Cheng Kun hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

  "Master Cheng, you are really hiding deep enough."

  "This county master has been smart for a lifetime, but in the end, he was played around by you."

  "You said that the county master has suffered so much humiliation, how should he punish you?"

  Zhao Min said with a smile, but his eyes were cold.

  "My subordinates don't dare, ask the county master to spare my life."

  Cheng Kun can be said to have watched Zhao Min grow up, and knows Zhao Min too well.

  Don't look at Zhao Min's young age and his attractive appearance, but in fact, he kills people like numbness. He is really a master who kills without blinking an eye.

  Over the years, I don't know how many people died at Zhao Min's hands.

  "Master Cheng is a wise man."

  "As for me, I also like to deal with smart people the most."

  "Simply put, what reason do you have for this county master not to kill you?"

  Zhao Min still said with a smile, but he was playing with a delicate willow leaf flying knife in his hand.

  Cheng Kun's forehead could not help seeping out layers of cold sweat, knowing that the biggest test moment was coming.

  "Return to the county master."

  "My subordinates do have a bloody feud with the Ming Cult, and they have indeed done many evil things in the Central Plains."

  "But my subordinates can swear to God that they have never done anything that would hurt the Ruyang Palace and you."

  "By the way, my subordinates also got a copy of "No Phase Divine Art", which is very suitable for the master of the county to practice, and I am willing to dedicate it to the master of the county."

  Cheng Kun spoke quickly, and took out the copy of "No Phase Magic" and presented it to Zhao Min.

  Zhao Min glanced at the secret book, but did not pick it up.

  "These reasons for becoming a master are not enough to impress this county master."

  "Although "No Phase Magical Art" is good, but the county master kills you, you can also get it."

  "On the contrary, if the county master leaves you, there will be endless calamities."

  Zhao Min said slowly.

  "In addition to "No Phase Divine Art", the subordinates also got 500 Tianji points."

  "As long as the county lord promises to keep his subordinates' lives, his subordinates are willing to transfer these 500 days to the county lord."

  Cheng Kun gritted his teeth and revealed his final trump card.

  Tianji points are precious, but living is the most important thing.

  "Oh? Can Tianji Point still be transferred?"

  Zhao Min asked in surprise.


  Cheng Kun said with certainty that this was the result of his research for several days.

  "In this case, it's not that you can't save your dog's life."

  Zhao Min said thoughtfully.

  In the Tianji Building, she witnessed the power and preciousness of Tianji Point with her own eyes.

  200 Heavenly Secret Points can make the masters of the Grandmaster Realm cross the fourth tier. Wouldn't 500 Heavenly Secret Points be exchanged for better treasures?

  As for killing Cheng Kun to get 1000 Heavenly Secret Points, Zhao Min never thought about it.

  Although she often plays a villain role, she does not bother to do things that sell her subordinates for glory.

  "Thank you, Lord, thank you Lord."

  Cheng Kun showed ecstasy and thanked him repeatedly.

  "You can now transfer 500 Heavenly Secret Points to this county owner."

  Zhao Min said while taking over the cheat book of "No Phase Magic".

  Cheng Kun didn't hesitate, just meditated in his heart.

  The next moment, Zhao Min suddenly widened his eyes, looked around the dungeon, and said in surprise, "Who is speaking in this county master's mind?"

  Cheng Kun said: "This should be the supreme power of Tianjilou, presumably the county master has already received the 500 Tianji points?"

  Zhao Min nodded and couldn't help but sigh: "The methods of Tianjilou are really unpredictable."

  "Come on, let's untie Master Cheng quickly."

  Zhao Min gave an order, and immediately a servant came in and untied the cold iron shackles that locked Cheng Kun.

  "The county master has asked the father to urgently dispatch [-] iron armored troops to guard the inside and outside of Ruyang's palace."

  "But it is inevitable that there are experts in the arena who are good at assassination. Please ask Master Cheng to stay in the dungeon for a few more days."

  "The walls of this dungeon are all made of fine iron, so it is the safest place in the Ruyang Palace."

  Zhao Min said slowly.

  "The county master is thoughtful, and his subordinates admire it. Just do what the county master said."

  Cheng Kun naturally wouldn't refuse, he just wanted to live now.

  "Then Master Cheng, let's take a good rest here, the county master will let the servants give you the best hospitality."

  Zhao Min said with a smile, and then walked out of the dungeon without looking back.

  Willow shoots on the moon, in the wing room.

  Zhao Min was sitting cross-legged, and in front of him was the secret book of "No Phase Divine Art", which he was studying carefully.

  "Those who have no form, have no form of self, no form of no one, no form of sentient beings, no form and no form, inclusive of all things... Isn't this the most suitable internal strength for me?"

  Zhao Min couldn't help showing ecstasy after reading the introduction of "No Phase Magic".

  She learned martial arts from a young age and has been taught by countless famous people in all corners of the world.

  For example, Cheng Kun, Ku Tou Tuo, Xuan Ming Er Lao, etc., learned a master martial arts.

  Although she is extremely intelligent, she has learned too many exercises.

  And the gist of this "Wuxiang Divine Art" is to integrate the world's martial arts. The more martial arts you learn, the more powerful the fusion will be.

  It's almost like it was made just for her.

  "With this "No Phase Magical Art", I can gather the strengths of hundreds of schools and exert greater power."

  "What is lacking now is only the cultivation of internal strength."

  "Then if I exchange two True Essence Pills for refining, wouldn't I be able to become a master at the master level or even a grand master level?"

  Zhao Min stared at her in reverie, unable to hold back a burst of excitement.

  She is noble as the county owner of Mongolia, pampered and pampered. It can be said that she has everything at birth.

  If I have to say that there is something unsatisfactory, it is that my martial arts are too weak.

  But now, Zhao Min felt that he was only one step away from being a peerless master.


  Time passed quickly, and the night passed in a blink of an eye.

  The sun is rising, and the sky is blue.

  The six golden stone monuments located in the six dynasties once again bloomed brightly.

  "The Secret Tower is open!"

  I don't know who shouted, and the six dynasties of the rivers and lakes broke into cheers collectively.

  A crowd of people rushed towards the Tianji Building like hundreds of rivers meeting the sea.

  The three-day period has passed.

  It's time to announce the [Behind the Scenes List].

  This is a big day. If you go in late, I am afraid there will be no seat. .

Chapter 39

  Inside the Tianji Building, there was a lot of people talking.

  However, in just half an hour, hundreds of thousands of high rollers poured in.

  Not only did the lobby on the first floor have almost no place to stay, but even the second and third floors were ordered out in an instant.

  "Mrs. Ning, please open a private room for us."

  "Miss Yue, is there still a seat on the second floor?"

  "Mrs. Ning, why are all the private rooms of the mysterious name booked out?"

  "Miss Yue, my private room is very spacious today. You are welcome to come in and sit."


  In the hall, Feng Chen's figure was not seen, but it did not delay the sale of the second-floor private room and the third-floor private room at all.

  Because Ning Zhongze and Yue Lingshan took over the business for Feng Chen.

  The mother and daughter have never gone out since they lived in Tianjilou.

  Seeing that they had nothing to do, Feng Chen hired them over to do the work.

  The two beauties are usually aloof in front of others and can't be square, but they admire Feng Chen very much.

  Knowing that Feng Chen wanted them to help, he agreed without a word.

  The two were busy on the first to third floors of Tianji Building, forming a unique landscape.

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