Luna stood behind Ying Zheng, and when he saw this scene, he was horrified beyond measure.

  Even the lord of the Yin-Yang family, Donghuang Taiyi, was determined not to be able to do such a method of evoking the heavenly phenomena.

  Ying Zheng's eyes were fixed on those patterns, and he seemed to see the rise and fall of an empire from them.

  I don't know how long it took, the stars changed faster and faster, and it became more and more cumbersome, and the entire starry sky seemed to be falling.

  In the end, hundreds of millions of stars in the sky were scrolled, forming four big characters:

  "Hu who died of Qin."

  Just before Ying Zheng could react, the stars scattered and merged with each other to form a new line of text:

  "The first emperor died and was divided.".

Chapter 58

  "Dead Qin Hu!"

  "The First Emperor Died!"

  Although these two lines of text appeared for a very short time, they were witnessed by everyone and kept in their hearts.

  For a while, the entire hall was silent.

  No one would have imagined that the result of the secret deduction turned out to be like this.

  Known as the most prosperous of the six Central Plains dynasties, the Great Qin Dynasty was in danger of subjugation.

  And this crisis is not thousands of years from now, just in the last few decades, or even years.

  This is really shocking.

  If it weren't for the popularity of Tianjilou today, everyone would definitely take this as a rumor to confuse everyone.

  After all, the strength that Daqin has shown is too strong now, even if the surrounding people are in awe of the Daqin Dynasty.

  They really couldn't understand what the 'Hu' of this Qin deceased Hu Zhong was, and could destroy the gigantic Qin state.

  "The widowed Da Qin is going to die?"

  Under the guard of the Iron Eagle Swordsman, Ying Zheng whispered, his face full of disbelief.

  What followed was endless silence, like a dead volcano, but anyone could feel Ying Zheng's monstrous anger.

  Dragons have inverse scales, they will die if you touch them!

  Daqin Jiangshan is Ying Zheng's inverse scale, no matter who wants to destroy his winner's legacy for thousands of years, he will never agree.

  "Your Majesty, this must be a nonsense, not trusted."

  Zhang Han, the leader of the Shadow Guard, couldn't help but say.

  As Ying Zheng's loyal guard, he has absolute loyalty and confidence in Da Qin, and he cannot accept the calculation result of 'Da Qin is about to die'.

  "shut up!"

  Ying Zheng snorted loudly, killing intent bursting out of his eyes.

  Zhang Han panicked in his heart, and hurriedly pleaded guilty and retreated.

  He had a strong feeling that if he dared to say another word just now, Ying Zheng would really kill him.

  All the heroes in the hall were silent.

  When the emperor was angry, he buried a million corpses.

  No one wanted to offend Ying Zheng at this juncture.

  Time passed by, Ying Zheng finally calmed down and asked Feng Chen:

  "I dare to ask the owner of Tianji, is the future already doomed? Can I change the fate of Qin's subjugation?"

  This is also a question that everyone is very concerned about, so they all look at Feng Chen.

  On the white jade platform, Feng Chen said indifferently: "The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is four or nine, and people escape one.¨."

  "The widow understands, thanks to the owner of Tianji for his guidance."

  Ying Zheng sincerely bowed to Feng Chen, then turned and left.

  Gai Nie, Luna, Zhao Gao, Zhang Han and others also turned around and left the Tianji Building after Shi Huang.

  Everyone watched Ying Zheng and his party leave, and they all smelled a faint smell of blood.

  It is conceivable that after Ying Zheng returned to Daqin, there would be a bloody storm.

  I don't know how many people's heads rolled to the ground.


  On the white jade stage, Feng Chen was in a good mood.

  This time, he helped Ying Zheng to deduce the secret, which made him earn a full 2100 points of the secret.

  This means that even if he does not complete the 'Sword God Ranking Prelude' quest, he can successfully exchange for the [Stunning Ranking].

  Thinking of this, Feng Chen couldn't help but look at Wu Zetian, who had a lot of secrets on him.

  Feeling Feng Chen's gaze, Wu Zetian felt a little nervous in his heart, as if he had just entered the palace to meet the emperor.

  With this kind of uneasy mood, Wu Zetian walked to the White Jade Stage step by step, Yingying bowed:

  "Tang Emperor Wu Zetian, I have seen the master of Tianji."

  This is the worship of the Son of Heaven, which has attracted a lot of people from all corners of the world to be amazed and admire Feng Chen to the extreme.

  In the whole world, I am afraid that only the owner of Tianji can make the most honorable queen in the world bow down.

  "Does Emperor Tang also want to deduce the future rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty?"

  Feng Chen asked with a smile.

  "I didn't prepare such a treasure as the Reverse Scale Sword."

  "On this trip, I just want to ask the owner of Tianji, what is the latest disaster in the Tang Dynasty?"

  Wu Zetian said slowly.

  "There are nine levels of misfortune, and the secret points required for each level are different. Which level of misfortune does your Majesty want to ask?"

  Feng Chen asked again.

  Wu Zetian pondered for a while, and said, "I only have 2000 celestial points on my body, so let's ask about a disaster worth 2000 celestial points."

  "2000 Secret Points? Is it the secret reward for killing Loma?"

  "It should be. It's no wonder that Emperor Tang's face is like a fairy. I'm afraid he has already taken Jiuling Rongxuezhi."

  "I was in Mingdu that day. Guo Juxia was beaten by a bad guy and vomited blood. He could only watch Luo Ma being killed."

  "Tang Huang is so lucky, if only I had Jiuling Rong Xuezhi."

  "Wake up, Jiuling Rong Xuezhi can only return to youth, it's a waste for you."

  "Tang Huang's question is really clever. I don't know what kind of disaster the landlord of Tianji will deduce."

  "If there are endless secrets, wouldn't it be possible to guarantee that Jiangshan's society will never be shaken?"

  "The question is where to get the endless secret spots."


  A group of gangsters began to discuss again.

  On the white jade stage, after Feng Chen ordered the system, he immediately got the result of the deduction of the heavenly secret.

  "The calamity that Emperor Tang asked to deduce has already been deduced by this landlord. Do you want to show it in public?"

  Dust said.

  Wu Zetian thought about it for a while, and said, "Please make it clear to the public."

  This kind of traitor, she is sure to kill.

  The purpose of letting Feng Chen be displayed in public is to leave evidence, otherwise those who are left behind in the DPRK will inevitably stand up against it.


  "This disaster is the [Yangzhou Mutiny]."

  "According to the results of the celestial deduction, it will happen in a month."

  "One of the masterminds: Wei Siwen, instructing the censor Xue Zhongzhang to arrest Chen Jingzhi, the governor of Yangzhou, on the charge of 'conspiracy to rebel'."

  "The second mastermind: Li Jingye, who pretended to be Yangzhou Sima came to take office, falsely passed the imperial decree to open the treasury, released the prisoners, and distributed armor to them for his own use."

  "The third mastermind: King Luo Bin, who wrote "Discussing Wu Zhao for Li Jingye", which lists various charges of the Tang emperor, but has not yet been published."

  "To this day, Li Jingye and his group have secretly recruited [-] soldiers, which will be expanded to [-] in a month."

  After Feng Chen finished speaking, Wu Zetian's face was as pale as paper.

  It's not fear, it's anger.

  She could never have imagined that Li Jingye and other people who were demoted would be so bold and want to rebel.

  If this matter really broke out, her face would be lost.

(money Zhao)

  In the hall, a group of gangsters were also shocked.

  Raising troops to rebel, this is a big crime to punish the nine clans, and it is the most forbidding emperor in all dynasties.

  Although this mutiny may not be able to shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty, the rebellion of more than [-] people, even if it can be wiped out, will seriously damage the country.

  "The owner of Tianji is very grateful, I am very grateful."

  When Wu Zetian came back to his senses, his first reaction was to bow to Feng Chen.

  "This landlord is only doing things according to the rules of Tianjilou, and Emperor Tang has nothing to be grateful for."

  Feng Chen said flatly.

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