Feng Chen's popularity is already at its peak, and as soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

  "Is this the owner of Tianji? Sure enough, he is a fairy-like figure..."

  Qiao Feng looked at Fengchen from a distance, and saw Fengchen's white clothes like snow, overlooking Qingliu, and couldn't help but let out a burst of emotion.

  "Qiao Feng, the head of the next beggar gang, see the owner of Tianji."

  Qiao Feng let out a loud voice and strode to Feng Chen with a sigh of relief.

  Everyone was amazed when they saw this scene.

  After all, Qiao Feng is a well-known figure in the Central Plains, but at this time he salutes the owner of Tianji in public.

  This way of doing it also reflects the respect of Tianjilou's status.

  "Master Joe, please excuse me."

  Feng Chen smiled slightly and raised his hand to help him.

  Qiao Feng only felt that an irresistible force directly pulled him up, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of horror in his heart.

  "Qiao came to Tianjilou this time for one thing, and that is to thank the owner of Tianji in public."

  "If the owner of Tianji hadn't exposed Cheng Kun and Chen Youliang's treachery, my beggar gang would have been kept in the dark to this day."

  "If this goes on like this, I don't know how much trouble it will cause in the future."

  "Now that the civil strife in the Daming Beggar Gang has been eliminated, the owner of Tianji should take the lead."

  "Qiao Mou, on behalf of all the disciples of the Beggar Gang, bows to the master of Tianji again."

  Qiao Feng has a bold personality, and after speaking, he directly bows to Feng Chen again.

  The beggar gang disciples who followed Qiao Feng also saluted in unison, and the scene looked very spectacular.

  "The gang leader Qiao is indeed a man of temperament, please take your seat."

  Feng Chen raised his hand to support it again.

  "Master Tianji, has Cheng Kun, the ninth-ranked man in the [Black Hand List], been killed?"

  As soon as Qiao Feng left, a gangster asked loudly.

  As soon as these words came out, many people in the audience fell silent and listened attentively.

  These days, the Daming rivers and lakes are turbulent.

  Even many hidden powers are looking for Cheng Kun's whereabouts with great fanfare.

  If this Cheng Kun had been killed, it would be interesting.

  "[Behind-the-scenes Black Hand List] contains conspiracy planners from all over the world, and the dead are not included in the list."

  "As long as Cheng Kun's name is still on the list, it means he is still alive."

  The dust explained.

  The list announced by Tianjilou will all be displayed on the golden stele.

  "So, Cheng Kun is still alive?"

  "This Cheng Kun is really a character, so many great forces can't find him."

  "Yes, the major forces are only three feet away from digging into the ground. Could it be that Cheng Kun can hide in the sky?"


  Seeing that Cheng Kun was still alive, a group of gangsters couldn't help but talk more vigorously.

  "Master Tianji, the three-day period has come. Is it time to announce the eighth place in the [Black Hand List]?"

  In the private room of 'Tianzi No. [-]' on the third floor, a low and hoarse voice came out.

  It was from Yuan Tiangang, the leader of the bad guys.

  Although this voice is not big, it contains extremely powerful penetrating power, as if it rang in everyone's ears and penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

  It was a warm March, but everyone shivered.

  Even Qiao Feng, who had just arrived at Yang Wai Gong, felt a chill and couldn't help but look at the private room of 'Tianzi No. [-]'.

  "Yuan Tiangang, the leader of bad people, is indeed a dangerous person."

  Qiao Feng was secretly vigilant.

  In the famous private room next door, Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou also pricked up their ears.

  The two originally came here because of the investigation of the counterfeiting case of Chase Banknotes.

  For this case, the two suffered a lot and bumped into walls everywhere.

  Now it's finally time to reveal the answer.

  Everyone else in the hall held their breath, waiting for the answer to be revealed.

  Although the counterfeiting case of Chase Banknotes does not involve a murder case, it is a hundred times more terrifying than a murder case, causing the Chase Bank to lose millions of taels of silver every day.

  Half of this is the silver of the Ming treasury.

  It can be said that this is a major case that shakes the country.

  Under everyone's attention, Feng Chen said calmly with a calm expression;

  "The three-day period has come, and the [Behind the Scenes Black Hand List] will be updated."

  "[Behind-the-scenes Black Hand List] No. [-], Daming Six Gates catcher Loma.".

Chapter 41

  "Six doors to catch Loma? It turned out to be someone from the court?"

  "Unexpectedly, the mastermind behind the scenes this time turned out to be the eagle dogs of the imperial court."

  "This is interesting. Although this Loma is not a character, the six doors are not easy to mess with."

  "Does anyone know this Loma? How is the strength?"

  "Being able to become the head of the six gates, the power is definitely not bad, at least it must be in the late stage of the innate realm."

  "I know that this Loma, although not ranked in the six gates of the four gods, is also an extremely powerful catcher. I don't know how many wicked ways have been caught."

  "I have also heard of this person. It is said that he is the direct disciple of Guo Juxia, the chief catcher of the Six Sects. I am afraid that he has entered the realm of a master."

  "Alas! Misfortune has come from heaven, and Guo Juxia is afraid that this time, he will also suffer."


  In the Tianji Building, there are high-stakes guests from all over the world, and the three religions and nine streams are all-encompassing.

  As soon as the name 'Loma' came out, many people immediately revealed his origins and even his teacher's inheritance.

  In the private room on the third floor.

  Lu XiaoFeng slammed the table and said bitterly, "What a Loma, he actually gave me a black light!"

  It turns out that after the outbreak of the counterfeiting case of Chase treasure banknotes, it was Liufangmen who was responsible for the case.

  And the person who asked Lu Xiaofeng to assist in the investigation was the six door catcher Loma.

  Because of this relationship, Lu XiaoFeng automatically ignored Loma when he was looking for clues.

  Now that I think about it, I am really suspicious, and many places are inextricably linked with Loma.

  "Haha, I didn't expect Brother Lu to be so smart that he would end up in the hands of such a villain."

  Hou Xibai took advantage of the situation to tease Lu Xiaofeng.

  "As the head of the six gates and the famous Guo Juxia disciple, Luo Ma has a promising future."

  "Who would have thought that he would covet such worldly money and commit such a big case."

  Hua Manlou shook his head and said.

  "Maybe this Loma thinks that his plan is flawless, and he can earn tens of millions of taels of silver for nothing.

  "It's a pity that Lockheed has a thousand calculations, but Tianjilou is not born."

  "It doesn't even mean that the owner of Tianji is expected to pass through the future, and he will be exposed directly."

  "This is called the splendid sky net, which is sparse but not leaking."

  Sikong Zhaixing appeared out of nowhere, and spoke eloquently.

  Lu Xiaofeng and the others nodded.

  If he hadn't been listed on the [Behind the Scenes List], he might have saved Loma from this disaster.

  After all, as Loma, even if Lu XiaoFeng finds him in the end, it will be difficult to convict him.

  "[Behind the scenes list] Eighth place: Daming Six Gates catcher Loma."

  "Reason for the list: Secretly created the Bliss Building and forged Chase Banknotes to make huge profits."

  "Layout one, hold Luban's axe disciple Yue Qing to privately engrave the printing plate of Datongbao banknotes."

  "The second layout is to secretly control the money shopkeeper of the Chase Qianzhuang, build a facade, and make huge profits."

  "The third layout is to secretly create the Bliss Tower to attract powerful and rich people to spy on the news."

  "The reward for being on the list is 1000 Heavenly Secret Points and Mysterious Yin Treasure Pill (which can greatly improve the internal strength and make the internal strength with the mysterious Yin attribute)."

  "Challenge reward, 2000 Tianji points, Jiuling Rongxuezhi (thousand-year-old medicine, one of the main ingredients of Zhuyan Dan, take it directly to return to youthful appearance)."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen announced all the layout of Lockheed Martin and the corresponding rewards on the list in one breath.

  "What? 2000 celestial points? Doubled again!"

  "This reward is too generous, and even the main material of Zhu Yan Dan has come out."

  "Jiuling Rong Xuezhi, even if you can't make Zhuyan Dan, it's still effective if you take it directly."

  "Haha, it's interesting and interesting, as soon as Jiulingrong Xuezhi comes out, I'm afraid all women in the world will be moved."

  "I'm a big man, what's the use of Jiuling Rongxuezhi, it's not as good as Xuanyin Baodan."

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