"Brother, you are still picking and choosing, don't you think this good thing can be your turn?"


  There was a lot of discussion among the big players in the rivers and lakes.

  Although these rewards are basically unrelated to them, it does not prevent them from gossiping.

  No matter who falls the most, it will become a legend.

  "Junior Brother Feng, this time our opportunity has come."

  "Loma is not like Na Chengkun, who can't be found anywhere."

  "It's not too late, let's go now, don't be preempted by others."

  In the private room on the third floor 'Tianzi No. [-]', Bu Jingyun said anxiously.

  In the past few days, they have led people around the Daming Rivers and Lakes, looking for Cheng Kun's whereabouts, but found nothing.

  But the location of Loma was very clear, and Bu Jingyun immediately became excited.

  But Nie Feng raised his hand to signal Bu Jingyun not to worry.

  "Senior Brother Bu, this matter is not as simple as you think."

  "Although this Luo Ma may not be very strong, he is a person from Six Doors. That is the power of the Ming Dynasty."

  "Could it be that Senior Brother Bu wants to break into the six doors openly and kill people?"

  Nie Feng calmly analyzed it.

  Bu Jingyun was stunned when he heard this.

  No matter how reckless he is, he knows that this is something that cannot be done.

  Even if they have the strength to enter the six gates, there is still the support of the Ming Dynasty behind the six gates.

  When the experts from Hulong Villa, Dongchang, and Jinyiwei arrive, they will never be able to retreat.

  "Then what to do? Are you going to give up this time?"

  Bu Jingyun said a little unwillingly.

  "We came to Tianjilou in person, didn't we just ask for information?"

  "This is the center of the world's intelligence gathering, maybe there is news that can be used."

  "This matter involves the Daming court, and it is even more necessary to make a decision before moving."

  Nie Feng said unhurriedly.

  Bu Jingyun knew that Nie Feng was always calm, so he could only rely on him.

  Another private room.

  Sikong Zhaixing said with a smile: "Congratulations, playboy, the truth about the counterfeiting case of Datong Treasures has come to light, and the loss of your Datong Bank has stopped."

  Hua Manlou said with emotion: "This is all the work of the owner of Tianji, I really don't know how to thank him."

  "With such a generous challenge reward, Lockheed is afraid of doomed this time."

  "I heard that Brother Lu and Loma also have some grudges."

  "According to you, whose hands will this Loma die?"

  Hou Xibai asked curiously.

  "Hey, this is hard to say."

  "Luoma is not an ordinary person in the rivers and lakes. With the support of the Ming Dynasty and the Six Gates, ordinary people in the rivers and lakes would never dare to kill him."

  "The most important point is that Luo Ma is a direct disciple of Guo Juxia."

  "If you want to kill Loma, you must first pass Guo Juxia."

  "As far as I know, Guo Juxia has never been defeated since he became famous."

  Lu XiaoFeng said meaningfully. .

Chapter 42

  In the Tianji Building, a group of gangsters are still discussing endlessly.

  Although Luo Ma's cultivation base is at most similar to Zuo Lengchan and Cheng Kun, his identity is far from comparable.

  Despite the fact that the rank of Liu Sengmen Caitou in the imperial court is not high, but because he specializes in disputes between rivers and lakes, he actually has a very large authority.

  This level of identity alone is enough to make many experts in the arena throw the rat.

  After all, the people do not fight with the officials.

  Even top sects like Wudang and Shaolin would never want to be accused of killing court officials.

  Another key point is that Luo Ma is the apprentice of Guo Juxia, the chief catcher of Six Gates.

  This Guo Juxia is a legend in Daming.

  From a small person in the market, he worked hard step by step, and finally became a well-known six-door general manager.

  There are even rumors that Guo Juxia will soon be promoted to Shaoqing of Dali Temple, which is a step to the sky.

  Now it is suddenly revealed that Guo Juxia's apprentice Loma is the mastermind behind the counterfeiting case of Datongbao banknotes.

  This undoubtedly has a significant impact on Guo Juxia's promotion.

  Moreover, Guo Juxia is a very affectionate person, and it is absolutely impossible for people in the world to hunt and kill Loma.

  Such a calculation.

  Wanting to kill Loma is really not an easy thing.

  First of all, you have to beat Guo Juxia.

  The second is to offend the Ming Dynasty.

  Many forces present gathered together, and finally shook their heads and chose to give up.

  Of course, there are always bold people in this world.

  Silently, many people quietly left Tianjilou.

  Or go back and prepare an action plan.

  Or spies from various forces will go back and report the situation.


  Great Qin Dynasty, Xianyang City, Imperial Palace.

  Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng sat behind the dragon's case and listened to Zhang Han's report on what he saw in the Tianji Building.

  The person in charge of transmitting the information of the Tianjilou was the shadow guard from the commander Zhang Han.

  "Jiuling Rong Xuezhi?"

  "What's the use of this thing?"

  "Tell Zhao Gao, don't worry about Loma, and do your best to track down Cheng Kun's whereabouts."

  "Yanshou Pill, the widow is bound to get it."

  Ying Zheng said coldly.

  "Report to Your Majesty."

  "Master Zhao also sent back information yesterday."

  "It is said that the location of Chengkun has been discovered, and it is in the Ruyang Palace in Mongolia."

  "However, King Ruyang sits at the border of Runan, and he has hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers under his command."

  "And the guards in the middle of the palace are extremely strict."

  "Master Zhao believes that it is difficult to sneak into the Ruyang Palace with the power of the net alone."

  Zhang Han's report on [-].

  Although he and Zhao Gao never dealt with each other, he also felt that this task was too difficult.

  No matter how strong the snare, after all, it is only a few arena experts.

  In addition to a large number of Jianghu experts and [-] iron armored troops, Ruyang Palace can also transfer hundreds of thousands of frontier soldiers at any time.

  Even with the crowd tactics, Zhao Gao and his party could be dragged to death.

  "No one can stop what the widow wants."

  "No matter who stands in front of the widow, they must be eradicated together."

  "Call Meng Tian."

  "Let him go to the palace to see the widow immediately."

  Ying Zheng said arrogantly.

  Meng Tian?

  Could it be that His Majesty wants to use troops?

  Zhang Han's thoughts turned a hundred times in his heart, but he didn't ask any questions, and left immediately.

  He knew very well that no one could change what Ying Zheng decided.


  The Tang Dynasty, Fengyi Hall.

  Feng Luanwei led Shangguan Wan'er quickly into the hall and respectfully said:

  "Reporting to Your Majesty, the spies lurking in Tianjilou have sent back information, and the eighth place in the [Black Hand List] has been announced."

  "Let me see."

  Behind the screen, a figure flashed past, showing the figure of Empress Wu Zetian.

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