In the discussion, a group of high-ranking guests in the rivers and lakes showed shock, and they hurriedly made way for Feng Luanwei.

  Even Ying Zheng, who was surrounded by the stars, was surprised, and involuntarily looked towards the Datang Portal.

  I saw Huaguang flickering, surrounded by a group of Fengluan guards, Wu Zetian's figure appeared in front of everyone, with black hair like a cloud, with nine phoenix hairpins on it, wearing a splendid river and mountain jade robe, as holy as a divine lotus, Unparalleled elegance, unparalleled beauty.

  Even those who are used to seeing beauties can't help but feel a sense of shock at this moment.

  And under the traction of the emperor's qi machine,

  Wu Zetian looked in the direction of Ying Zheng almost immediately.

  Two peerless emperors, for the first time in their lives, looked at each other. .

Chapter 57

  The king does not see the king!

  But at this time, the First Emperor of Qin and the Empress of the Tang Dynasty appeared in Tianjilou at the same time.

  The eyes of the two people collided with each other through the layers of void.

  Although it was silent, the two emperors' might faintly confronted each other and refused to give in to each other.

  This kind of depressing atmosphere of the mountains and the rain is coming and the wind is filling the building, which makes all the high-ranking guests feel like they are about to suffocate.

  Seeing that the situation was not good, Shangguan Wan'er immediately moved to Wu Zetian's side and whispered, "Your Majesty..."

  With a call, Wu Zetian just came back to his senses, his eyes lowered slightly, and he said neither humble nor arrogant: "I have heard the name of the first emperor of Qin for a long time, and seeing it today is really extraordinary."

  Ying Zheng said: "Tang Huang has a reputation for being diligent in politics, but I didn't expect to have free time to come to Tianjilou."

  Wu Zetian's eyes wandered, and he said softly, "The master of Tianji is famous in all directions, and everyone in the world admires him. Naturally, I am no exception. I just didn't expect Shi Huang to have such a leisurely elegance."

  "Could it be that Emperor Tang didn't know?"

  "This is not the first time the widow has come."

  "This time, I have come to ask the owner of Tianji for the sake of the important affairs of Jiangshan and Jiji."

  "It's not the leisure and elegance that the Tang Emperor refers to."

  Ying Zheng said indifferently.

  "Why is the first emperor not for the important affairs of Jiangshan and Jiji?"

  Wu Zetian said unwillingly.


  Ying Zheng frowned, reluctant to talk to Wu Zetian, and went straight to the bottom of the white jade stage, saying solemnly:

  "I heard that the Tianji Building is expected to travel through time, gain insight into the past and the future, and deduce everything from the past to the present."

  "The widow wants to ask me about the important affairs of the Daqin Jiangshan Sheji."

  "I wonder if the owner of Tianji can answer?"

  Ying Zheng's tone was very solemn, and he was very concerned about this issue in his heart.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen smiled slightly, "Tianjilou knows everything, as long as the First Emperor can afford the Tianji points."

  "The widow has 1000 days of opportunity."

  Ying Zheng replied.

  "In the event of the rise and fall of the dynasty, how could a mere 1000 heavenly points be enough?"

  The dust shook his head.

  Ying Zheng was obviously not surprised by this result, after pondering for a moment, he took out an ancient black sword from his arms.

  "What if this sword is added?"

  The solemnity in Ying Zheng's tone made all the heroes in the arena involuntarily look towards the black ancient sword.

  Everyone in the world knows that the first emperor of Qin conquered the six kingdoms and collected all the treasures of the six kingdoms, including more than a dozen famous swords.

  Like the killers in the Daqin Luo Net organization, almost everyone wears extremely powerful swords, doubling their strength.

  And this black ancient sword, since it could be treasured by Qin Shihuang without giving it away, is obviously the most precious sword.

  "His Majesty……"

  The Sword Saint Gai Nie, who was beside him, saw this sword, his eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise, and he couldn't help but let out a low voice.

  It actually made the Daqin Sword Saint change his face?

  Everyone was shocked and became more convinced that this black ancient sword was definitely a rare treasure at that time.


  Ying Zheng held down the hilt of the black ancient sword with one hand and suddenly pulled it out.

  Everyone looked around quickly, but they were all a little stunned.

  I saw that the sword body was full of cracks and dilapidated, and it was clearly a waste sword.

  But what is surprising is that the broken sword body seems to have a black mist gushing out, making the surrounding environment gloomy and eerie.

  "An evil sword, this sword is absolutely extraordinary."

  In the private room on the third floor, Concubine Shixuan stood up abruptly, staring at the broken body of the black ancient sword, her eyes uncertain.


  "Discovered the top-grade sword of the heavens [Inverse Scale Sword] - worth 20000 heavenly points."

  At the same time, information about this black ancient sword emerged in Feng Chen's mind.

  "It turned out to be a reverse scale sword?"

  Feng Chen was a little surprised, but he didn't look on the surface, and said plainly:

  "This sword is called Ni Scale. There is a spirit in the sword, and it can be transformed into a human form to protect the sword master - it is worth 20000 Heavenly Secret Points."

  As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

  20000 Tianji points?

  Everyone was shocked by this number.

  The True Yuan Pill exchanged for just two hundred Heavenly Secret Points can make a Grandmaster Realm powerhouse break through four consecutive ranks.

  Everyone can't imagine what kind of treasure can be exchanged for [-] Tianji points.

  "Maybe it can make the powerhouse of the great master realm break through to the legendary realm of the unity of heaven and man!"

  Everyone guessed in their hearts, looking at the reverse scale sword with hot eyes, wishing it was their own sword

  "This broken sword is so valuable?"

  In the private room on the third floor, Sikong Zhaixing said with his eyes wide open, only to feel ants crawling all over his body.

  If it weren't for the fact that there were too many masters present, he would be unable to resist stealing the Reverse Scale Sword.

  Of course, he just thought about it, if he really dared to do this, he would definitely die without a place to be buried.

  "It turned out to be the legendary spirit sword?"

  "No wonder I feel a ferocious aura."

  "The strength of the Spirit of the Sword is by no means simple, at least above the Great Master Realm."

  Lu XiaoFeng said with narrowed eyes.

  He is well-informed, and he has only heard rumors about the spirit sword. This is the first time he has met.

  "The owner of Tianji really knows everything."

  "This sword is the reverse scale. It has been passed down since ancient times, and the last generation of sword masters is Han Fei, a descendant of the legal family."

  "After Han Fei's death, the widow wanted to seal up this sword, but I didn't expect that there would be a day when it would see the light of day again."

  As Ying Zheng said that, he gently wiped the blade of the Reverse Scale Sword, as if he was thinking about something.

  "It turned out to be Han Fei's sword?"

  A group of gangsters showed their shocked expressions again.

  There are hundreds of famous families in the Great Qin Dynasty, and even in other dynasties, there are countless believers.

  Among the hundred schools of thought, the four schools of Confucianism, Momoism and Taoism are the most widely spread and have the most believers.

  Han Fei is the most descendant of this generation of Legalists, and I don't know how many people admire him.

  If this sword flows into the rivers and lakes, it will definitely cause a lot of disputes, and masters from all walks of life will try their best to snatch it.

  "Is the First Emperor sure to exchange the Inverse Scale Sword for Heavenly Secret Points?"

  Feng Chen asked solemnly, this is a big business.

  "As soon as the widow says a word, it's hard for a horse to chase."

  "This Reverse Scale Sword and the 1000 Heavenly Mystery Points are willing to hand over all 823 to the Heavenly Mystery Building."

  "I just ask the owner of Tianji to point out the future rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty."

  Ying Zheng said very decisively.

  Feng Chen didn't talk nonsense, he raised his hand and took the Reverse Scale Sword directly into the system space.

  By the way, I crossed out the 1000 Tianji points on Qin Shihuang's account.

  "System, recover the Inverse Scale Sword."

  "Take 21000 Tianji points as the number to deduce the future rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty."

  Feng Chen meditated in his heart.

  Immediately afterwards, an incomparably mysterious and obscure aura rose from Feng Chen's body and shot straight into the sky.

  The void at the top of the Tianji Building swayed open like a curtain of water, turning into a vast starry sky.

  Countless stars shine and evolve into various patterns.

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