A stream of pure and pure Yang, from the sky.

  A very quiet to Yin, from Jiuyuan.

  Two strands of spiritual energy wrapped Xue Yiren in it one by one, forming a portal vaguely.

  This is the 'Tianmen' that all warriors talk about.

  The person who opens the gate of heaven can become a strong person in the realm of heaven and man.

  From then on, the bridge of Yin-Yang Heaven and Earth can be used to control the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to fight.

  Even a powerhouse in the half-step Heaven and Human Realm can only use the inner strength in his dantian when fighting.

  No matter how strong the internal force is, and the regeneration is endless, it cannot support the continuous use of powerful moves.

  But if it breaks through to the realm of heaven and man, it will be completely different.

  Through the bridge of Yin-Yang Heaven and Earth, and controlling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, regular battles do not even need to consume one's own internal strength.

  You can kill a great master realm peak powerhouse through crowd tactics.

  But it is absolutely impossible to consume a strong man in the realm of the unity of nature and man.

  Therefore, there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that the only people who can kill the strong in the realm of heaven and man are the strong in the realm of heaven and human.

  "Congratulations to Brother Xue, you have been promoted to the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and from now on, you can penetrate the world and create endless creations."

  When Ren Woxing saw that Xue Yiren had completed his breakthrough, he immediately sent his blessings first.

  Many famous people in the other private rooms also sent their blessings.

  This is a strong person in the realm of heaven and man, and there are only a handful of people in the entire Daming rivers and lakes. Who doesn't want to form a good relationship.

  Xue Yiren returned the salute one by one, showing emotion.

  "Everyone in the rivers and lakes is polite."

  "This breakthrough is entirely due to the credit of Tianjilou."

  "If there is no Tianjilou, even if the old man is in seclusion for another [-] years, he will not be able to set foot in this realm."

  Xue Yiren said very sincerely.

  This is what he said in his heart,

  In the Daming Rivers and Lakes, there are not many people whose internal strength is deeper than him.

  For example, Wudang Zhang Sanfeng, Shaolin monk Puxuan, etc., reached the peak of martial arts as early as [-] or [-] years ago.

  Even if he practiced for another [-] years, his internal strength would not be able to catch up with Zhang Sanfeng, let alone break through the realm of heaven and man.

  It is precisely by relying on the heaven-defying effect of the top-grade Tianling Pill.

  Only then did he easily enter the realm of the unity of man and nature with his martial arts background far inferior to that of Zhang Sanfeng.

  People don't know this.

  It has been less than a month since Tianjilou was born, and it has brought earth-shaking changes to six rivers and lakes.

  Among them, I don't know how many people have achieved a leap in strength by relying on the Tianjilou's Tianji reward.

  But Xue Yiren was the only one who broke through to the realm of heaven and man in one fell swoop.

  Many believe it.

  With the continuous announcement of the rankings, more and more people will be promoted to the realm of heaven and man with the reward of heaven.

  By then, all the major martial arts will usher in a prosperous age.


  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is night.

  The high-ranking guests in the Tianji Building dispersed one after another, and turned to the major restaurants to discuss their experiences during the day.

  [Grandmaster Ranking] update, the Dynasty Martial Arts Competition, and the first update of the [Qianlong Ranking] that will come tomorrow...

  They have too much to discuss.

  And with the carrier pigeons flying into the sky, the news in the Tianji Building has already spread to every corner of the six rivers and lakes.

  The Song Dynasty, Zhongnan Mountain, Chongyang Palace.

  In the main hall, Quanzhen Qizi was among them, passing a letter to each other.

  After everyone read it, Ma Yu, the head of the main seat, said, "What do you think about this matter?"

  "This Huang Yaoshi is so deceiving, he dares to imprison Zhou Shishu privately!"

  Hao Datong, one of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, said angrily.

  Sun Buer also echoed: "My Quanzhen Sect is also the top sect of the Song Dynasty. I must ask Huang Yaoshi for an explanation."

  Ma Yu nodded slightly, looked at Qiu Chuji and said, "What do you think of Junior Brother Qiu?"

  "I think the most important thing at the moment is to go to Peach Blossom Island to welcome back Master Zhou."

  "As for the rest, it won't be too late to discuss after welcoming Master Zhou back."

  Qiu Chuji said slowly.

  "Junior Brother Qiu is right."

  "The most important thing this time is to welcome Uncle Zhou first."

  "Don't try to harm Master Zhou in a dangerous place just for the sake of a momentary quarrel."

  "If you guys have no opinion, then go back and pack up, and go to Peach Blossom Island tomorrow."

  Ma Yu said calmly.

  Hao Datong, Sun Buer and the others looked at each other, and said in unison, "I respect the order of the master."


  The Han Dynasty, Luoyang, the imperial city.

  Sitting after the dragon case, Liu Hong looked at the information on Tianjilou presented by the secret agent, his nose crooked with anger.

  "What a heavenly secret tower, how dare you to confuse the public by saying, 'The Han loses its deer, and the world will chase it away'."

  "A mere force in the rivers and lakes, arguing about the destiny of the dynasty."

  "Simply lawless!"

  Liu Hong patted the table and yelled angrily.

  Zhang Rang hurriedly said: "Your Majesty speaks carefully, Your Majesty speaks carefully, but don't offend Tianjilou for this."

  "What do you mean? I am the Supreme Being of the Ninety-five Five, do I still have to be angry with Tianjilou?"

  Liu Hongqi's eyes seemed to be spitting fire.

  "Then how does Your Majesty compare you to Qin Shi Huang?"

  Zhang Rang said slowly.

  Liu Hong frowned. He didn't know what medicine Zhang Rang sold in the gourd.

  Zhang Rang said again: "How does your Majesty think the current Han Dynasty is compared to the Qin Dynasty?"

  Liu Hong frowned deeper.

  "Zhang Rang, what are you trying to say?"

  "The Han Dynasty has experienced several wars and turmoil in these years, and the place is full of smog. It is not comparable to the Qin Dynasty."

  Although Liu Hong was very dissatisfied with Zhang Rang's cheating, he still answered it seriously.

  In the entire Han Dynasty, only Zhang Rang dared to speak to him like this.

  If it were a different person, he would have been dragged out and chopped off.

  "As Your Majesty said."

  "The Great Qin is stronger than the Great Han, and the Qin Emperor is comparable to the model of ancient and modern kings."

  "But even so, Emperor Qin still has to respect the owner of Tianji three points in the Tianji Building, and he doesn't dare to overstep the slightest."

  "There is another generation of empress Wu Zetian, who met the master of Tianji with the courtesy of a minister, and enshrined it as the best royal dance troupe in the Tang Dynasty."

  "Not to mention, Emperor Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Yang Guang of Sui Dynasty, and Emperor Zhu Houzhao of Ming Dynasty all lived in the Tianji Building. Respecting the owner of Tianji is like revering the gods."

  "With all these things, does Your Majesty still think that Tianjilou is just a Jianghu force?"

  Zhang Rang said calmly.


  Only then did Liu Hong realize that the authority of the Tianji Building had reached such a level.

  Let all the emperors of the Central Plains bow down!

  "Then what do you say? Do you want me to surrender Jiangshan?"

  Liu Hong said with a little exasperation.

  "The servant thinks that it is a good thing for His Majesty that this [Dragon List] was born."

  "Your Majesty, you just said that our Han Dynasty has gone through several wars, and there is smog everywhere."

  "Under this circumstance, I don't know how many people are hiding evil intentions and secretly plotting evil."

  "Even though there are thousands of troops in the imperial court, there is nothing that can be done against these people with hidden ambitions."

  "If [Qianlong Bang] were born, it would be different."

  "It is clear at a glance who in the world may conspire to usurp the throne."

  "¨'Your Majesty only needs to crusade the people on the list one by one and wipe them out."

  "The rest of the people have no emperor's spirit, no matter how big the trouble is, there is no threat to Jiangshan's society."

  "If you do this, the great man will last forever."

  Zhang Rang talked freely and expressed his thoughts.

  Liu Hong's eyes lit up, and he felt that what Zhang Rang said was very reasonable.

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