It turned out that they were discussing the issue of money just now.

  Feeding an army of [-] people is a huge expense.

  The business of Jade Tiger alone cannot be sustained at all, and a new way of making money must be sought.

  Unexpectedly, they were worried, and this opportunity came to the door.

  "Now King Han is gone."

  "This [-] army is a burden to us, and it is easy to attract Qin's crusade."

  "If you want me to say, it's better to disband the [-] army."

  "Save that money to focus on developing the Nightshade Organization, and finances won't be so tight."

  The tide banshee complained.

  Ji Wuye sneered: "Disband the [-] army? Why do you think Zhao Gao is willing to protect us?"

  "Isn't Zhao Gao looking at night?" The tide banshee was a little surprised.

  "Hey, it seems that Zhao Gao's drawing is not small."

  Emerald Tiger said with a smile.

  The tide banshee took a sharp breath, never expecting that Zhao Gao had taken a fancy to the [-] army in their hands.

  The DPRK officials are hiding heavy soldiers!

  What that meant, she couldn't be more clear.

  Unexpectedly, Zhao Gao was so courageous that he dared to plan such a shocking crime under the eyes of the First Emperor.

  "In short, if we want to continue to be sheltered by Zhao Gao, we must ensure that we have enough value, and the army must not be disbanded."

  Ji Wuye said coldly.

  This army is also his ambition, and cooperation with Zhao Gao is just an expedient measure.

  "I can take out the secret point and exchange it for silver."

  "But it's only a temporary solution."

  "If you want to gain long-term wealth, you must get that treasure."

  Bai Yifei said lightly.

  "Is it the treasure of Huoyu Villa?"

  "It is said that Duke Huo Yu only took out a small part and became the number one rich man in Daqin."

  "If this treasure really exists, then 880 we can really make a fortune."

  Emerald Tiger said with excitement.

  "It's not just our family who are thinking about the treasures of Huoyu Villa. You have to hurry up and inquire about the information of the 'Yiyi Ke'."

  Ji Wuye looked at the last murderer and said.

  The four evil generals in the dark night perform their respective duties, and the 'Close Clothes' is the one who is specially responsible for intelligence.


  At the same time, the farmhouse, Chiyoutang.

  In the main hall, a red-haired Tian Hu sat on the main seat and lectured with a group of peasant disciples.


  "[Famous Swords List] No. [-], Tiger Soul."

  "Confirm the identity of the sword bearer and issue a secret reward."

  "You got 2000 Sky Points."

  "You have obtained the low-grade sword manual "Five Tigers Transforming Soul Sword""

  "Five Tigers Transforming Soul Sword: You can cultivate the White Tiger Sword Intent, which is divided into five layers. After the completion, it is like the possession of five tigers, and its power is unparalleled."



  Tian Hu abruptly stood up from his seat, and the tiger soul sword clanged out of its sheath, posing a posture of waiting.

  All the disciples of Chi You Tang were startled, not knowing what happened.

  Just when they wanted to ask, they heard Tian Hu let out a hearty laugh.

  "Haha, this Hall Master's Tiger Soul Sword has entered the Daqin [Famous Swords List], and there is a full 2000 Tianji points reward!"

  Tian Hu was overjoyed and directly told the list.

  A group of disciples also showed surprises and congratulated Tian Hu one after another.

  "2000 Heavenly Secret Points can be exchanged for ten pieces of True Yuan Dan to improve the cultivation of the Grandmaster Realm."

  "With these ten True Yuan Pills, I, Chi Youtang, will be able to add ten more masters in the late Grandmaster realm."

  "This is God helping me Chi Youtang!"

  Tian Hu said his thoughts aloud.

  This move may seem rough, but in fact it is a hidden strategy, and it is a way to win people's hearts.

  Chiyoutang has far more than ten masters in the master state.

  And there are only ten True Yuan Pills.

  Naturally, only the most loyal and dedicated disciple can obtain it.

  "Five Tiger Transformation Soul Sword?"

  "Can you cultivate the White Tiger Sword Intent?"

  "Good! Good swordsmanship! It's just right for me to practice."

  Tian Hu took out the rewarded sword manual and read it again, showing even more ecstasy.


  At the same time, Tianji Building.

  A lot of gangsters were also very surprised at this secret reward.

  "[Famous Generals] The eighteenth place has 3000 Tianji points, which is too rich."

  "Upgrading according to this rule, the top ten will be rewarded with tens of thousands of Tianji points."

  "[Sword God Ranking] Only 10000 Tianji points will be rewarded for the first place, this is not fair!"

  "You guys, Daming, just have fun, I don't even have an exclusive list in Tang Dynasty."

  "With this huge amount of secret points, I'm afraid that the strength of the Qin country will become stronger and stronger."

  "Tianjilou is really terrifying. Just sending out a ranking list will have the power to influence the strength of the dynasty."


  The rewards of Daqin's [Famous Swords List] are too generous, making other dynasties' gangsters a little unable to sit still.

  In particular, the big players in the Tang Dynasty and the Han Dynasty.

  One by one anxious eyes are green.

  It's just that the two dynasties don't have an exclusive list.

  Every ranking list means tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of Tianji points.

  Although these celestial points are scattered in the hands of different people, they all belong to the same dynasty, and they also enhance the overall strength of the dynasty.

  It can be said that the number of lists a dynasty obtains will directly affect their national strength.

  How can you not be in a hurry?


  Private room on the third floor.

  Emperor Song Zhao Kuangyin's eyes flashed.

  "The Qin Dynasty was originally strong."

  "This time, I got the Daqin [Famous Swords List] list with rich rewards."

  "The overall strength will be further improved."

  "My Song Dynasty must win this dynasty martial arts competition."

  "Otherwise, it is very likely that the gap will be completely opened by Da Qin."

  Zhao Kuangyin said very seriously.

  He is a hero of a generation, and like Ying Zheng, he has the ambition to annex the Eight Wastelands.

  Therefore, he would never allow the Great Qin Dynasty to flourish.

  Another private room.

  Da Shiming's eyes were hot.

  "Inflammation and Blood Illumination?"

  "If you allow me to obtain this yin and yang spell, it will greatly enhance my strength."

  Da Siming couldn't wait, so he got up and walked out.

  She wants to rush to Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu as soon as possible to ask for this low-grade yin-yang spell.

  No matter what the cost.


  Time flies, and night falls.

  The Tianji Building was closed as usual, and a group of high-ranking guests walked out without a word.

  In just one day, after the [Sword God List] was completed, the [Famous Sword List] was announced.

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