longevity', possesses the sword of longevity, the most powerful warrior in the martial arts."

  "But he is not named Changsheng Sword God because of the Longevity Sword, but the sword in his hand is named Changsheng because of him."

  "The immortal is not a sword, but Bai Yujing himself."

  "At the same time, Bai Yujing has a hidden identity, and that is the dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society."


  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen made a light comment, and when the last word fell, the hall was in an uproar.

  Qinglong will have a big dragon head!

  Everyone never imagined that Bai Yujing actually had this level of identity!

  Qinglonghui, this is Daming's most mysterious strength.

  No one knows when, where, who will lead the Qinglong, and when it will infiltrate the rivers and lakes.

  It seems to have existed in the rivers and lakes since the day when the rivers and lakes existed.

  It is mysterious and powerful.

  It does not follow the so-called benevolence and morality, but acts according to its own rules;

  It is both good and evil, or in other words, it is simply impossible to measure it with good and evil, good and evil, and black and white.

  Today, the mysterious veil of the Qinglong Association has been revealed and exposed to the world by the owner of the secret.

  And the exposure is still the most mysterious and powerful dragon head of the Qinglonghui.

  At this moment, everyone is crazy!


  PS: Thank you for your support. This book has achieved very good results, and Kuo’s writing is also very motivated.

  However, the hand speed of the nine tails is limited, and the update speed is almost at the limit.

  If you don't have enough reading, you can go and read the old books of the nine tails. They are in the same line and should suit everyone's taste.

  "From Jinyiwei to the Emperor of Xianguo"

  "Diary of Empress Raising"

  "Fantasy: I Made Up the Age of Myths"

  The first million words, absolutely fine, nine-tailed personality guarantee! .

Chapter 132

  "Oh my God! What did I hear? Bai Yujing is actually the dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society?"

  "The Qinglong Society has existed since the day Jianghu was born, and no one has ever known the foundation. Now the tip of the iceberg has finally emerged."

  "Haha, the Azure Dragon will hide really deep, but it can't escape the magic eye of Tianjilou that runs through the three realms."

  "Sure enough, compared to the all-pervasive Qinglonghui, the strength of Tianjilou is infinitely more terrifying."

  "The Qinglong Club is really powerful, and the big dragon head is actually the first sword god of Daming, the saint of swordsmanship."

  "With Sword Saint Bai Yujing in charge, it's no wonder that no one has been able to shake the status of the Qinglong Guild in the past [-] years."

  "Bai Yujing, the sword god of longevity, what is the meaning of the word 'longevity'? Could it be that Bai Yujing can live forever?"

  "Baiyujing in the sky, twelve cities on the fifth floor, and the Qinglong Association also happens to have a branch in December, and the answer is already in it."


  In the hall, a group of gangsters were beyond excited.


  It's so worth it this time!

  For thousands of years, I don't know how many people want to explore the foundation of the Azure Dragon Society.

  But they either got nothing or died.

  Qinglong will always maintain its mystery, maintain its power, and firmly occupy the throne of the most powerful force in the arena.

  at last!

  Finally, there is a person who can challenge the authority of the Qinglong Association!

  It's a pity that only the [Sword God List] was announced this time, and the owner of Tianji will only focus on commenting on Bai Yujing himself.

  If the [Power List] is announced, then the mysterious veil of the Azure Dragon Society will be completely revealed.

  After all, Tianjilou doesn't care whether you are the Green Dragon Club or the Green Snake Club, all the exposure will be exposed.

  The Invisible Man organization is strong enough, isn't it all exposed in the end?

  "As the dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society."

  "There are very few things in the world that require Bai Yujing to do it himself."

  "There are very few things that even require Bai Yujing to show up, so he is very mysterious and not well known to Jianghu people."

  "Everyone who let him shoot is already dead."

  "Anyone who asks him to be named is also in a state of panic."

  "Bai Yujing's power is beyond doubt."

  "The Longevity Sword Bai Yujing means that he has never been defeated, and he has never even been injured."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen added another sentence.

  Everyone in the rivers and lakes nodded.

  At this time, it can be considered that Bai Yujing's reputation is not obvious.

  As the owner of Tianji said, there is really no one in this arena worthy of letting the big dragon head of the Qinglonghui personally take action.

  Even the top 20 sects in the world, such as the Shaolin School and the Water God Palace, are completely unable to compare with the Qinglong Society.

  There was once a Qinglong Club who took the helm and wiped out three first-class sects overnight.

  As for the division of rudders like this, there are three hundred and sixty-five Qinglong Clubs, corresponding to three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.

  Not to mention that above the [-] branches, there are [-] branches, corresponding to the twelve months of the year.

  From this point alone, the strength of the Blue Dragon Society can be seen.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Xie Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help shaking his head.

  Originally, he thought that Bai Yujing was a hidden swordsman, and he wanted to challenge it and experience the swordsmanship of this Daming Sword Saint.

  Never thought that Bai Yujing's background was so powerful.

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