
  Gongsun Lvcai called out softly, her eyes full of joy.

  Another private room.

  Zhu Yuyan glanced at An Long who was standing in front of her, her brows full of evil spirits.

  "If you win this dynasty martial arts competition, within a year, I will not kill you."

  After a long time, Zhu Yuyan said coldly.

  Anlong was like a pardon, and quickly said: "Thank you for the kindness of Queen Yin, I will definitely go all out to fight."

  Another private room.

  The Song Emperor Zhao Kuangyin called the three great masters of the Song Dynasty to the front.

  "See Your Majesty."

  Murong Fu, Duan Yanqing, and Qiu Qianren bowed respectfully.

  The number of masters in the Great Song court was no less than that of the Great Qin court.

  Whether it is the four famous arrests of Shenhou Mansion,

  Or a crowd of hunters in the six doors,

  They are all well-known powerhouses in the arena, and it is absolutely not that they can offend.

  "The three of you represent the Song Dynasty this time, and you must compete seriously."

  "If you win."

  "In addition to the rewards from Tianjilou, I also have many rewards."

  Zhao Kuangyin said solemnly.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty."

  The three hurriedly saluted again.

  Zhao Kuangyin's attention made them feel that the pressure on them had increased by three points.


  Time passed slowly, and finally it was noon.

  The voices of all the big players in the rivers and lakes stopped, and they all looked towards Baiyutai.

  As usual, it's time to announce the leaderboard.

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen met everyone's expectations without delaying, and said directly:

  "The time has come, the Song Dynasty [Great Master List] is updated."

  "[The Great Master List] No. [-], Huang Yaoshi."

  "[Great Master List] Seventeenth, Hong Qigong."

  "[Grandmaster List] No. [-], Master Yideng."


  As Feng Chen's words fell, all the high-ranking guests of the Song Dynasty all boiled.

  Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, Master Yideng.

  These three names may be a little unfamiliar to the high rollers of other dynasties.

  But to the high-ranking guests of the Song Dynasty, it was like thunder.

  Back then, when Huashan discussed the sword, it was these three men who defeated Yuxiong and won the title of the Five Great Masters.

  People never thought of it.

  The five great masters who were famous in the Song Dynasty did not even enter the top fifteen of the [Great Master List].

  "Oh my god! The five great masters are all on the list."

  "Hong Qigong is the second gang leader of the Beggar Gang. He has already cultivated to the realm of "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", but he is only the seventeenth?"

  "Unexpectedly, Huang Yaoshi is at the bottom of the five great masters."

  "Huang Yaoshi has a lot of things to study, and his energy is scattered. The strength of martial arts alone is definitely not as good as other great masters."

  "I didn't expect that the five great masters would not even be able to enter the top fifteen. It shows that I have a profound background in the great Song Jianghu!"

  "Haha, this dynasty martial arts competition, my Song Dynasty will win!"


Chapter 135

  Tianji Building, in the lobby.

  A group of gangsters of the Song Dynasty heard the names of the three great masters on the list.

  Shocked at first, followed by ecstasy.

  The five great masters, this is a very high honorary title in the Song Dynasty.

  Only the five people left in Huashan Lunjian can get it.

  It is divided into five titles: East, South, West, North and Middle.

  You must know that every Huashan Discourse on the Sword has huge prizes.

  The supreme masters from all over the world will come to participate, which is very grand.

  To be able to overcome thorns and thorns in this sword discussion and become the last five people, the strength is evident.

  Therefore, the last remaining five people in each Huashan Lunjian will be famous and regarded as the five great masters.

  In the last Huashan Lunjian, the prize was the unparalleled masterpiece "Jiuyin Zhenjing", so the competition was more intense.

  After the fierce competition, the remaining five people are Dongxie Huang Yaoshi, Xidu Ouyang Feng, Nandi Duan Zhixing, Beibeg Hong Qigong, and Zhong Shentong Wang Chongyang.

  Among them, Wang Chongyang and Ouyang Feng have both been hidden for many years, and there are only three of the five great masters left in the arena.

  I never thought that all of them were on the list this time, after ranking fifteenth, how can this not be surprising and exciting.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Qiao Feng laughed and said, "This time we will see Gang Master Hong show his skills."


  "There are so many masters in the world."

  "I used to be complacent as a great master of the Five Great Masters, but now I know that I am sitting in the well and watching the sky."

  Hong Qigong sighed.

  His "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" has already reached a state of perfection.

  But I didn't expect the ranking to be so low, and I was really depressed.

  Qiao Feng patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's just a fake name. Gang Master Hong, don't worry too much about it."


  "Next, the landlord will comment on the newly promoted masters as usual."

  "[Grandmaster List] No. [-], Peach Blossom Island Lord Huang Yaoshi."

  "Huang Yaoshi's talent is amazing. He has mastered astronomy, geography, five elements, gossip, Qimen Dunjia, qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, and even farmland water conservancy, economic strategy and so on.

  "He created his own martial arts "Luoying Divine Sword Palm", "Jade Xiao Sword Technique", "Splitting the Air Palm" and other heavenly unique skills, and the martial arts are superb."

  "I once participated in Huashan's sword discussion and became one of the five great masters. People in Jianghu are called 'Dongxie'."

  "I have received apprentices Qu Lingfeng, Chen Xuanfeng, Mei Chaofeng, Lu Chengfeng, Wu Mianfeng, Feng Mofeng, and taught martial arts."

  "I once coveted the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" in the hands of Zhou Botong, the Quanzhen Sect, and defrauded Zhou Botong with a conspiracy, and imprisoned Zhou Botong in the Houshan Cave on Peach Blossom Island."

  "His disciples Chen Xuanfeng and Mei Chaofeng had the ambition to steal the lower part of the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" secretly and fled to Mobei, calling themselves Heifeng Shuangsha."

  "My wife, Feng Heng, was pregnant at this time. She couldn't bear the heartbreak of Huang Yaoshi, so she forced her to write the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" silently.

  "Huang Yaoshi was angry, he took out his anger on the disciples, cut off their hamstrings, expelled them all from Peach Blossom Island, and vowed to stay on Peach Blossom Island for the rest of his life."

  "Listing reward: 2500 days of secrets, strong bone paste (can heal all kinds of injuries of muscles and bones, leaving no hidden disease)"

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen said slowly.

  When the last word fell, all the big players couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

  Over the years, Huang Yaoshi has been living in seclusion on Peach Blossom Island, and no one knows anything about him.

  Only at this moment did he know what happened to Huang Yaoshi.

  "The apprentice betrayed and his wife died in childbirth. No wonder Huang Yaoshi was heartbroken and did not want to leave Peach Blossom Island again."

  "I didn't expect that the pharmacist Dongxie Huang, who has always been known as a deviant, was also an infatuated man who would never be born for the sake of his wife."

  "Oh my God! Zhou Botong was actually imprisoned on Peach Blossom Island. No wonder he has not been seen in the rivers and lakes these years."

  "Old urchin Zhou Botong, although this person is insane, but his seniority in the Quanzhen Sect is scary. When the Quanzhen Sect knows about this, he will definitely go to the teacher to ask the guilt."

  "This Huang Yaoshi is also daring, even Zhou Botong dares to imprison him for the "Jiuyin Zhenjing". He is the junior brother of Wang Chongyang, the leader of the Five Masters."

  "After all, it is the "Jiuyin Zhenjing", the most top-level magic in the arena. Back then, when Huashan discussed the sword, I don't know how many arena experts died because of this."

  "It turns out that Heifeng Shuangsha, who has been running rampant in Mobei these years, is Huang Yaoshi's apprentice."

  "No, if Huang Yaoshi didn't leave Peach Blossom Island, how could he represent me, Song Dynasty, in the Dynasty Martial Arts Tournament?"

  "It's about my Song Dynasty martial arts. I think Huang Yaoshi will make an exception."

  "Others may make an exception, but Huang Yaoshi has always been a deviant, otherwise he wouldn't be named 'Dongxie'."

  "Alas, I can only hope that after so many years, Yaoshi Huang has solved the knot."


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