The originally full of anger has also turned into a happy look.

  "That's right!"


  "Although the big man is weak now, there are still hundreds of thousands of troops."

  "I want to see, who is the emperor who wants to take over my great Han country!"

  Liu Hong squinted his eyes and said, his body was full of murderous aura.


  Time passed quickly, and it was the next day.

  Han Dynasty, Yingchuan Academy.

  Facing the morning sun, all the students entered the school one after another.

  At this time, there was still some distance from the morning class, and everyone gathered in three or five people to discuss anecdotes.

  At the northwest corner, there are also four young people gathered together.

  It was Xun Yu, Xun You, Guo Jia, and Xi Zhicai.

  Their origins are not the same, the first two belong to aristocratic families, and the latter two belong to poor families.

  Originally, there should be no intersection between the two sides, and they only got together because of similar wisdom and interests, and they have a very good relationship with each other.

  "Hey, did you hear that? Everyone is talking about the [Dragon List]!"

  Xi Zhicai took a sip of wine and said very freely.

  Guo Jia, who was on the side, grabbed the jug, took a sip, and said nonchalantly, "Isn't this a matter of course?"

  "How is it a matter of course?"

  Xun You asked in confusion.

  "Could it be that Gongda doesn't know a sentence, it's called 'Learn the arts and crafts, goods and the emperor's family'."

  "Isn't this person on the [Qianlong List] the best candidate for the 'Emperor'?"

  Guo Jia wiped the wine stains and said with a smile.

  "Then, isn't that a rebellion?" Xun You stared at him in disbelief.

  "Ha ha……"

  His expression immediately caused Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai to burst into laughter.

  Xun Yu frowned and said, "Xun Yu doesn't know, what's so ridiculous about Gongda's words?"


  "In the eyes of your uncle and nephew, this 'emperor' is only the Liu family."

  "But in my opinion, Xi Zhicai, it is a prince and a general. Would you rather have a seed?"

  "As the owner of Tianji said, the emperor of Han has no way, he has lost his deer, and he will be chased by the world."

  "My generation is talented, and I should follow the Ming Lord and build a lifetime of fame."

  Xi Zhicai said with red eyes, he didn't know if he was drunk or excited.

  "The four hundred years of the great Han's supporters, the festival of justice and death, should be in the present!"

  "How can Zhicai break up the Han Dynasty for the sake of one person's fame?"

  Xun Yu scolded very seriously, attracting countless eyes.

  Xi Zhicai was also a little over the top, and was about to refute, but was stopped by Guo Jia.

  "You two should talk less."

  "Now the [Qianlong Bang] (Qian Qianhao) has not been born yet, but you guys are fighting first."

  "If you want me to say, I wait for the advisors to choose the master. The most important thing is not the blood of the Liu family, nor is it a guest on the [Dragon Dragon List]."

  "The most important thing is to find a master who has the same temperament and the same philosophy as his own."

  "So all the people on the list need to be carefully observed to find out their character, ambition, and philosophy."

  "Wait until everything is familiar, and then consider whether to join or not."

  Guo Jia said very assertively.

  Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai didn't really want to fight, and they stopped talking when they saw someone persuading them.


  At this moment, in the Heavenly Secret Building.

  It is already a sea of ​​people, and there are countless arguments.

  If you look closely, you can see that half of the gangsters in the hall are from the Han Dynasty,

  At this time, they were all enthusiastically discussing who would be the lucky one to be on the [Dragon List].

  This is not to watch the fun, but to their vital interests.

  "Who do you think our Han Dynasty has a chance to make the list?"

  "It's really hard to say. But if I have to vote, I think Liu Biao has a seat."

  "Jingzhou Mu Liu Biao? This person is indeed very likely. Not only is he a member of the Han clan, but he is also talented and famous."

  "I vote for Gongsun Zan. This person is now the governor of the four northern states, and he is so powerful that he can be regarded as the number one prince in the world."

  "Gongsun Zan's name is really loud. I think he can compete for the top three positions on the [Qianlong List]."

  "I think Ma Teng in Liangzhou can also occupy a seat. It is located on the frontier, and the court is too busy to take care of it, so it is easy to raise troops and take care of themselves."

  "The fourth and third princes of the Yuan family, I think there should be one person on the list."


  In the sound of everyone's discussion, noon finally ushered in.

  On the white jade platform, countless space ripples swayed, and a white clothed dust began to appear in the hall.

  Without waiting for everyone's inquiries, Feng Chen said directly:

  "The time has come, the [Dragon List] is updated for the first time."

  "[The Hidden Dragon List] Tenth place, Yizhou Mu Liu Yan."

  "[The Hidden Dragon List] No. [-], great teacher Zhang Jiao."





  As Feng Chen's voice fell, the six golden stone tablets burst into the sky with infinite divine light.

  The golden light all over the sky gathered in the sky above the Han Dynasty.

  Like yesterday, it transformed into a huge golden scroll and slowly fell.

  One end is connected to Uncle Tianqiong.

  One end sinks on the shore of the North Sea.

  The only difference is that two names have appeared in the two empty columns at the bottom of the golden list:

  Liu Yan!

  Zhang Jiao! .

Chapter 139

  In the Tianji Building, there was an uproar.

  All Jianghu high rollers were attracted by the announcement of these two names and were extremely shocked.

  "What? Liu Yan sits in the Land of Abundance, and is only tenth on the [Qianlong List]?"

  "Good guy, I didn't expect Liu Yan to have the spirit of an emperor!"

  "[The Hidden Dragon List] No. [-], although he has the power of an emperor, he is very weak. Basically, he can only dominate one side, which is reasonable."

  "Zhang Jiao, a great teacher? He, why is he on the [Dragon List]?"

  "Oh my God! This horn is nothing but a wild and grassy person, but he has the spirit of an emperor? I can't see it at all."

  "The theory of luck is indeed elusive. If it wasn't for the exposure of the owner of the secret, who would have thought that Zhang Jiao was carrying the spirit of an emperor?"

  "As soon as this list comes out, I think a lot of people will come to Sichuan to join Liu Yan."


  A group of high-ranking players in the rivers and lakes talked a lot, with excitement on their faces.

  Compared with the previously announced [Black Hand List], [Sword God List], [Stunning List], [Famous Sword List], and [Grand Master List], this [Hidden Dragon List] is undoubtedly the most difficult to guess.

  Because the theory of luck is impermanent, there is no standard for judging at all.

  No one dares to say that the luck of the princes will definitely be stronger than that of the commoners.

  Throughout history, there are not a few people who have been promoted to the Ninety-five Supreme from a mediocre commoner.

  Under the whole world, I am afraid that only the Tianjilou that penetrates the three realms has this ability.

  Spy directly into the most unpredictable way of luck.

  "Next, the landlord will comment on the two hidden dragons on the list as usual."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen spoke indifferently, instantly making the audience quiet.

  Because of the impermanence of luck, this review link is extremely important.

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