With such a movement, like a ghost, all the Shaolin monks showed their horror.

  Kongzhi Divine Monk is even more like falling into an ice cave.

  His whole body, including his inner strength, has all been sealed by Zhen Gang Sword Intent.


  At this moment, Shaolin Abbot Kong Wen took a step forward, opened and closed his palms, and slammed towards the Zhengang sword.

  Driven by internal force.

  The pair of fleshy palms actually glowed with golden light, which was the Vajra palms.


  The palms and swords collided, and there was a sound of metal hitting.

  In the next instant, Abbot Kong Wen suddenly widened his eyes.

  Although his vajra palm caught the real sword, it was a little slower.

  The blade of the real sword has penetrated the heart of the Kongzhi monk, and blood spurted out.


  Zhengang Sword Slave withdrew the Zhengang Sword expressionlessly, and withdrew his right foot back.

  When he paid more attention, he had already returned behind Zhao Gao.

  From beginning to end, the abbot's powerful diamond palm was seen as nothing.

  The Shaolin monks all took a deep breath when they saw this scene.

  There are seventy-two Shaolin stunts, and every one of them has the power to transform corruption into magical power when they reach the perfect state.

  And Abbot Kong Wen's Vigorous Vajra Palm has already reached its peak.

  more than perfection.

  But he was no match for a mere net sword slave.

  It was not until this moment that the Shaolin monks truly understood the horror of the Daqin Luowang organization.

  "Master Zhao, this is the Daming Shaolin faction. Don't go too far."

  At this moment, two monks walked in from outside the temple, with seven-point similarity in appearance, obviously a pair of brothers.

  Although they are not among the eminent monks, the breath on their bodies is like a sea, giving people a feeling of boundless ocean.

  "Could this be Shaolin's famous "Book of Changes and Tendons"?"

  "Don't know the names of the two eminent monks?"

  Zhao Gao looked at the two of them with a playful smile on his face.

  "Shaolin Fangzheng, Fang Sheng, have met Zhao donor."

  The two put their hands together and bowed towards Zhao Gao, which was a tacit acceptance of Zhao Gao's words.

  "Today, Zhao Gao is only here for one thing, and that is to ask Shaolin to hand over Chengkun, that is, Yuanzhen."

  Zhao Gao's expression turned cold, and he directly expressed his intentions.

  "Sure enough."

  The Shaolin monks secretly said, and their hearts were full of bitterness.

  What is this called!

  Obviously they were also victims of Shaolin, and they worked hard to cultivate a disciple, but turned out to be a villain with ulterior motives.

  It's good now, not only will I lose face in the rivers and lakes, but I will also be questioned by the snare organization.

  But the strength of the net is here.

  Although the Shaolin monks were dissatisfied, they could only lose their smiles.

  "Amitabha, that Yuanzhen traitor is no longer in the temple."

  "As for where he is, the old man doesn't know either."

  Abbot Kong Wen stood up and said.

  "If that's the case, you shouldn't mind us looking for it in the temple, right?"

  Zhao Gao said calmly.

  As soon as these words came out, the six sword slaves standing behind him immediately divided into six directions and dispersed.

  "Zhao Gao, you are too presumptuous."

  "Shaolin faction, don't let you go wild!"

  Fang Zheng and Fang Zheng spoke at the same time, the compassionate mood on their bodies completely disappeared, replaced by endless majesty.

  My Buddha is merciful, and I also have the angry eyes of King Kong!

  At this time, Fang Zheng and Fang Zheng were like two King Kong Buddhas, attacking Zhao Gao in unison.

  The rest of the eminent monks also performed their own light work, chasing after the six sword slaves.

  "To do things with a net, to block those, to kill without mercy."

  Zhao Gao said word by word, until Fang Zheng and Fang Zheng attacked before they suddenly raised their heads.

  An extremely terrifying aura, like the terrifying aura coming from the tenth hell, erupted from him.




  'Kill' the word is in the ears!

  The Buddhist Pure Land Shaolin School has ushered in a terrifying catastrophe unseen in a century.

  Anyone who obstructs the net sword slave will be slaughtered.

  An hour later.

  It is also the Bodhi Academy, and the six sword slaves return from six directions.

  "Master Qi, I didn't find Cheng Kun."

  Six Swordsmen knelt on Zhao Gao and said in unison.

  "Since it is not in Shaolin, it should be in the Ruyang Palace in Mongolia."

  Zhao Gao said thoughtfully.

  At his feet lay the corpses of Fang Zheng and Fang Zheng still staring.

  "grown ups."

  "King Ruyang sits on one side and has hundreds of thousands of Mongolian elite soldiers under his command."

  "The Ruyang Palace has been recruiting strong people all over the years, and the defense is extremely strict."

  "We want to break in, I'm afraid it's not easy."

  Soul Destruction in the Six Swords Slaves said cautiously.

  Zhao Gao said: "Then pass the news to Your Majesty and let His Majesty send someone to assist."


  In the void, there was a faint reply.

  The few eminent monks who survived in the Bodhi Temple were all horrified.

  Only now did they know that Zhao Gao and Liu Jiannu were not the only ones in the net. There were also people hiding in the dark and obeying orders at any time.

  This is the sharpest sword in Qin Shi Huang's hands!


  Mengyuan Dynasty, Ruyang Palace.

  Cheng Kun is indeed here.

  After King Ruyang received Zhao Min's letter, he immediately sent someone to imprison him in the dungeon.

  "The ninth place on the list of black hands behind the scenes in Daming, Hunyuan thunderbolt hand Chengkun."

  "Confirm your identity and issue a secret reward."

  "You got 500 Sky Points."

  "You have obtained a copy of Wuxiang Divine Art."

  In the dungeon, Cheng Kun recalled the icy voice in his mind before, and still felt a chill.

  This kind of unpredictable thing happened to him, which made him guess at the first time that he was exposed by Tianjilou.

  After some weighing, he did not choose to run away, but he was caught.

  Because he knew very well that as soon as the [Black Hand List] came out, there was no place for him in the world.

  Ruyang Palace is the safest place. .

Chapter 38


  While Cheng Kun was waiting nervously, the door of the dungeon suddenly opened.

  I saw Zhao Minkuo stepping inside, followed by two elders, Xuan Ming.

  At this time, Zhao Min had changed back to the women's attire, wearing an apricot-yellow Luo skirt, hair shawl, indescribably beautiful and moving.

  Those eyes were as bright as the rising sun, and they contained some mysterious and unfathomable aura, making it impossible to guess her thoughts.

  "See the county master for your subordinates."

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