Who would have thought that Feng Chen did not answer Fan Qinghui, but turned to look at Zhu Yuyan and said:

  "What do you want to ask?"

  As a leader of the righteous way, Fan Qinghui was so angry when he was left hanging like this.

  But thinking of all the rumors about the owner of Tianji, she had to endure it and could only wait quietly.

  Seeing that Fan Qinghui was deflated, Zhu Yuyan couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly:

  "Last time, the landlord of Tianji commented on the Yingui School, which made Yuyan very educated."

  "That's why Yuyan made up her mind to collect ten volumes of "Tianmo Tactics" to integrate the two six factions of the Demon Sect."

  "But the Demon Sect has been divided for a long time, and many of the "Tian Mo Ce" kept by many Demon Sect branches have been lost."

  "So Yuyan wants to ask the owner of Tianji, what are the ten volumes of "Tianmo Policy"? Where are you?"


  As soon as these words came out, the disciples of the Demon Sect below all perked up their ears.

  This is something that everyone in the Demon Sect is thinking about.

  On the contrary, Fan Qinghui became nervous.

  One Yingui faction is enough to give her a headache.

  If Zhu Yuyan really collects the "Tianmo Tactics" and integrates the Demon Gate, then the righteous path led by Cihang Jingzhai is tantamount to annihilation.




  In the hall, everyone held their breath, and even the beating of the heart could be heard clearly.

  Feng Chen looked at Zhu Yuyan, and then at Fan Qinghui, as if thinking of something, the corners of his mouth curled up.

  "The doubts of the two suzerains, this landlord already knows, and can also answer."

  Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan showed ecstasy at the same time, and before they could speak, they heard Feng Chen make a choice——


  "It's getting late, and the Tianji Building will be closed soon, so I can't say more."

  "If the two sovereigns are willing, they can accompany the host to the guest room on the sixth floor."

  "Let's talk at night by candlelight...".

Chapter 25

  Sky Tower.

  In the hall, there was silence.

  Everyone was shocked by Feng Chen's shocking rhetoric.

  "That... did I hear it right?"

  "Crazy, crazy, the master of Tianji actually invited the master of Fanzhai and the queen of Yin to go to the sixth floor?"

  "The legendary guest room on the sixth floor of Tianji Building, I didn't expect that the first people to visit were the Lord of Fanzhai and the Queen of Yin."

  "Fuck, why didn't you invite the young Shixianzi and the young lady?"

  "The owner of Tianji is an immortal character, so it's naturally different from your thoughts."

  "At first glance, you are too young to know how peerless the Master of Fanzhai and the Queen of Yin were in those days."

  "Master Tianji, can you talk about this 'Bingzhuye Talk'?"

  "Looking back thirty years ago, Master Fanzhai and Queen Yin were the most beautiful women in the world. This wave is really cheap."


  After a short silence, the din immediately filled the entire hall.

  Hou Xibai directly gave a thumbs up, wishing he could worship Feng Chen as his teacher on the spot.

  Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan, who were the parties, were completely stupid.

  If someone else dared to talk to them like this, they would have been torn to shreds by now.

  Even if the cultivation base is stronger than them, they will fight to the death.

  But this person is Feng Chen, the owner of Tianji Building, a fairy-like figure.

  As she said, there is no woman in this world who can not take the initiative to take the initiative in Tianjilou.

  This naturally also includes Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan.

  Private room on the third floor.

  Wei's eyes have turned into crescent-shaped smiles. Not only is she not angry, but she finds it very interesting.

  "Master, congratulations, you have been favored by the owner of Tianji."

  "The guest room on the sixth floor of Tianji Building has the effect of maintaining beauty, maintaining health, and returning to youth."

  "Master is already beautiful, if you stay there for one night, you will really be a fairy."

  "Wait until the [Stunning List] comes out, you will definitely be able to top the list and get rich rewards."

  Like a little devil, she told Zhu Yuyan the benefits of going to the sixth floor of the Tianji Building.

  Zhu Yuyan glanced at Xiu angrily.

  This apprentice was raised in vain and desperately wanted to sell his master.

  However, some of the words she said really spoke to her heart.

  There is no woman who does not love beauty. The magical effect of the guest room on the sixth floor of Tianji Building has a fatal attraction to every woman.

  Zhu Yuyan is no exception.

  Besides, she always felt that she was a little old and fading, for fear that her name would not be seen on the list.

  If you can stay on the sixth floor of the Tianji Building overnight, at least this worry can be relieved.

  In addition, the guest room on the sixth floor of the Tianji Building can also heal dark wounds and improve cultivation.

  All kinds of benefits make Zhu Yuyan unable to refuse at all.

  "Forget it, for the revival of the Demon Sect, I will sacrifice myself."

  Zhu Yuyan found an excuse for herself and finally made up her mind.

  "Lord Tianji, Yuyan happens to be fine and would like to stay overnight in Tianjilou."

  Zhu Yuyan deliberately pretended to be calm and said.


  The eyes of countless gangsters lit up, but they didn't expect Yin Queen to be so enlightened.

  Those old rivers and lakes who had witnessed the youthful beauty of Queen Yin were even more envious and envious of Feng Chen.

  The Queen of Yin, Zhu Yuyan, how many people's youth is that.

  Even Fan Qinghui was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Zhu Yuyan to agree so quickly.

  "Hmph, it really is a member of the devil's door, and he has bad conduct."

  Fan Qinghui snorted in his heart.

  But Zhu Yuyan's statement put her in a dilemma.

  As a mortal enemy who had been fighting for decades, Fan Qinghui could not see that Zhu Yuyan was a little stronger than her.

  The two have been inseparable before.

  But if Zhu Yuyan went to the sixth floor of Tianji Building, then everything would be different.

  First of all, Zhu Yuyan will become more beautiful, and the [Stunning List] will overwhelm her.

  Secondly, Zhu Yuyan's skill will be greatly improved, maybe she can break through the first order and completely surpass her.

  In the end, Zhu Yuyan will get the information of the ten volumes of "Tianmo Policy", and further integrate the two six factions of the Demon Sect.

  Fan Qinghui felt like the sky was about to fall when she thought that Zhu Yuyan would surpass her in three aspects: beauty, martial arts, and power at the same time.

  Absolutely absolutely unbearable!

  "Master Tianji, Qinghui is also willing to stay in Tianjilou."

  Fan Qinghui's mind became hot and he said directly.


  The concubine Xuan on the side was shocked and widened her eyes. She never imagined that Fan Qinghui, who was always pure and clean, would agree to such a ridiculous thing. .

Chapter 26

  Night falls.

  The Tianji Building changed from the hustle and bustle of the day and became very quiet.

  Zhu Yuyan and Fan Qinghui looked at each other, the two righteous leaders were at a loss at this time.

  "The two sect masters come up with this master."

  Feng Chen raised his hand and took Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan directly to the sixth floor.

  Pushing open the door of the wing, there is a tide of spiritual energy on the front.

  The calm faces of the two were instantly filled with surprise.

  The aura in this wing room was so dense that it was liquefied. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it.

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