"My Ming Dynasty has suffered heavy losses recently, and I urgently need a ranking list to supplement my strength!"


  All the high rollers of the major dynasties went crazy, and they all requested to publish a ranking list for their dynasties.

  This is more than just watching the fun.

  Each leaderboard is equivalent to a treasure, which can create countless strong players.

  In particular, the gangsters of the Tang Dynasty and the Han Dynasty almost went crazy.

  In the Ming Dynasty, there are [Black Hand List] and [Sword God List]

  The Great Song Dynasty and the Great Sui Dynasty have the [Great Master List] and the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition.

  The Great Qin Dynasty also had the [Famous Swords List] which could increase the power.

  If the two dynasties don't have exclusive rankings, they can only watch other dynasties continue to emerge from Heaven and Human Realm.

  That would be a huge disaster for the rivers and lakes of these two dynasties.

  Private room on the third floor.

  An Long, Xi Ying, Wei Lianxiang, Murong Fu, Qiu Qianren, Duan Yanqing and others who were preparing to play were also stunned.

  2000 Tianji points, a low-grade Tianling Pill.

  Such a generous reward made the blood of the six people explode in an instant, and their eyes turned crimson.

  This is like a huge treasure placed in front of them, as long as they stretch out their hands, they can get it.

  Fighting intent!

  Without the encouragement of others, the six great masters on the list have already raised their fighting spirit to the extreme.

  The great masters who can be on the [Great Master List] are not astonishing and brilliant, and have the opportunity to impact the realm of the unity of heaven and man.. 0

  Now a Heavenly Spirit Pill is placed in front of them.

  If they miss it, I am afraid they will live in regret for the rest of their lives.

  Other private rooms on the third floor.

  You let me go, Zhang Wuji, and Yaoyue.Lian Xing and other famous people in all corners of the world also showed hot eyes.

  Never before has they wanted to be on the leaderboards so much!


  "Damn it, if only we in Daming had the [Great Master List], the leader would definitely be at the top of the list!"

  In the Ming Cult private room, Zhou Dian, a scattered person, said angrily.

  The rest of the Ming Cult masters also nodded.

  It may be a bit exaggerated to be at the top of the list, but with Zhang Wuji's strength, he can definitely compete for the top five.

  According to the practice of Tianjilou, the rewards for the top five in the [Grandmaster Ranking] must be extremely generous.


  "With the strength of my Sun Moon Divine Religion, if I make the [Zongmen Ranking] or [Power Ranking], I should be able to occupy a place."

  In the private room of the Sun and Moon Sect, Ren Yingying analyzed it carefully.

  Ren Woxing nodded and said, "This old man has been full of evil in his life. If there is a [Bad List], it should also be able to occupy a place."

  "It's better not to list this [Villain List], or someone who is jealous will come to kill you."

  Ren Yingying said angrily.

  Apparently, he tacitly accepted that Ren Woxing was qualified to be on the [Villain List].

  "Ha ha!"

  "Want to kill me?"

  "Let them come anyway!"

  "It just happens to be the nourishment for my "Space Absorption Dafa"."

  Ren Wuxing said with great confidence.

  In the past few days, he has initially comprehended the "Spiritual Inhalation Dafa", and his strength has been improved by leaps and bounds.

  Even if he were to face the undefeated East again, he still had the strength to fight.

  Moreover, those who practice this kind of exercise are not afraid of being challenged, but hope that more people will come to them.

  Relying on the "Spiritual Absorption Dafa", he can absorb the internal force of others infinitely for his own use.

  It is easy to have a hundred-year-old internal strength as deep as Zhang Sanfeng.

  If no one came to kill him, he would be anxious instead.


  Yingui School Private Room.

  The Queen of Yin Zhu Yuyan's eyes were gloomy and she said solemnly, "Senior Brother Wei, you are the oldest, so come on stage and fight."

  Wei Lianxiang nodded, jumped up, and went directly to the Four Spirits Battle Stage.

  "Wei Lianxiang, the [-]th in the Dasui [Great Master List], please enlighten me."

  Wei Lianxiang stood on the battle platform and said in a gloomy tone.

  Those long and narrow eyes made everyone who came in contact with it sweated.

  "Your opponent is me!"

  In the private room on the third floor, Murong Fu let out a long whistle and flew onto the battle stage like a roc spreading his wings.

  "Murong Fu, the [-]th in the Song Dynasty [Great Master List], please enlighten me, Senior Wei."

  Murong Fu raised his voice and said,

  The age difference between the two is nearly forty years.

  Compared to the gloomy and aged Wei Lianxiang, Murong Fu looked extremely energetic.


  Without more communication, the two are not the same person.

  There is only one purpose in this battle, and that is to defeat the opponent,

  Behind them are the expectations of hundreds of millions of people.


  The sound of astral collision was deafening.

  The gangsters from the Great Song Dynasty and the Great Sui Dynasty under the stage were extremely nervous.

  Although this game is far less exciting than the previous peak battles, it is related to vital interests after all, and it looks particularly exciting.

  "Come on, Murong Shaoxia!"

  "Senior Wei will win!"

  In a hurry, the two sides of the rivers and lakes roared hard, cheering for their own side.

  As soon as the war started, it went straight to the heat.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Abi held Jinpa tightly and said nervously, "Miss, how is the battle now?"

  "This Wei Lianxiang and cousin's martial arts 1.2 skills are almost the same."

  "But Wei Lianxiang is obviously more experienced in combat."

  "Also, Wei Lianxiang's right hand fingernails are poisonous, which makes my cousin very jealous."

  "As far as the current situation is concerned, it's not good for my cousin."


  Wang Yuyan frowned and said.

  At this moment, Wei Lianxiang's right hand suddenly activated, and a green poisonous mist spewed out.

  "Hmph, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

  Murong Fu let out a long whistle, and suddenly pulled away from his position, then put the fingers of his right hand together and moved forward.

  Join the fingers!

  This is exactly how he hides the bottom of the press box.

  The terrifying fingers crushed the void, directly swallowing all the poisonous mist, and brought them together to attack Wei Lianxiang.


  On the battlefield, Wei Lianxiang let out a miserable howl.

  The left half of his body was almost blown to pieces by the ginseng fingers, and a bloody mist burst out.

  The Astral Qi shield that was raised was like a piece of paper in front of Shenhe Zhijin, vulnerable to a single blow.

  To make matters worse, the poisonous mist that bounced back all landed on his wound.

  But within a short time, the remaining half of Wei Lianxiang's body turned green, looking extremely terrifying.

  The audience couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

  Murong Fu's finger directly killed Wei Lianxiang.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Zhu Yuyan stood up solemnly, her face full of anxiety.

  Wei Lianxiang is not only her senior brother, but also the top expert of Yingui School.

  If he died on the Siling platform, the loss to the Yingui faction would be too great.

  "The first round is over, the winner is Da Song Murong Fu."

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