Let their minds hang high, until they leave the Tianjilou, they still can't let go.

  Many people simply found a restaurant nearby to live.

  On the one hand, you can continue to talk about what you have seen during the day, and on the other hand, it is convenient to go to Tianji Building early tomorrow morning to occupy a seat.

  In particular, more than [-]% of the gangsters from the Great Song Dynasty and the Great Sui Dynasty stayed.

  Tomorrow will be the first test of the Dynasty Martial Arts Tournament!

  It is about everyone's martial arts, and they must not miss it.


  The Great Sui Dynasty, the land of Sichuan and Chongqing.

  Outside a dilapidated ancient temple, An Long is training hard, practicing the one-style fingering of "Tianxin Lotus Ring".

  He hadn't closed his eyes for two days.

  After all, this battle is about his life. Even without Shi Zhixuan's supervision, he will do his best.

  Even if it is cramming, it is good to improve a few points.


  Just when Anlong was practicing vigorously, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him.

  He hadn't even seen the other person's face clearly, and each of the thirty-six large acupoints on his body was slapped.

  "Evil King, you..."

  An Long felt his whole body exuding heat, and he couldn't help but panic.

  "You're almost done."

  "This king just activated the meridians for you."

  "Get a good night's sleep tonight, and prepare to fight tomorrow."

  Shi Zhixuan said indifferently, his face was hidden behind the mask, and there was no joy or sorrow.

  "Thank you Evil King."

  Only then did Anlong know that the evil king was helping him, and quickly thanked him.


  On the other side, the top of Lingnan Mountain.

  A cold sword light pierced the night sky, as if the entire void had been chopped into two sections.


  The explosion sounded, and hundreds of meters of dust were rolled up.

  Song Que pointed downward.

  Behind him, Xi Ying took a deep breath and almost collapsed.

  In order to block this knife, he tried his best, and all his inner strength was stimulated.

  Now he, even a grandmaster can take his life.

  But let Xi Ying despair.

  What he just caught was only the second and third swords in Song Que's "Eight Swords of Heaven".

  Eight-style sword tactics, he can't even catch the second style.

  What a huge gap this is, so big that Xi should despair.

  "If you can block this knife, tomorrow's hegemony competition should be no problem."

  Song Que returned the knife to the sheath and said plainly.

  Speaking with absolute confidence.


  The night was darker and the moon (cabc) was obscured by dark clouds.

  The Song Dynasty, outside the city of Suzhou, Yanziwu.

  In the ancestral ancestral courtyard, a half-foot-long ginseng finger slammed into Murong Fu with an incomparably violent power.

  But Murong Fu didn't panic in the slightest, instead, with a hint of confidence, he also moved his backhand with a finger.


  The two fingers intertwined, making a shocking roar.


  Murong Fu's eyes showed joy.

  Although he has practiced the "Jointing Finger" style in the past two days, if it is used as an ultimate move, it will definitely be hard to guard against.

  "Well, you're making great progress."

  "With this finger by my side, this battle should be no problem."

  "My Murong family's unique skills are not weaker than others, so don't learn those messy martial arts in the future."

  ""Dragon City Swordsmanship", "Jointing Fingers", "Douzhuanxingxing", you can cultivate one to the realm of Dacheng, and it is more than enough to stand alone in the world."

  A majestic voice came from the ancestral hall.

  "What the ancestors taught is."

  Murong Fu immediately said humbly.


  The sun rises and the moon sets, and in a blink of an eye it is a new day.

  In the Tianji Building, it was lively and lively.

  In the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition, not only the two participating dynasties were concerned, but also the high rollers of the other dynasties.

  The great master is the strongest force in almost every dynasty.

  Through the strength of the two sides of the Grandmaster Realm, it is also very intuitive to see which of the two rivers and lakes is stronger.

  "Look! An Long is here. I didn't expect him to dare to come here. I respect him as a man."

  "Haha, the Queen of Yin is in the Secret Tower. I don't know if he panics or not."

  "Qiu Qianren is here too. Who is the woman next to him? Isn't it Qiu Qianchi?"

  "Qiu Qianren brought Qiu Qianchi here because he wanted her to recognize Gongsun Lucai."

  "That person is Tianjun Xiying, so strong evil spirit, worthy of being the top master of the devil's door."

  "Murong Fu is here! Gusu Nan Murong, I don't know what to do today."

  "Murong Fu's great reputation is ranked at the bottom of the [Great Grandmaster List]. If you can't win this battle, you will be completely ruined."

  "Oh my God! Who knows the three beauties around Murong Fu, they are so beautiful."

  "The woman in the middle, regardless of her temperament or appearance, is not inferior to the beauties on the [Stunning List]."

  "This appearance, I am afraid that it is not inferior to the monk Shi Xianzi and everyone."

  "How lucky is this Murong Fu to be accompanied by these three beauties."


  Seeing that one by one the great masters on the list entered the Tianji Building, the onlookers were even more excited.

  Especially when they saw Wang Yuyan, Azhu, and Abi beside Murong Fu, they were even more surprised.

  The appearance of these three women can be called beauty.

  One person is slightly inferior to the [Stunning List] beauties.

  One person is almost the same as the beauty on the [Stunning List].

  The last person, her appearance is even more shocking than the beauties on the "Stunning List" announced now.

  The three women walked together, making countless high-profile customers fall in love at first sight.

  Just under the gazes of countless people, Murong Fu and his party came directly to the White Jade Stage.

  He is someone who is determined to revive the Yan Kingdom, and naturally wants to make friends with immortal characters like Tianji landlord.

  "In the next Gusu Murongfu, I met the owner of Tianji."

  Murong Fu bowed respectfully, then pointed to the two women next to him and said, "They are my maids, Azhu and Abi."

  "Azhu (Abi) has met the owner of Tianji."

  The two women gave Yingying a gift very well-behaved, and their eyes swept across the dust on the white jade platform, full of curiosity.

  As the young lady of Mantuo Villa, Wang Yuyan didn't need Murong Fu's introduction, she said softly, "Little girl Wang Yuyan of Mantuo Villa, I have seen the owner of Tianji."

  "Wang Yuyan, so this beauty is called Wang Yuyan."

  "I bet that there will be a place for this Wang Yuyan on the Song Dynasty [Stunning List] in the future."

  "It's up to you to say, if Wang Yuyan doesn't make the list, I'll cut off her head."

  "I don't know what the relationship between Wang Yuyan and Murong Fu is, but don't worry about it."

  "Don't worry, as long as it is a woman who has seen the peerless demeanor of the owner of Tianji, it is impossible for her to fall in love with others."

  "Then I still have no chance?"


  A group of rivers and lakes high-rollers once again discussed enthusiastically.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Gongsun Lvcai watched Qiu Qianren and Qiu Qianchi come to the front, and before they could communicate, tears welled up in his eyes.

  After twenty years of separation, mother and daughter finally meet again.

  All the lovesickness and pain were completely vented at the moment of looking at each other.

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