But seeing her black hair like clouds, with nine phoenix hairpins on her, wearing splendid river and mountain jade robes, as holy as a divine lotus, her elegance is peerless.

  The only fly in the ointment is that on her beautiful face, the wind and frost of the years can be seen faintly, which makes her perfection a little more flawed.

  Years are not forgiving.

  The number one beauty of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Meiniang, the concubine of Yanguan, was ultimately no match for the erosion of time.

  Of course, no one dared to say such bold words.

  Shangguan Wan'er just thought about it in her heart.

  "Jiuling Rong Xuezhi?"

  Wu Zetian, who was originally calm, showed a moving expression for the first time after seeing the introduction about Jiuling Rong Xuezhi in the newspaper.


  "How can there be a magic medicine that can bring people back to youth in this world."

  "I don't believe it!"

  When he came back to his senses, Wu Zetian's first reaction was to question.

  In order to keep his appearance intact, Wu Zetian did not know how much human and material resources he spent.

  The treasures of the whole country, still can't keep Shaohua.

  Now tell her that as long as she takes a piece of Ganoderma lucidum, she can return to her youth?

  This made Wu Zetian believe.

  Shangguan Wan'er said, "Your Majesty, Wei Chen doesn't intend to offend, but Wei Chen believes that the things in Tianjilou should not be faked."

  These words reminded Wu Zetian.

  That's right.

  This is not a trick of swashbuckling by warlocks, but from Tianjilou.

  "So, I still have a chance to return to my youthful appearance?"

  Wu Zetian was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

  Shangguan Wan'er said: "If you want to get Jiuling Rong Xuezhi, you must first complete the Heavenly Secret Challenge, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

  "Well, you're right."

  After all, Wu Zetian was an empress of a generation, who was in charge of the rise and fall of the dynasty, and soon calmed down.

  "This man Loma committed a big crime, and he will die."

  "But after all, he is the head of the six gates, and when it comes to crime, it is also the Ming court who gives him a crime."

  "That's it, I will repair a book, and you can bring it to the Emperor Ming."

  "Tell Emperor Ming that I owe him a favor this time."

  Wu Zetian acted decisively, and soon Long Feifengwu wrote a letter, sealed it and handed it to Shangguan Wan'er.

  "This matter is not visible, you can only send the letter to Emperor Ming in person, remember."

  Seeing Shangguan Wan'er taking the letter, Wu Zetian reminded him again.

  Shangguan Wan'er naturally knew the key, nodded solemnly, and left.


  The Ming Dynasty, the headquarters of the six doors, the council hall.

  Luo Ma knelt in the hall and said in a panic, "My disciple knows I'm wrong, so I beg Master to save my disciple's life."

  "Save your life?"

  "Do you know how many people in the world want your life now?"

  In the first seat of the council hall, a burly man in official uniform said in a stern tone.

  This person is Guo Juxia, the chief catcher of the Six Gates.

  Although he said it harshly, he carried a feeling of hating iron.

  If it were someone else, he wouldn't ask any more questions at all, he would just do business.

  But Loma was brought up by him growing up from a young age.

  He even had the idea of ​​betrothing his only daughter Guo Furong to Loma.

  Such an apprentice who treats him like a parent, how could he bear to do it? .

Chapter 43

  "Master, the disciple knows that he has committed a serious crime, and dare not ask Master for forgiveness."

  "But I beg the master to give the disciple a chance to atone for his sins."

  After Loma knew that he was exposed, he thought about his words.

  At this time, the emotional performance made Guo Juxia's heart soften at once.

  "Tell me, how do you want to atone for your sin?"

  Guo Juxia said in a deep voice.

  "Reporting to the master, the disciple is willing to hand over a lot of money for the counterfeit bills."

  "No! The disciple is willing to pay another two million taels."

  "I just ask Master to be lenient."

  Loma said hurriedly.

  It turned out that he used his identity to secretly create the Bliss Building.

  Originally, it was planned to flow funds through Bliss Tower, so that counterfeit banknotes could be circulated to the outside world without knowing it.

  But while doing it, I discovered that the Bliss Building itself is a huge money-making machine.

  As a result, Lockheed has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, far more than he has earned from counterfeiting Chase banknotes.

  "You kid is so talented!"

  After listening to Loma's narration, Guo Juxia was also completely speechless.

  "Master, this disciple now knows what's wrong."

  "As long as it can be dealt with leniently, it is to ask the disciple to hand over all the treasures, and the disciple will do whatever it takes."

  Loma said in pursuit of victory.


  "Since you are a first-time offender and you are willing to hand over all the stolen money, it is not that you cannot be spared death."

  "But this case has already been heard, and you can be spared the death penalty, and the life crime cannot escape."

  Guo Juxia said in a deep voice.

  "Thank you Master for your kindness, as long as you can survive, the disciple will be satisfied."

  Loma said very excitedly.

  He is now holding a Mysterious Yin Treasure Pill and 1000 Heavenly Secret Points.

  As long as this catastrophe can be avoided, the future is bright.

  "For the past few days, you should stay in the six-door dungeon."

  "When the specific punishment comes down, I will inform you."

  Guo Juxia made a decision.

  Luo Ma said: "The disciple is willing to obey the master's arrangement, but..."

  "Just what?" Guo Juxia asked.

  "It's just that the disciple is afraid that those people in the rivers and lakes will be greedy for profit and will come over to assassinate the disciple."

  Loma voiced his concerns.

  Guo Juxia narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Don't worry, I'll be guarding the dungeon in person these days, but I'll have to see which one of the younger generation dares to come."

  Luo Ma was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Master. With Master here, the disciple is completely relieved."


  Time flies, two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

  Mengyuan Dynasty, Ruyang Palace.

  In an elegant-looking wing, Zhao Min sat cross-legged, her beautiful face constantly changing.

  Sometimes it flashes blue, sometimes it turns red, sometimes it turns gold...

  This is exactly the manifestation of the cultivation of "No Phase Divine Art" to the realm of small success.

  Thanks to the teachings of various famous teachers over the past ten years, Zhao Min has accumulated a lot of martial arts.

  Now that it has been smelted and unified by "No Phase Magic", it has turned into an extremely pure and powerful internal force.

  Suddenly, Zhao Min, who was in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes.

  Just now, she was on the threshold of breaking through, her five senses became very sharp, and she vaguely felt that many breaths were approaching the palace.

  "Enemy attack!"

  "There are assassins!"

  "Go protect the county master and the prince!"

  Just when Zhao Min was about to find out, the fire was already burning outside the house, and there were shouts of killing.

  Zhao Min frowned, but he didn't expect that someone would dare to come to Ruyang's mansion to act wild.

  However, the royal palace of Ruyang had already set up a net, Zhao Min did not panic at all, put on his clothes unhurriedly and walked out.

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