Thinking of being able to practice overnight in this holy place, the two girls were a little excited.

  Walking inside, the two were even more surprised.

  This wing looked small from the outside, but inside it was like a palace, completely different from what they imagined.

  Feng Chen's figure flashed, and he was already seated in the first place. He smiled at them and said, "Two sect masters, please take a seat."

  "Master Tianji, can you explain Yuyan's confusion now?"

  As soon as Zhu Yuyan sat down, she couldn't help but speak.

  "of course."

  "The doubts of the two sect masters will be answered by this master."

  Feng Chen smiled slightly.

  The two women did not expect this trip to be so smooth, and they suddenly showed ecstasy.

  "The "Tianmo Policy" is divided into ten volumes, which is written by the devil emperor Xie Tiao to take the essence of the "Magic Dao Caprice"."

  "The first volume is "The Picture of Patching the Sky", which is the inheritance method of the Momen Patching Heaven Pavilion."

  "The second volume is "Tianxin Lianhuan", which is the inheritance of the magician Tianlianzong."

  "The third volume is "Purple Qi Tianluo", which is the inheritance of the magic sect's way of destroying love."

  "The fourth volume is "Ziwu Tiangang", which is the inheritance method of the true preacher of the Demon Gate."

  "Volume [-] is "Magic Statue", which is the inheritance of the magic sect of the demon sect."

  "The sixth volume is "Flower Journey", which is the inheritance of the magician Huajian faction."

  "Volume [-] is "Tianmo Dafa", which is the inheritance method of the Yingui School of Momen."

  "The eighth volume is the "Saint Emperor's Secret Art", which is the inheritance of the Demon Sect's holy sect, also known as the evil sect's lineage."

  "These eight volumes of the Heavenly Demon Strategy must be familiar to Queen Yin, so I don't need to describe them in detail, right?"

  Feng Chen looked at Zhu Yuyan and said.

  Zhu Yuyan nodded, these eight exercises are the inheritance exercises of the two six sects of the Demon Sect, and she is very familiar with them.

  "The remaining two volumes of cultivation techniques, one of which is "King Dunshu", are the inheritance techniques of the magician's law enforcers."

  "This law is divided into nine chapters, the first seven chapters are various cruel criminal laws, and the last two chapters are secret escape techniques."

  "It's a pity that this practice method has been torn up by the last generation of law enforcers, and there is no more money in the world."

  "The other volume Yin Queen should also be familiar with, is the famous "Dao Xin Seed Demon Dafa"."

  "This method is the most quintessential part of the "Tianmo Policy", which records the mystery of the 'Broken Void'."

  "Originally, the Dao Heart Seeds of Demons has always been kept by the Xie Ji Sect, but as the Evil Emperor disappeared to the rainy day, this method is no longer in the Xie Ji Sect."

  Feng Chen continued.

  "Isn't "The Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa" really not in the Xie Ji Zong?"

  Zhu Yuyan showed a hint of disappointment, and what she wanted most was "The Dao of the Heart and Seeds of Demons".

  What makes her even more desperate is that "Dan Shushu" has been lost, which means that she will never be able to cobble together "Tian Mo Ce".

  Feng Chen ignored the disappointed Zhu Yuyan and turned to Fan Qinghui.

  "Master Fanzhai, the question you asked, in fact, you already have the answer in your heart."

  "The Sword Art of the Other Shore is a complete set of amazing books that can 'shatter the void'."

  "But the part about the 'Broken Void' basically draws on the ideas in "Magic Dao Caprice"."

  "Because of the need to draw a clear line with the Demon Sect, the previous Zhai Masters of Cihang Jingzhai deleted all the parts related to the magical way in "The Sword Art of the Other Side"."

  "But they don't have the ability to fill it, they can only stay vacant."

  "This is the reason why no one can complete the last chapter of the Cihang Sword Canon."

  Feng Chen said without the slightest emotion.

  Fan Qinghui sighed lightly, she had indeed thought of this.

  What the previous Zhai Masters did was not to refine the "Second Shore Sword Art" at all, but to destroy it.

  In order to adhere to the concept of righteousness, they gave up the realm of martial arts.

  This was not what Fan Qinghui wanted to see.

  "May I ask the owner of Tianji, how can I complete the missing last chapter of "Cihang Sword Canon"?"

  Fan Qinghui asked very devoutly.

  "I also want to ask the owner of Tianji, how to collect the ten volumes of "Tianmo Policy"?"

  Zhu Yuyan felt powerless and could only pin her hopes on Tianjilou.

  "It's simple."

  "Whether it's the last chapter of "Cihang Sword Canon" or "Heavenly Magic Policy", there is a source, and that is "Random Thoughts on the Devil's Way"."

  "As long as you browse the "Magic Ways", with the ingenuity of the two sect masters, you will definitely find what you want."

  Feng Chen said with a smile.

  How smart is Zhu Yuyan, she immediately heard the meaning of Feng Chen's words, and said in surprise, "Could it be that the owner of Tianji has the "Caprico of the Devil's Way" in his hand?"

  Fan Qinghui was also excited.

  "Random Thoughts on the Devil's Way" is the origin of the six sects of Cihang Jingzhai and Momen.

  If she can read this book and rely on the "Cihang Sword Canon" in her hand, she will have enough confidence to restore the "Second Shore Sword Art" created by Dini.

  Feng Chen said: "That's right, the Tianji Building does collect the "Random Thoughts of the Devil's Way", and the landlord can also lend it to you for enlightenment."


  Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan both showed expressions of surprise, but they didn't expect Feng Chen's voice to change.


  "The landlord has a request."

  Is that really the case?

  Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan, who had already let go of their hearts, lifted them up in an instant.

  Although from the moment they decided to stay, they were mentally prepared.

  But when it came to the end, it was still a little nervous.

  After a brief silence, Fan Qinghui actually stood up first and whispered:

  "What the owner of Tianji wants, Qinghui can satisfy."

  "It's just that Qinghui has a request, and that is not to be with Zhu Yuyan."

  Feng Chen was dumbfounded.

  He hadn't said anything yet, how did Fan Qinghui know about it?

  Still don't want to be with Zhu Yuyan?

  Seeing that Fan Qinghui raised his hand and slid towards his collar, Feng Chen finally came to his senses. This was a huge misunderstanding.

  "and many more."

  "Master Fanzhai, please respect yourself."

  "This landlord is not that kind of person!".

Chapter 27

  Sky Tower.

  On the sixth floor, the atmosphere is very strange.

  Fan Qinghui was already prepared to give everything.

  Without even waiting for Zhu Yuyan, she chose to strike first.

  Who would have thought that Feng Chen would actually stop her at this moment of impending doorstep.

  "Master Tianji, what do you mean by this?"

  Fan Qinghui said very embarrassedly.

  Feng Chen sighed: "Master Fanzhai, you misunderstood. The master brought you and Queen Yin here just to discuss a secret, not what you thought."


  Fan Qinghui hadn't said it yet, but Zhu Yuyan, who was on the side, laughed first.

  She has never been so happy since she was born.

  "I wish Yuyan!"

  Fan Qinghui glared at Zhu Yuyan suddenly, those eyes seemed to breathe fire.

  Zhu Yuyan quickly waved her hand and said, "Master Fanzhai, don't misunderstand, I didn't mean to laugh at you in the future, but I just admire your courage."

  Even though Zhu Yuyan tried her best to make a very serious expression, the smile in her eyes was still captured by Fan Qinghui.


  Fan Qinghui had never had such an embarrassing moment in his life.

  When she thought that she had made such a gesture in front of Feng Chen, she had an urge to die.

  Feng Chen did not expect such a misunderstanding to occur.

  He just wanted to send Fan Qinghui and Zhu Yuyan to perform the task of 'Sword God List Overture'.

  Because it should not be made public until the matter is completed, he took the two to the sixth floor alone.

  However, at the critical moment, Fan Qinghui was even more active than Zhu Yuyan, which Feng Chen did not expect, and completely subverted his impression of the two of them.

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