At this moment, Feng Chen's icy voice suddenly sounded.

  Two beams of light enveloped Wei Lianxiang and Murong Fu at the same time.

  The moment Wei Lianxiang was enveloped by the beam of light, Wei Lianxiang's cry came to an abrupt end.

  The festering body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Those terrifying poisonous mists also disappeared without a trace as if they had evaporated.

  But in the blink of an eye.

  Wei Lianxiang has recovered as before, and her anger is at its peak.

  "On the platform of the Four Spirits, there is life and no death. Even if there is only a drop of blood left, this landlord can make you reborn."

  Feng Chen's voice spread again, like a fairy like a demon.

  The whole place was shaken! .

Chapter 137

  "Even if there is only a drop of blood left, this landlord can make you reborn."

  Feng Chen's indifferent words made all the gangsters have the illusion of facing the gods.

  Rebirth from a drop of blood!

  This is not the means of the gods, what is the means of the gods?

  After a brief silence, the audience immediately burst into earth-shattering cheers.

  "On the platform of the Four Spirits, there is life and no death."

  With this guarantee, those great masters on the list can do their best to fight.

  You don't have to worry about killing others and causing hatred, and you don't have to worry about being beaten to death yourself.

  As the onlookers of the rivers and lakes, you can also see the most exciting and spared no effort in the fight.


  Just when everyone's mood was agitated, a figure flew onto the battlefield.

  But seeing him in rags, gray hair, ugly appearance, still leaning on a cane in his hand, he didn't speak, but his voice spread throughout the hall.

  "Duan Yanqing, the [-]th place in the Great Song Dynasty [Great Master List], please advise from fellow Da Sui."

  As soon as these words came out, all the big players in the rivers and lakes suddenly became quiet.

  Countless eyes converged on Duan Yanqing.

  "This person is the Yanqing Prince of Dali Kingdom? Why is he so ugly."

  "It is said that Prince Yanqing was framed by someone and almost died in the fire. It is a blessing to save his life. How can he care about his appearance."

  "This time Duan Yanqing's inclusion in the [Grandmaster List] will definitely improve greatly. I don't know if he will go back to take revenge."

  "If I were Duan Yanqing, I would definitely return to Dali and take back the throne that belongs to me."

  "Now I believe that Princess Zhennan is really Guanyin, and even Duan Yanqing doesn't dislike it."

  "Haha, brother, your angle is very novel."


  Just in the middle of the discussion, a thin figure also appeared on the battlefield.

  "The [-]th place in the Da Sui [Great Master List], the Tianjun seat should be here, please enlighten me."

  Xi Ying stood opposite the battle platform and gave a salute from a distance.

  At the moment when the voice fell, a purple color appeared in the pupils, which looked very strange.

  "Come on, boss!!"

  In the private room on the third floor, the third crocodile Shenyue from the South China Sea was drinking hard.

  Yun Zhonghe's eyes wandered among the private rooms.

  Gongsun Lvca, Ji Ruxue, Lu Linxuan, Ren Yingying, Wang Yuyan, Azhu, Kui, Shi Feixuan, Sun Xiuqing, Zhou Zhiruo, Dugu Meng, Shi Qingxuan, Shang Xiufang...


  Is this heaven in the tower?

  Yun Zhonghe has never seen so many beautiful women gathered together in his life.

  I only felt that the blood vessels in the whole body were about to explode, and a pair of eyes was simply not enough.


  At this moment, a cold voice exploded directly in Yun Zhonghe's mind.

  But it was he who looked at Yaoyue's private room.

  A glance at the frost-like eyes of Ye Yaoyue, I felt that I was instantly in a 20-foot-long ice cave, and shivered suddenly.

  "As expected of the Palace Master of Yihua Palace, this murderous aura is too heavy."

  Yun Zhonghe secretly said in his heart, and quickly looked away.

  He naturally heard of Yaoyue's name.

  Beauty is beautiful, but it is not something he can appreciate.

  If you are not careful, you might lose your life.

  Rather than taking such a big risk, it is better to appreciate and appreciate the super beauties such as Wang Yuyan and Shang Xiufang.

  In this instant, the two people on the Siling platform have fought for dozens of rounds.

  "Compared to that person, you are... too weak."

  Xi Ying's movement was like a ghost, easily dodging Duan Yanqing's killer moves again and again, and even had the opportunity to taunt him.

  He couldn't help but think back to those two hellish days.

  Facing Tiandao Song Que, he seemed to be facing an unclimbable mountain.

  Even if he didn't make a move, the overwhelming sense of oppression had already suffocated him.

  And Song Que's Dao of the Blade made him close to collapse several times, and it was so powerful that it made people desperate.

  Fortunately, Xi Ying had been dormant in the desert for ten years, and his heart of martial arts was as strong as a rock.

  If it was another person, I'm afraid that Song Que would be forced to break down and give up martial arts.

  Now the opponent suddenly changed from Song Que to Duan Yanqing, it was like a world apart.

  Xi Ying instantly felt that he could do it by himself!

  He even found several flaws in Duan Yanqing's body while dodging Duan Yanqing's attack.

  This feeling of being in control of everything makes him very enjoy,

  "It's over."

  Suddenly a purple light flashed, and Xi Ying went around Duan Yanqing's back and slapped his palm on the back of his heart.


  Duan Yanqing flew out as if he was severely injured.

  The entire back is like being burned by fire, and it has turned into coke.

  Just looking at it makes your scalp tingle.

  If Duan Yanqing hadn't been able to speak, he would have cried out loudly.

  "The second round is over, the winner, Da Sui Xi Ying."

  Feng Chen's voice echoed in the hall, and two beams of light fell, instantly healing Duan Yanqing's injuries.

  At the same time, the two were also passed down to the Four Spirits Battle Stage.

  The audience was full of excitement.

  It was a one-to-one draw! !

  The private room on the third floor of the Beggar Gang.

  Hong Qigong said solemnly: "The Great Sui Jianghu really hides dragons and crouching tigers. Even I may not be able to resist this seat."

  Qiao Feng nodded, Xi Ying's "Purple Blood Dafa" made him feel very strange and difficult to deal with.

  Yingui School Private Room.

  Zhu Yuyan smiled slightly. Although Xi Ying and she were not in the same group, they belonged to the Demon Sect after all.

  She was also very happy to see Xi Ying winning.

  Wei Lianxiang sighed: "Alas, if I win that battle, then I have already won the Great Sui."

  "Master Wei is no better than self-blame."

  "That Murong Fu was born in the Murong family and has a great reputation in the Song Dynasty."

  "It's not a shame to lose to him."

  Wei Wei said with a smile, a pair of jade feet dangling in mid-air.

  Although this is an unconscious behavior, it has attracted the attention of tens of thousands of people, making them eager and impetuous.

  Especially Yun Zhonghe, his soul was about to be hooked out.

  Iron Palm Gang private room.

  Qiu Qianchi said hoarsely, "Brother, the last battle is up to you."

  Gongsun Lvca also hurriedly said, "Come on, uncle."

  Qiu Qianren nodded firmly in his eyes, jumped up, and jumped directly onto the high platform.

  "Qiu Qianren, the twenty-first [Great Master List] of the Great Song Dynasty, please enlighten me with my fellow Da Sui."

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