Lu Xiaofeng said: "Mingjiao is really a bright and upright man. If you want to thank you, you will give real money and silver. Unlike some people, they only know how to talk."

  Hua Manlou said with a wry smile, "Thank you, Brother Lu, for your suggestion. It's true that I didn't think about it carefully. The owner of Tianji has helped my Hua family a lot, and I should thank them."

  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen glanced at the gold and silver jewelry, his face was calm, but he was very satisfied.

  This is called the way!

  I can don't, but you can't give it.

  Moreover, these gold and silver are given directly, which means that all of them can enter the pocket of the dust, which is definitely a lot of income.

  "What Mingjiao is asking for should be the lack of the leader, right?"

  Feng Chen explained the intention of Yang Xiao and others in one sentence.

  This remark made a group of Ming Cult masters feel astonished in their hearts.

  "The owner of the secret is like a god, and I admire it."

  "To be honest, I have entered the secret way of the Ming Sect under the guidance of the owner of Tianji."

  "Sure enough, the remains of the Yang sect master were found in the dark passage, and his suicide note was obtained."

  "However, the leader of the Yang sect has ordered that only those who have obtained the Holy Fire Order can become the next leader of the Ming sect."

  "Before that, Xie Shiwang temporarily took over the position of the deputy leader."

  "But Xie Shiwang's whereabouts are still unknown, and the torch order has no clue."

  "The so-called family can't be without a master for a day, a country can't be without a ruler for a day, and I can't have a person without words."

  "So I would like to ask the owner of Tianji, evolve Tianji, and choose a suitable leader for my Mingjiao."

  Yang Xiao did not hide the slightest bit, and fully revealed the internal affairs of Mingjiao.

  Whether the Ming Cult can survive or not depends on this time, and there is no need for reputation.

  When the gangsters in the hall heard Yang Xiao's words, they started talking again.

  This is really a rare thing, to let outsiders choose the head of this sect.

  In the whole world, only the masters like clouds and the Ming Cult who are mavericks can do it.

  The other thing that surprised them was the Torch Order.

  I don't know what this is, but it can actually decide the position of the leader of Mingjiao?

  If they were lucky enough to get it, wouldn't they be able to go to Mingjiao to be the leader?

  Feng Chen frowned slightly.

  His god-level deduction system can deduce everything in the world, and helping Mingjiao choose a suitable leader is just a simple effort.

  But this requires a bit of magic.

  Mingjiao people obviously do not have it. .

Chapter 47

  "System, if there is no secret point, how can the secret deduction be carried out?"

  Feng Chen asked with an attitude of giving it a try.

  After all, everyone in Mingjiao was doing well, and he wanted to help.


  "Heavenly Secret Deduction: Finding a New Ming Sect Leader - Worth 2300 Heavenly Secret Points."

  "Discovering the best secret technique of the heavenly order "The Great Shift of Heaven and Earth" - worth 3000 heavenly points."

  "The host can use the cheat book recovery function to recover "The Great Movement of Heaven and Earth" to obtain enough secret points for the deduction of secrets."

  A cold system prompt sounded in Feng Chen's mind.

  "Is it still possible?"

  Feng Chen blinked.

  After all, he has not obtained the system for a long time, and many functions have not been developed.

  I didn't expect that the system would even recover martial arts secrets, which would be converted into secret points.

  Since martial arts secrets can be converted, can gold, silver, magic weapons, etc. also be converted?

  Feng Chen seemed to see countless heavenly points beckoning to him.

  If this method is feasible, he might be able to collect the secret points to exchange for [Dynasty Ranking].

  In the hall, Yang Xiao and Yin Tianzheng were very nervous.

  If there is no way, they will not find Tianjilou.

  It can be said that the owner of Tianji is their last hope.

  Time passed slowly, and Feng Chen finally came back to his senses, and he was already confident.

  "Yang Zuo envoy, you should know the rules of the Tianji Building. You need Tianji points to exchange for the Tianji deduction."

  Feng Chen said slowly.

  Yang Xiao worshipped again: "I also ask the landlord of Tianji to accommodate one or two. Except for the Tianji point, I can agree to the rest of the conditions."

  What Feng Chen was waiting for was his words.

  "Envoy Yang, please get up."

  "The rules of Tianjilou, the landlord has no right to change."

  "But the source of Tianji points is not only Tianji rewards and Tianji challenges."

  "Anything that is rare in the world can be exchanged for Heavenly Secret Points."

  "For example, Yang Zuo Shi's "Great Movement of the Universe" mental method can be priced at 3000 heavenly points."

  As soon as Feng Chen's words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

  Can Tianji Point still be obtained like this?

  3000 Tianji points, this is definitely not a small amount, enough to exchange fifteen True Yuan Pills.

  But thinking of the value of "The Great Shift of Heaven and Earth", everyone calmed down.

  This is Mingjiao's divine art of suppressing teaching, with infinite mystery, and it is also the foundation of Mingjiao's ability to shake the Daming rivers and lakes.

  Even in the Ming sect, only the sect master and the young sect master are qualified to study, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most precious thing in a sect.

  Many sects would rather be destroyed than spread their magic powers to the outside world.

  In this comparison, there is really not much to exchange for 3000 days.

  After all, until the moment of real life and death, no one will hand over this level of practice.


  Hearing Feng Chen's request for "The Great Movement of the Universe", Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng and the others all showed hesitation.

  This "Great Movement of the Universe" is indeed on Yang Xiao, but because of the canon, no one dares to practice.

  It can be said that this divine art has no meaning to them, but is a hot potato.

  But they are determined not to let them give "The Great Movement of the Universe" to others.

  Feng Chen was not reluctant, and said with a smile: "This matter is of great importance, you can negotiate and decide slowly."

  "Thank you for your understanding."

  Yang Xiao gave another gift, and was going to take Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao and others to find an inn outside to stay and discuss slowly.

  "Daddy, tomorrow is the day when the [Behind the Scenes List] will be updated. I'm going to live here tonight."

  Yang Bugui, who had been shrinking in the back, stood up and put forward his ideas to Yang Xiao.

  After all, Yang Xiao still doted on his daughter, nodded and said, "Forget it, then you can live here."

  A room with a yellow name is [-] taels, which is acceptable to Yang Xiao.

  He also didn't want Yang Bugui to live with their big men.

  "Thank you Daddy."

  Yang Bugui immediately showed excitement, turned to look at Feng Chen and said, "Master Tianji, I want to open a Tianzi guest room."

  When she was at Bright Summit, she heard a lot of rumors about the Secret Tower.

  I have always dreamed of staying for one night in the Tianzihao room in Tianji Building.

  Naturally, this great opportunity will not be missed at this time.

  Yang Xiao, who was about to leave, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

  This girl really doesn't feel bad about spending money.

  Tianzihao guest room, it costs one million taels, really think his father is a rich man.

  Although Mingjiao has numerous altars in various places and has a strong ability to collect money, Yang Xiao has always been clear about public and private.

  Over the years, only a few million taels have fallen into his pocket.

  Yin Tianzheng, Wei Yixiao, Zhou Dian and the others on the side were all laughing, and there were not many opportunities to watch Yang Xiao make a fool of himself.

  The big players in the hall are bright.

  Tianjilou is about to live in a little beauty again.

  Moreover, this Yang Bugui is a genuine daughter of a daughter, whoever can win her favor will not have to worry about it in the rest of his life.

  For a time, those young people who boasted of Fengliu and dashing began to gear up, eager to try.

  Feng Chen also looked at Yang Bugui.

  This girl is the child of Yang Xiao and Ji Xiaofu, a beauty of the Emei faction, and her appearance also combines the advantages of the two. It is no exaggeration to say that she is Shen Yu Luo Yan.

  But Feng Chen just glanced at him and moved his gaze to Yang Bugui.

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