And the 'Liu Xi' in her mouth is the director of the Daming East Factory.

  This person also won the trust of Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty, and he opposed Hulong Villa everywhere.

  "Guo Juxia is going to lose."

  Zhu ignored and ignored Haitang's words, but said it to himself.

  As soon as his voice fell, Guo Juxia on the battlefield was hit on the shoulder by Yuan Tiangang's palm and flew out.

  Dapeng blood splattered the sky.

  Shangguan Haitang said in shock, "This bad guy is so daring, he dares to rob a prison in public. Adoptive father, do you want to take action now?"

  Zhu ignored her and glanced at her, then chuckled: "Did you not see that there is no movement at the East Factory? Just watch the show this time."

  "Watching a play?"

  "Father, please forgive Haitang for speaking out."

  "Although the six doors are not affiliated with our Hulong Villa, they all serve His Majesty after all."

  "If we sit back and watch Guo Juxia lose this time, I'm afraid His Majesty will blame him."

  Shangguan Haitang said with a frown.

  Among the four spies, she was the only one who dared to talk to Zhu Ignore like this.

  "Silly girl."

  "Have you not seen it yet?"

  "It's not that the Marquis wants to sit back and watch, but His Majesty is sitting back and watching."

  "Who do you think is the mysterious figure around Liu Xi?"

  Zhu ignored the meaningful words. .

Chapter 51

  Shangguan Haitang was originally a smart person, but after Zhu ignored a little dial, he immediately reacted.

  "What does the adoptive father mean, His Majesty is here too? Just by Liu Xi's side?"

  Shangguan Haitang almost exclaimed, this is really incredible.

  Zhu ignored it and said plainly: "In addition to being the son of today, who can make Liu happy and respectful?"

  "That's true."

  Shangguan Haitang quickly calmed down and nodded, expressing agreement with what Zhu ignored.

  In Daming, the powers and powers of the East Factory were very large. They only obeyed the Emperor Ming.

  Except for Emperor Ming, no one could really make Liu Xi bow down to that level.

  "Father, why does Your Majesty stand by?"

  "Luoma was robbed in public, and the damage was our Daming's face, and also His Majesty's face."

  Shangguan Haitang wondered why Emperor Ming did this.

  "As a minister, trying to figure out what's going on is a big taboo."

  "We just do what we are told."

  "Since His Majesty chose to do this, he naturally has his reasons."

  Zhu ignored it and said very seriously.

  Shangguan Haitang was startled, and quickly said, "What my adoptive father taught me was that Haitang knew something was wrong."


  "This battle has been won and lost, so there is no need to watch it any longer."

  "Tomorrow is the day when the [Black Hand List] is updated. This time, you can go to Tianjilou yourself."

  "So far, the three behind-the-scenes gangsters announced by the [Undercover Hands List] are worse than the other. As a law enforcement officer, I have to investigate."

  Zhu ignored the order.

  Shangguan Haitang nodded and said, "Haitang obeys."


  Another restaurant not far away, the private room on the top floor.

  A young man wearing a jade satin brocade suit sat in front of the desk, savoring delicious food while watching the dynamics on the battlefield.

  This person is the current emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Zhu Houzhao.

  Seeing that Guo Juxia was beaten down, Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but said in surprise:

  "I didn't expect this bad handsome Yuan Tiangang to be so powerful. Guo Aiqing doesn't seem to be his opponent at all."

  Liu Xi stood by and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty has good eyesight, within twenty moves, Guo Juxia should be defeated."

  "Director Liu Chang, if you come here, can you be sure to deal with this Yuan Tiangang?"

  Zhu Houzhao suddenly asked curiously.


  Liu Xi hesitated, looking at the battle on the battlefield.

  I saw the West Market battlefield, dust and sand flying, and only two figures could be vaguely seen, and it was indistinguishable.

  But what kind of cultivation base Liu Xi is, he can see the scene on the battlefield very clearly.

  When Yuan Tiangang was fighting, he always had a hand behind his back.

  That is to say, he only used one hand to beat Guo Juxia without the ability to fight back.

  "Report to Your Majesty."

  "If it is replaced by another captain among the bad guys, the old slave is confident that he can deal with it."

  "But the bad handsome Yuan Tiangang is an exception."

  "This person's strength can only be described as 'unfathomable'."

  "It is said that the bad commander killed countless sects in the Tang Dynasty, and he has never lost a single defeat. So far, no one can make him fight with all his strength."

  "If the old slave is really allowed to fight him, most of the losers will be the old slave."

  Liu Xi said very honestly.

  Not being honest, Yuan Tiangang is right in front of him.

  If Zhu Houzhao asked him to fight on a whim, he would be dumbfounded.

  "I didn't expect Yuan Tiangang to be so powerful. No wonder Emperor Tang has such confidence in him."

  "But I, Daming, have four teams of factory guards, isn't there anyone who is his opponent?"

  Zhu Houzhao said very unconvinced.

  Liu Xi said: "Your Majesty, calm down. According to this old slave's opinion, the cultivation of Lord Shenhou should not be under Yuan Tiangang."

  Zhu Houzhao smiled and said, "That's true. He has never missed anything that I have ordered Shenhou to do."

  Just as the two were talking, Guo Juxia was completely defeated and fell to the ground completely unable to get up.

  Liu Xi said: "Does Your Majesty really want to hand Luoma to a bad person? That chance reward is a good thing."

  "That's it."

  "Since Tang Huang personally wrote it to me, I will also sell her a face."

  "As for the Heavenly Secret Reward, 2000 Heavenly Secret Points can't do much, and the Nine Spirits Melting Snow Chi is even more useless."

  "Only Emperor Tang would be interested in this kind of thing."

  "So women, no matter how high they sit, they are still women, not as good as us men."

  "No, you can't be considered a man, haha..."

  Zhu Houzhao said heartlessly.

  "Your Majesty is wise."

  Liu Xi could only laugh aside, but there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.


  Time flies, just one day in a blink of an eye.

  In the early morning of the second day, before dawn, a group of dignitaries rushed to the golden stone monument and waited.

  Because today is the day for the update of the [Behind the Scenes List].

  Experience tells them that there will be a large influx of people today, and if they go in late, they will lose their seats.


  "Fuck, Loma's name disappeared!"

  "No, isn't Loma protected by Guo Juxia?"

  "There is no Loma's name on the [Black Hand List]. It seems that he was also killed, and he didn't hold it for three days."

  "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that even Guo Juxia couldn't keep Loma."

  "I don't know who is so bold and dare to rob and kill Loma. This is a bad relationship with the Ming Dynasty."


  There was a lot of discussion among the big players in the rivers and lakes, but they didn't expect to hit such a big news before they entered the Tianji Building.

  "The Secret Tower is open!"

  Just when everyone was talking vigorously, someone shouted a sentence, which instantly made the discussion stop.

  I saw that the golden stone tablet really shined brightly, revealing a portal.

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