Guo Furong said with emotion.

  Xiucai said: "It seems that Guo Juxia's vision is only like this."

  "How dare you say my father? Believe it or not, I'll give you a slap?"

  Guo Furong's eyes squinted, and the show was so frightened that she hid directly under the table.

  At this moment, Xing Zhuo came in and watched everyone gather together, and couldn't help but wonder, "What are you doing?"

  "Lao Xing is here, isn't this Xiaobei's 'Tian Ji Yue Dan Review', everyone is watching the fun."

  Bai Zhantang said while giving up his seat.

  Xing Chukuai walked closer, glanced at it, and hummed, "Yuedan comment two days ago? You're outdated by now."

  "Is there any news from Xing Zhukuai?" Dazui asked quickly.

  "That is!"

  "How can we say that we are also a system with Six Doors, and the news should always be well-informed."

  "I heard that as soon as this [Black Hand List] came out, the six doors were attacked dozens of times that day."

  "Fortunately, Guo Juxia personally sat in charge and brought all those people to justice."

  "The six-door dungeon is almost full right now."

  Xing Zhaokuai sat down and said with great air.

  Xiucai got out from under the table and said, "When did the chasing of Qixia Town become the same system as Six Gates? I'm afraid this news was not told to you by your brother of the Beggar Gang?"

  "Don't talk nonsense! I have nothing to do with the Beggar Gang."

  Xing Zhaokuai immediately shouted.

  This is his dark history, and he was dismissed from the position of head arrester because of this.

  "So six doors are not very dangerous? I don't know if Dad can stand it."

  Guo Furong was very worried. .

Chapter 50

  In Tongfu Inn, everyone usually fights and fights, but in fact they have a good relationship.

  Seeing Guo Furong's worry, Bai Zhantang immediately comforted him: "Don't worry, Guo Juxia is a hero among heroes, what scenes have you never seen before?"

  "that is!"

  "Furthermore, the headquarters of Six Gates is located in the imperial capital."

  "As long as Guo Juxia shouts, the people from Hulong Villa and Dongchang will arrive in minutes?"

  "Those masters of the rivers and lakes have ten lives, and they can't be the opponents of these forces combined."

  Li Dazui said very wisely.

  "You don't have to worry about that."

  "According to the information I got, Loma's charges have been settled, and he will be escorted to the prison of the Ministry of Justice this afternoon."

  "The rest has nothing to do with the six doors."

  Xing Chukuai took a sip of wine and said carelessly.

  "This afternoon? Isn't that now?"

  Guo Furong became nervous again when she heard this.


  At the same time, the Ming Dynasty, the imperial capital.

  On the West City Street, a prisoner van slowly moved forward, and two teams of arresting officers in six-door official residences stared at both sides with a wary expression.

  It was Loma sitting in the prison car.

  Because Lockheed over handed over all the illegal gains, and Guo Juxia helped to intercede, he was finally exempted from the death penalty.

  But the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped.

  What awaits him will be at least twenty years in prison.

  In order to ensure that Luo Ma successfully entered the Criminal Department, Guo Juxia mobilized almost all the power of the six doors, and even led the team himself.

  Such a huge scene made the killers who were hiding among the onlookers give up the idea of ​​assassination.

  In fact, there have been too many failed assassination attempts these days.

  At the head of the convoy, Guo Juxia rode a tall dark horse, constantly patrolling, but there was a trace of exhaustion hidden in the depths of his eyes.

  In the past few days, he hardly slept at all, and even with his internal strength, he felt a little tired at this time.


  Suddenly, a light flashed in Guo Juxia's eyes, and he suddenly raised his head to look forward.

  I saw that the street ahead had been emptied at an unknown time.

  In the huge street market, only dozens of people in black official uniforms stood quietly.

  But this kind of official uniform is not the Ming Dynasty standard.

  "Who is coming?"

  Guo Juxia looked at the man headed vigilantly.

  "Da Tang bad people."

  As soon as the five characters came out, an invisible chilling air spread out.

  The entire street seemed to be covered by a layer of black clouds, making everyone feel a sense of suffocation.

  "Da Tang bad people? Are you the bad handsome Yuan Tiangang?"

  Guo Juxia's expression also became solemn.

  As a court organization, Guo Juxia naturally knows a lot about bad people.

  Compared with the six gates with a large number of personnel, the bad person organization is extremely streamlined, with only thirty-six Tiangang captains as official members.

  But each of these thirty-six captains is a top expert.

  Especially the leader, Captain Tian Kuixing, the bad commander Yuan Tiangang.

  There are only four words for his evaluation in martial arts, that is 'unfathomable'.

  "You bad people are the royal guards of the Tang Dynasty. Are you not afraid of causing disputes between the two countries by doing this?"

  Guo Juxia said coldly.

  "We bad people are just following orders, and the rest has nothing to do with us."

  Yuan Tiangang said in a hoarse voice.

  "So it seems that today's battle is inevitable?"

  "very good!"

  "I've heard for a long time that Bad Handsome's "Tian Gang Jue" is a supreme merit."

  "Guo also really wants to learn something."

  Guo Juxia tore off his robe and rose into the sky.

  A majestic aura erupted from him.

  Stormy waves!

  Guo Juxia flipped his palm.

  Under the support of strong internal strength, it actually condensed into a palm gang the size of a palm fan in the void, and pressed towards Yuan Tiangang ruthlessly.

  Along the way, the void shattered one after another, and it seemed unbearable to bear this mighty force.

  "You all stay where you are."

  Yuan Tiangang gave an order, then jumped up and attacked Guo Juxia with his palms.

  "Boom boom boom..."

  In just a short moment, the two of them joined pairs of palms in the void, and the bluestone slabs under their feet shattered inch by inch.

  Hundreds of meters away from the battlefield, there is a restaurant called Zuixianlou.

  In the private room on the top floor, a burly man stood with his hands behind his back, quietly watching the battlefield.

  His breath was even more tyrannical than Guo Juxia on the battlefield, like an ocean, boundless.

  This person is the owner of Hulong Villa, ignored by Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, and the uncle of today's son Zhu Houzhao

  As a relative of the royal family, Zhu Ignore won the trust of Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty.

  Not only was he awarded the Pill Book Iron Voucher, but he also made him take charge of the most elite Hulong Villa in Daming.

  If you want to list the most powerful people in Ming Dynasty today, Zhu Shishi will definitely be squeezed into the top ten.

  "Father, just when the spies reported back, Liu Xi also came."

  "The restaurant next door is also watching the battlefield."

  "In addition, according to the spies, there is a mysterious figure beside Liu Xi."

  "This person seems to have a high status, and Liu Xi respects him very much."

  A beautiful woman walked up to Zhu Ignoring and said softly.

  There was a golden jade plaque hanging from her waist with the word 'Xuan' written on it.

  It was Shangguan Haitang, the No. [-] spy in Xuanzi of Hulong Villa, and the owner of the No. [-] Villa in the world.

  In order to walk the rivers and lakes, Shangguan Haitang has always shown people in men's clothing.

  Only in front of Zhu Ignoring, who adopted her, will she be able to restore her female attire.

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