"I haven't had such a hearty foreign war for a long time. Even if it's just a feint, you should have a drink!"


  In the hall, every Jianghu high-ranking guest had an excited and excited expression on his face.

  This is not only because the heart of gossip is satisfied, but also because of the exciting actions made by the Qin Dynasty.

  [-] troops attack Mongolia!

  It has been a long time since everyone heard the news of the Central Plains Dynasty attacking aliens on a large scale.

  In the vast world, there are six dynasties in the Central Plains, while there are dozens of dynasties of foreign races.

  For nearly a hundred years, almost all the major dynasties have been bullied by external aliens.

  Not to mention outward expansion, it is a defensive battle, and most of them are fighting and surrendering, signing a bunch of agreements that humiliate the country.

  What's more, such as the Dajin Dynasty, it was directly annexed by the five foreign dynasties.

  As a result, the Central Plains Dynasty, which was originally very few, was wiped out again.

  It is precisely because of this that many people in the Central Plains talk about alien races and turn pale, especially for those powerful alien races, they are as fearful as tigers.

  But the owner of Tianji told them.

  Just now, the snare organization entered the Ruyang Palace of the Mengyuan Dynasty!

  Just now, Meng Tian, ​​the general of the Qin state, led an army of [-] to attack the important town of the Mengyuan Dynasty!

  What a proud news this is!

  But on second thought.

  The Daqin Dynasty was so domineering and exposed, but the Dynasty he belonged to was submissive, and even took the foreign Dynasty as the upper country.

  The rest of the dynasties couldn't help but sighed and complained.

  Hate the corpse of the ministers in the DPRK for vegetarian meals.

  I hate that my dynasty did not have a peerless overlord like Qin Shi Huang.

  In contrast, those from the Great Qin Dynasty became more powerful.

  One by one, they straightened their backs, as if they were the ones who went into battle to kill the enemy.

  Although Feng Chen is not from this world, but after staying for so long, he can basically feel the same way.

  Because this is a fusion world.

  Although the dynasties in the Central Plains have increased, the power of foreign races has grown even more terrifying.

  Almost every alien dynasty is at its peak in history.

  Therefore, the Central Plains Dynasty in this world is also more difficult to survive, and the border is always threatened.

  For example, the Great Jin Dynasty was annexed by five alien dynasties and many small alien dynasties, which was cruel.

  This is the pain in the hearts of everyone in the Central Plains.

  Anyone with lofty ideals will always think about conquering the old land in the Central Plains and restoring the Jin Dynasty.

  But there are a few dynasties who are content with the status quo and have no enterprising spirit at all.

  Not only did he not want to regain the lost ground, he even took the initiative to send gold and silver beauties to aliens in order to seek short-term peace.

  With such an atmosphere in the dynasty, no matter how hard people in the arena try, it will be of no avail.

  "Do you want to launch a [Dynasty List] in the future to rank all those alien dynasties?"

  "Using Heavenly Mystery Point as the driving force to encourage the major emperors to expand outwards, surely it can arouse the fighting spirit of the major emperors?"

  "A domineering expedition like today's Qin Kingdom should be rewarded."

  "When you go into battle with Qin soldiers, anyone who kills aliens will have a secret point to take."

  Feng Chen was thinking about future plans.

  The current penetration rate of Tianji points is too low, and ordinary people in the world have no means to obtain Tianji points.

  If the [Dynasty Ranking] is opened and a dynasty war is triggered, it will be completely different.

  Even people with low strength in the rivers and lakes can obtain secret points by killing alien soldiers on the battlefield. .

Chapter 46

  For dust.

  The more people who get the Secret Points, the better.

  Because the person who gets the secret point needs to realize it.

  And every time he uses Tianji points, he can get [-]% of the points.

  If everyone has the opportunity to obtain Tianji points, his future income from Tianji points will also become very considerable.

  However, this idea can only be turned around in my mind for the time being.

  The exchange price of [Dynasty Ranking] is far from what [Stunning Ranking] can compare.

  It is difficult for Fengchen to obtain so many secret points for the time being, and can only be used as a goal in the future.


  Just as Feng Chen was thinking about it, a tyrannical aura suddenly came from the portal.

  If it is only one or two, everyone will not take it in their hearts.

  But the tyrannical aura that appeared this time was as many as a dozen, which instantly changed the faces of many high-ranking guests in the hall.

  The next moment, everyone looked at the Daming Portal in unison.

  "This is... Mingjiao's clothing?"

  "Oh my God! It's the Ming Sect! Yang Xiao, the left envoy of the light, Wei Yixiao, the king of blue-winged bats, the five scattered people, the owner of the five-element flag..."

  "Yin Tianzheng, the leader of Tianying Sect, is also here!"

  "Isn't the Ming Cult already torn apart, how did these people get together again?"

  "Terrible, is the tyrannical Ming Cult coming back?"

  "After Yang Dingtian's sect leader disappeared, Yang Xiao has been in charge of the Ming sect. I don't know who is the leader now?"

  "What are the masters of Mingjiao doing in Tianjilou?"


  In the hall, a group of high-ranking guests were talking about each other.

  This is Mingjiao!

  How majestic it was in Daming Jianghu back then.

  Even the sects of Shaolin and Wudang did not dare to stand up to them.

  Even when it was split, it was vigorous and shocked the martial arts for a while.

  It's not just the people in the hall on the first floor who are emotional.

  Even the high-ranking gangsters on the second and third floors showed a dignified look at this time.

  For these masters of Mingjiao, taking out one person alone is not considered top-notch.

  But if they get together, it is a terrifying force.

  As long as there is another hero like Yang Dingtian, he will be able to restore the status of the year immediately.

  Facing everyone's gazes, Yang Xiao and the others strode to the White Jade Stage and bowed graciously:

  "Everyone of Mingjiao, see the master of Tianji."

  This prayer surprised everyone.

  After Cihang Jingzhai, Yingui School, Yihua Palace, and Beggar Gang, Mingjiao also came to pay homage to the Lord of Heaven.

  It can be seen that the reputation of Tianji Building is increasing day by day.

  "Excuse me."

  Feng Chen raised his hand and said calmly.

  Yang Xiao and the others only felt an unstoppable force descend upon them, and they straightened up involuntarily.

  Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and couldn't help but show a look of astonishment.

  They are also well-informed, but they have never seen someone who can lift weights so lightly. How deep should this internal strength be?

  If they were hesitant to ask the owner of Tianji to help, now that hesitation has vanished.

  Because the strength of Tianji landlord has far exceeded their imagination.

  The two are not on the same level at all.

  "Lord Tianji, I am waiting for the members of the Ming Cult to come today. There are two things."

  "One is to thank the owner of Tianji for publicly becoming Kuna's traitor, so that my Ming sect leader can be revealed."

  "To this end, I am willing to offer [-] taels of gold, [-] taels of silver, and ten carts of various jewels to show my sincerity."

  "The second is to ask for something."

  As a representative, Yang Xiao said sincerely.

  As his voice fell, the portal flashed again.

  I saw a group of Mingjiao sects file in, carrying huge boxes and laying out in front of the white jade platform.

  It is full of gold and jewels, shining with dazzling brilliance.

  The value of these things has already exceeded [-] million taels, which shocked the crowd of onlookers.

  Tianzihao private room on the third floor

  Hou Xibai shook the folding fan lightly and said with a smile, "As expected of the Ming Cult, who claims to have three million followers, he can actually take out so much gold and silver effortlessly."

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